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Mary Solaas

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Everything posted by Mary Solaas

  1. I'm not happy this time. I tried to make a folded napkin, but it's not pretty! lol! I am also not really happy with the cutlery as I would really like to make it look like metal not plastic. I am drinking hot chocolate with those tiny marshmallows. I added cheese this time to the sandwich. The placemat is from Rush Ranch- Helpful kit. I like the dark oak table.
  2. I have not changed my workspace since the first bootcamp I attended. I like the light grey background and the palette that Carole Cassel uses. However, I notice that Ann Seeber is adding the Organizer palette to hold the pictures etc. she will be using in the layout. Well, I had used it at first and then discarded the idea. But, I think I will use it again as Ann is.
  3. Michele - I use point-to-point, connect segments, show nodes. I use a tablet and pen (getting used to that).
  4. OK. I've been playing around ((SO OCD)). I couldn't make the curved papers with the pen tool UNTIL I made the path go around the sides of the layer to meet with the beginning of the curve. Then I could make the magic wand select the inside of the path in order to color the "curved paper". Then trouble with using the Vector paint script - maybe it had to do with F11 ???? I'm not sure at this point. I also used the Vector Tube script to make the chain edge and the rope edge. The scalloped edge was made with the Vector Paint script. So here are my results. The 2nd layout shows how I had to go around the edge of the paper in order to make the different colored pages (I pulled the edge made with the rope forward - that's why it is not actually on the edge of the page).
  5. Next layout for the Chattanooga trip. Papers and elements are my own.
  6. Ran across this layout that I played with when doing one of the recent labs. The window was "snowy window" and a freebie around Christmas 2021 and I removed the snow; the curtain top was something I was looking for to hide the top of the "netting" curtain I had used in that lab. I'm not sure where it came from but was probably originally from PS. All the rest is mine.
  7. OK - still working on 2022's Alphabet Challenge. Finished R is for Route 66. Such a long road and so many interesting places to see and take pictures of. I tried to take representative pictures of the places within the states covered, but I didn't have pictures of Illinois (on Route 66) although I've been over that road many times, and I didn't have pictures of the road in California since I've never been to Santa Monica (although I've been to Barstow - but no pictures). Anyway - this is my take on the route.
  8. Bonnie - great layout and I love the extractions at the bottom of the page. Well done.
  9. Lab 10 Mod 10. Requirements: Cross pattern - made several papers and the background is one; Grosgrain Ribbon - made several and the short ribbon in the cluster is one of them; Mushroom - this was interesting - made several and grouped them here with a piece of grass from Creative Fabrica. Rest of the stuff is from my stash. The font is Ballpark. The pictures were taken by me and Laurie on a trip there in 2020.
  10. Thank you. Since I am not going to be with my daughter today, I WILL attend this class,
  11. I've lost my invite to attend the Master Class this afternoon. Help.
  12. Here is my take on the Sketch. The pictures of the Grand Canyon were taken by me on a trip we took in 2008. Winter hung on a long time that year and though it was in the later part of May, snow was coming in as we drove through the South Rim road. I really wanted to take pictures of the Colorado River at the bottom of the canyon and it really showed up as we drove further down the road and stopped off at one of the areas where you could get close to the edge. The colors used were from the palette obtained with the 2nd Palette Script. I also used the ClipToIt script. I made a pspimage template of the sketch. All the elements and papers are mine. The title font is Aryaduta.
  13. Thanks - forgot about that vector paint script. I really need to sort things out - I've got so much stuff!!!!! LOL
  14. I just knew that that old pen tool was involved. I'm becoming used to using a tablet and pen and the pen tool I'm trying to get used to (the one in PSP).
  15. Marie-Claire - I really like this layout. Everything flows together well. I am interested on how you did the edging to the scalloped side paper.
  16. OK - I tried again. Open the Nexus Font and SELECT THE UNINSTALLED FONT, open PSP and the font will appear in the font window in PSP. GREAT!!!
  17. Doesn't seem to work. Did I not hold my mouth just right?
  18. So I installed Nexus Font Viewer and by itself it is great. Now - How do I get PSP 2022 to recognize its folders when I want to choose an uninstalled font but one which is in Nexus Font Viewer?
  19. There it is!! Cute cats. Always like what DBMagnolia posts.
  20. Marie-Claire - I can't see your picture - something wrong with the Url
  21. Well, I posted in the Scrapbooking Facebook and in the gallery in my album.
  22. Love the advice and love the cats
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