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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. P = Pizza Hut, another chain for pizza!
  2. Yes I have used blendmodes to all the images under the date boxes and for some background gradients too. I have used different ones because different colors needs different blendmodes to get the effect I want. I always check in the layers palette which one I'll choose and very often I reduce the opacity too. I have PSP 2023 and in this version you can scroll along the blendmodes and see on your image what it would look like. For me one of the great assets of this version.
  3. Thank you, found it and it had an active download. Redownloaded and removed the old one.
  4. No notification for me too, after reading this I'll check in the store because I have this script for maybe 2 years now.
  5. Already many, many years ago when I was in the Swiss Alps, it was - 20c but when we were at or near the summit of a mountain (by cable car) there was a very strong wind blowing too. There were warnings in place that the wind chill would be -40c and everyone was advised to take shelter in the restaurant and not linger outside! It was a clear day and the views were amazing, but at that point I hadn't a camera with me.
  6. Ann beat me to the answer, because I do the same and this way you can even add more than 2. I didn't try how many you can add but occasionally I have done 4 or 5.
  7. Here are my finished pages for November and December. I intended to use the same technique of "find all edges" on a duplicate of the photo, but I found that it works great on some photos and their pages but not on all! I want to be consistent so I skipped that idea and did something else instead. I search through my stock for images relating to the particular month or season and put that image under the boxes. Of course I have to use a blendmode to give the desired result and the blendmodes are different for each page depending on the colors of the image and the gradient on the page. For December I maybe overdid it with all the decorations but it is the month you can go over the top! Now again I have to alter my other pages as well, luckily I hadn't done them all yet! After that I have to alter some of the pages from German to Dutch and not all the extra holidays are the same. But that will be peanuts. Only the German calendar has to go in the international mail, the rest stays here and I bring those with me when we meet the intended recipient.
  8. All the above looks so elegant and will go fantastic on a label or a card, love them!
  9. The script for the date boxes is really convenient and gives you many options to customize to your liking. But you have to understand how it works and read the instructions carefully. Because at the start you have to "draw" in a small box how your boxes will look. I'm very bad at drawing by hand but I discovered that I could use a preset shape too and convert it to a raster layer and merged it down so I had one little box with my design. After that I just follow the script. Good luck!
  10. Thank you Lynda, if you mean the date boxes: Yes that is a script from Carole and I have used before because I do more calendars as gifts and wanted those to look all differently. And for the script that made the background behind those boxes: it's one that comes from Corel and I don't remember if it was one of the weekly freebies they offer or that it was already inside my PSP when I bought it initially.
  11. Susan good question, I noticed the same in 2023 but have been busy making the calendars. It doesn't seem to do any harm when I change the font and the size of that new font.
  12. After the "font" discussion back to my calendars and these months are almost done now. I didn't like the black date numbers and have changed them to a middle/dark grey color for all the months; the outlines of the boxes are very thin and I kept those in black to keep them visible. In the lesson from today was the option to color the boxes mentioned and I gave it a try but didn't like it. All my pages have a gradient and then some part of the boxes has a slightly different color than another part, which didn't look great even with the opacity lowered or a blendmode. But I wanted something to fill those boxes and it should not be very obvious too. After some trying different options I took the same photo as in the page and in the scripts I have inside PSP I choose the find all edges. I know how to do this manually, but the script is much quicker. After that I put the resulting image in the date boxes and played with the blendmodes and opacity until I liked what I got. More work now to do this for all the other months!
  13. I don't have decorated yet. After Dec 5th I'm going to and that is after we had "Sinterklaas" although we no longer celebrate this. I have kept that "rule" for so long now that it doesn't feel right to start before. Of course I have a couple of those little lights dotted around the living but that has more to do with the fact that it is getting dark so early now. Since we moved to this much smaller house 6 years ago, we don't have the space any longer for a big tree and we don't have much storage space either. But on top of our cupboards I always have garlands with small decorations and lights, we have a sweet little fake tree (no photo) and I can't go without Pointsettias. The rest of the deco varies, depending if we have company or go somewhere else. One item is always present and that is the candle holder that my youngest granddaughter made 6 years ago, although we now have battery operated lights for it. Outside I mostly have some lights in a plant on the patio and maybe I do a wreath with light and fir-cones on the table outside. On the front we have not much space and there is a streetlight directly in front of our house. Next to the frontdoor we do have a light but we almost never use it thanks to that streetlight; no problem there finding the keyhole.
  14. July and August with some of the dates in another color. At first I wanted to make all the weekend days for all the pages in the same color, so it would be coherent. That didn't work because the backgrounds of my pages have different colors and besides white and black there wasn't one color suitable for all. Therefore I took a color from each page for the weekend dates for that page. If a month has special days like X-mas I'll give them a different color and probably a short text. Family birthdays will be added later on. Now I'll go back to my other pages for adjustments. I post every day the pages of that day and lesson. When we are at the end of the workshop the last pages will be completed and I'll have to go back to update the earlier ones.
  15. You are not the only one that is addicted!😆
  16. I have altered the date boxes for the weeks to start on Monday. I have Carole's Custom Calendar script for 2 years now and it works great and is a timesaver too. The script gives the opportunity to choose a different format for the boxes and you can design them too. But I wanted a simple shape, nothing fancy so I can write things inside them. Therefore I have them on the full width of the page. I have spend some time to find a font that I like and that has the glyphs I want. For the time being I have put the month's name in the middle of the page, maybe I'll change it later. I will use the same font for all the months but change the color to match the pages. Font is Almond script. Now I'll have to see what the dates for all the holidays in 2024 are. Some of course are always the same, but not all. And I have to search the ones for Switzerland too, because some of theirs are not celebrated here and visa versa.
  17. I watched it too, but not all episodes. Sometimes we forgot or there was another interesting program on Dutch tv. We always forget to record and if we do, we somehow haven't the time to watch it later.
  18. And this are the pages March and April, by the way when I change the font I will change language too. One copy of this calendar will be in German and one in Dutch, because I have to make X-mas presents for different countries and languages! But it will be easy, only the months and the days of the week. All my pages will go by the same principle but the colors will change depending on the colors of the flowers in the photos.
  19. Here is the preview of January and February. I used the technique showed in the lesson with a twist. Instead of using 2 solod colors and the gradient faded background I used one solid color as a base and then chose a matching gradient on an extra raster layer and took it down and played with the blendmodes until I got something that I liked. Fot this 2 pages I used the same color and gradient only with a different blendmode. I will change the font much later in this project so I can do them all in one go. I will probably change the date boxes too because over here the week starts with a Monday.
  20. Carole the handout for lesson 2 for the diamond members is the same as in lesson 1!
  21. Take good care of your husband and yourself and let PSP be the much needed diversion from your sores. We will be here waiting for you when you are ready.
  22. I gladly admit that you are one of the persons that have greatly influenced me together with Annie Tobin, who I still miss very much. We had some private contact too. Of course today I see more things that catches my eye and I then think what can I do with this or that. I'm still learning every day I do another project and that's why I like this weekly challenges here in the Campus, besides the things like cards that I do for specific purposes. When I look back to when I first started scrapping I hardly recognize my first attempts. Practice doesn't make perfect yet, but it certainly helps!
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