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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Wait until you are back and see what is happening to the script-a-holics, maybe we all have given up and retired from scripting!
  2. Very nice! Sue if I'm not mistaken you are almost flying home for Christmas and I wish you a wonderful time with your children and grandchildren! For the grands it will be such a special X-mas with their granny present. Have a safe trip and come back with many new photos of the places you are visiting. See you in a couple of weeks!
  3. Jannette a very lovely bird calendar! Are you going to print it yourself, or get it printed? By the way I'm happy for you that your computer problem is solved and that that virus didn't do too much harm!
  4. Thanks Monique, it is a lovely font and I couldn't resist 😊
  5. Your book is fantastic and it will look so cool when printed. It will be hard to equal this gift and I hope your son-in-law will appreciate it and love it because it holds all those memories to cherish for a very long time. I'll try to remember the idea of using a watercolor background in a photo album for my own future albums!
  6. Donna I like what you did with the date boxes, another idea to keep in mind for next year
  7. Mary a fantastic result and a real labor of love to do so many pages. I have no doubt your album will look great too. I have done a couple of albums and got those printed as well. Over here in the Netherlands I can use a printing service that offers flat binding and that gives the opportunity to have the double pages without the need to adapt them for printing.
  8. My first idea for this Button Challenge was a Button Tree, but luckily I noticed Sue has already done one and I didn't want to do something similar. As you can see I emptied by button box and made a bauble with some decorations. I mostly used the picture tubes that are inside PSP but changed some of their colors to give it a more christmas feel. Their original colors are more suited for Easter in my opinion at least. The decorations come from my stash and are by Marissa Lerin.
  9. I use the print layout from PSP where you have the flexibility to put your page the way it fit best but there still is a white strip that you have to cut off or use for making holes to bind all the pages together, like Sue mentioned. If you want your page fitting the A-4 format like we use in Europe you have to alter the calendar pages from the workshop.
  10. We did run an extra anti virus scan to be sure, but as I said before no virus! So nothing else to do but wait for an answer by Corel.
  11. Mary I too print direct from PSP and for me that works well!
  12. I used print shops a lot for my photo albums and was very satisfied, but as I'm in the Netherlands that doesn't help you! My cards and calendars I print at home on our Canon printer and we are very happy with the result; we never have had problems of any kind. I print my calendars on matte photopaper and it is looking very fine! For my cards I alternated between matte or glossy photopaper. The problem is that we only have A-4 paper for the calendar and that is not totally comparable with the American standard. As a solution I use the full width of the A-4 paper and print the calendar with its bottom at the bottom of the A-4 paper which leaves me with a small empty strip at the top. I can cut that strip off or leave it as is and punch 2 holes in that strip instead of the calendar itself so I can bind the pages with a nice ribbon or string. Sometimes I color that strip in the color of the background of the page before printing. The recipients of my calendars are always very happy with their new copy for the next year and often save the part with the photos and use that for their own paper crafts; that is the reason I never put something overlapping the photo part of the calendar.
  13. Thank you Jannette, I'm pretty sure I don't have any virus on my pc. My husband is very cautious and runs a scan every week and we have a good antivirus program installed too. I have this little problem, I think since starting with PSP2023. I can avoid it by checking carefully where I save my work, but when I'm in a hurry and just save without looking then I have this annoying issue.
  14. Just a small X-mas star with a decoration. As most of you know I'm taking the Scripting Course and in this week's lesson we had to use a preset shape and rotate it. Then write a (simple) script using what we had learned in that lesson. For fun I used a star preset shape and when finished with the lesson I thought well that looks like a nice X-mas star. The result from the lesson was quite small because we had to use a 200x200 image. This evening I played a bit with that script and redid it on a 400x400 image. After running the script I placed a decoration on it and I have something to use on cards or whatever related to X-mas. I love it when I can make something with the knowledge I'm getting in this course.
  15. Wow, this is not an easy question; I think it will need at first the chapters and than the many topics related to that particular chapter. A chapter could be about all the different ways to use the tools, like the brush tool, selection tool. Vectors would be a topic that I could have used. I'll have to think a bit more about this and come back when I have more ideas.
  16. Sherie I have the same problem if I'm not very careful to save in the correct place! When I was following the calendar workshop I have been searching many folders for elements I wanted to use and very often I didn't pay attention to where I saved my page. When I wanted to work on it later I had to search for it through a lot of my supplies folders, or even use the search function. But when I pay close attention where I save my project all is well and it is in the intended folder! It is a nuisance! So I'm very glad you contacted Corel support and hope you will share the solution to this annoying problem. Thank you for taking action!
  17. Bonnie I'm so glad that you could find the time to resize your calendar pages so we could enjoy them. They are lovely and will print well, should you decide to do so. I hope your care duties will stay manageable and leave you some time for yourself!
  18. Monique a very nice job and I like what you have done so far!
  19. Ann you have made a great gift for your granddaughter with this lovely calendar!
  20. And here is my cover with a photo that I intended to use on one of the month's pages where it didn't fit. I had the same problem on the cover but could solve that by using a mask before I pasted it into the coverpage which gave me space to put a title that stayed readable. I tried different backgrounds but this one gave the best result as far as the page-mask is concerned. The title font is the same as I used for the month names: Almond script and the year is Bilderberg. I'm still debating with myself if I shall put the names of the flowers on the pages. The problem is that I know the English common names but most of the flowers I showed are not known here. So the English names won't have a meaning especially so for the intended German speaking recipient. Of course I can use the Latin names, but that won't have much meaning as well. Not all the months are completely finished yet, I will work at bit more on some of them.
  21. Rene so sorry to hear, hope that all goes well in the end. What a miserable end to 2023. All the best and let us know if possible, how you are doing!
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