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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. I've posted the patterns (*.png's) on the Facebook page.  Seems like that accepts all forms (*.pspimage, *.png, *.jpg  - and all sizes).  Anyway, someone mentioned the heart paper and triangle paper so I also posted them.  All are free to use.  

    Susan - could you post the *.png overlay you made on Facebook?  I would like to have it just as you used it since I won't have to extract it, etc. LOL

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  2. Suzy and Susan.  It is not easy to use and since it was free I just messed around with it.  PSP is easier and especially since Carole is so good at explaining things and knows so much.  You all can have the patterns I managed to make as noted above or I can post them as png's on Facebook (can I?)  Only if you want to.  I have to quit.  I made one more pattern and 1 more paper but it is too time consuming for me to continue with it.  It won't do what I would really like it to do.  I have a few ideas in mind since fractals are just repetitive patterns in nature. I'll post the new pattern and the new paper here.

    MLS Paper Koch Curve-2_600.jpg

    MLS Pattern Koch Curve-2.jpg

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  3. There are so many tools in PSP.  But I did download that fractal explorer that Kasany was talking about.  Played around with it in my OCD phase about papers and patterns.  Well I made 2 patterns out of that and then thought about psp's preset shapes and the heart shape and so I'll show you what I have been doing instead of what I should be doing!!LOL!!!

    MLS Koch Snowflake Mask.jpg

    MLS PatternTriangle 6 iterations-square.jpg

    MLS Pattern 4 Hearts.jpg

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  4. 4 hours ago, kasany said:

    Yes, I use Fractal Explorer PARAMETERS | OUR FRACTAL GARDEN which I knew many years ago. 

    I did download Fractal Explorer but haven't had a chance to play with it yet.  I just love what you are doing with it.  I did think about the repeat patterns in nature and thought about the repeats in a flower especially - the petals, the sepals.  Never really thought about it until your postings.  Love what you do.

  5. 1 hour ago, Michele said:

    The background paper I used is from CF's Tangerine Dreams set. I found the illustration years ago, probably on a Google search (the game is repeating the daily themes from 2016, but I'm trying to create new pics every day). I clipped the girl and added her on top of the background layer several times at very low opacity; I'm not sure if that made the BG look too busy. Cass's Mitered Corner Frame script is one of my favorites and saved me a lot of time creating this frame. You can't see it at this size, but the ribbon frame has a Multiply blend mode, letting the background show through a bit.  The font is Anton.



    I really love what you did with the background paper.  And, looks like I'll have to order the mitered frame script.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 6/10/2023 at 7:13 PM, Julie Magerka said:

    I am embarrassed to say how many times I tried to create the paper as shown in Lab 13, Mod 6. I get the weirdest configuration when I flood fill with the image I have. I have checked and re-checked over and over the directions in the video and this is still what I get. I know it's me, but I can't figure out what precisely it is. punchedpaper.thumb.JPG.6146d3f62007341d094c48dd503a7254.JPGs!

    I followed your instructions and this is what I came up with as a paper

    MLS Paper Lab 13 Mod 6-1_600.jpg

    • WOW 1
  7. Kasany - how do you do your fractals?  They look like some of the stuff done with the Kaleidescope effect in PSP and some of the other tools, but only kind of.

    Corrie - I have a pspimage of a national highway sign which are the other ones in that pattern.  How can I get it to you? Does Facebook accept pspimages?

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  8. Lovely things you are working on.  That paint frame is intriguing.  I made 2 from transparent ribbons and downloaded the freebie from Cassel but haven't used them yet.  I'm just OCDing about patterns for papers.  In working my way through the alphabet challenge from 2022 I can't make up my mind about V - vacatiion? or Valentine Day? So I made a pattern of cars and road signs for a paper for vacation (since I really like road trips).  I'll show you the pattern and one of the papers I made from it.  I haven't yet played with that cut out circle.  I'll also include the 2 transparent ribbon frames in a later post.

    MLS  Pattern Travel .jpg

    MLS Paper Travel-2_600.jpg

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  9. On 6/10/2023 at 7:13 PM, Julie Magerka said:

    I am embarrassed to say how many times I tried to create the paper as shown in Lab 13, Mod 6. I get the weirdest configuration when I flood fill with the image I have. I have checked and re-checked over and over the directions in the video and this is still what I get. I know it's me, but I can't figure out what precisely it is. punchedpaper.thumb.JPG.6146d3f62007341d094c48dd503a7254.JPGs!

    Well, Julie, it might not be as in the directions, but it would be an interesting paper.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    This is my next intro page and it is about the weekend trip we took to Arizona because my son in law wanted to go to the Overland Expo! He went there for one and a half days and had the time of his life. My oldest granddaughter went with her dad for the first 1/2 day while the rest of us (my daughter, youngest granddaughter and I) visited the Museum of North Arizona that has an amazing art collection of the Hopi's, Navaho's, Apaches and other tribes. En route from the airport in Phoenix to Flagstaff we also visited Montezuma Castle, a big pueblo build inside a cave. The second day, son in law again to the Expo and the rest to the Grand Canyon, which is hardly to describe, spectacular!!!! The third day on our way back to Phoenix we visited Sedona and the Red Rocks, which were also very, very beautiful. Near Phoenix the highway is through the desert, another new experience for me. It were 3 days packed with so many new adventures and of course many photos to remember it all.

    This page took me a lot of time to do with all the tiny details. The font is Perfectly Vintage and photos are mine except the flyer of the Expo which I found on Google.  

    Intro Weekend Trip 2-600.jpg

    Beautifully done, Corrie.  Amazing trip.  I love this area and have visited it a number of times.  Always spectacular.  So glad you got to enjoy this weekend trip.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 19 hours ago, Suzy said:

    Here is what I'm working on - the July Blogtrain kit.   I'm not sure what I need to add, or what I need to take away, but there is too much text. I'm not big on ribbons and bows, or buttons, and I can't really think of something small yet 3-D. I think Marisa has resin flowers over there I can add. It's one of those, "But why would I add a rose when we are talking about tomatoes?"  I think I need to just suck it up and add the darn rose!

    Here goes the test run, sneak peek. I think you'll recognize Cassel's phrase strips, her datestamp 10 (altered) ,and I would say subway text, but I did it manually. In the background, I used shadow placer and open as a copy and open as a layer. I need to BUY the large paper preview set in the store. https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_10&products_id=72.  I used the one they have there at Pixelscrappers, but it is super hard to use, being that it is just a template and is not automated. :))))


    I need one favor from you all -- the slice of tomato was made by me using that spark AI. Generally speaking, I personally think AI is creepy, ad if you don't believe me, put a pic of your dog in there are see what it comes up with. YIKES!

    Edited to add: So I need to know for sure this tomato is not creepy before I put it in a kit for real.  Let me know, OK? ESPECIALLY if you think it is bad.


    Summer Tomatoes Preview 600.jpg

    Suzy - the tomato slice is not creepy. I love what AI does.  I've made sketches, art, png's and if you don't like what they do the first time, just say ignite again and it will give you something different.  This looks like a great kit (but I don't like the caterpillars and moths that attack the plant)

    • Like 2
  12. Have now finished U in my Alphabet Soup Album.  On to V.  Might be Valentine - not sure.

    All elements and papers are my own as well as the pictures taken at Union City.  I have noted the photographer of the city picture and where I got the journaling on the layout.

    U is for Union City, TN_600.jpg

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  13. 15 hours ago, Suzy said:

    Here is what I'm working on - the July Blogtrain kit.   I'm not sure what I need to add, or what I need to take away, but there is too much text. I'm not big on ribbons and bows, or buttons, and I can't really think of something small yet 3-D. I think Marisa has resin flowers over there I can add. It's one of those, "But why would I add a rose when we are talking about tomatoes?"  I think I need to just suck it up and add the darn rose!

    Here goes the test run, sneak peek. I think you'll recognize Cassel's phrase strips, her datestamp 10 (altered) ,and I would say subway text, but I did it manually. In the background, I used shadow placer and open as a copy and open as a layer. I need to BUY the large paper preview set in the store. https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_10&products_id=72.  I used the one they have there at Pixelscrappers, but it is super hard to use, being that it is just a template and is not automated. :))))


    I need one favor from you all -- the slice of tomato was made by me using that spark AI. Generally speaking, I personally think AI is creepy, ad if you don't believe me, put a pic of your dog in there are see what it comes up with. YIKES!

    Edited to add: So I need to know for sure this tomato is not creepy before I put it in a kit for real.  Let me know, OK? ESPECIALLY if you think it is bad.


    Summer Tomatoes Preview 600.jpg

    Suszy - really neat kit - just add the tomato flower - it's a pretty yellow flower

  14. 1 hour ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Hi, I'm back from my journey to visit my daughter & co and have been reading all the comments in the different sections of the Campus for over an hour now, you all have been busy! I had a massive jetlag and although I attended the masterclass this Sunday I definitively have to rewatch it, nothing registered with me. 

    I have had a great time and am starting to make a photobook as I did before. I'm going to make a scrapbook page as introduction to the different topics of the book. After each intro page comes the "normal" pages with all my photos and stories. I don't do all the pages as a scrapbook page, that would take me months to do and family and friends over here are waiting to see my book with all the photos!

    I'll show the different intro pages as I finish them in this section of the Campus; they are still in random order because for some I need to do an internet search. This time they are rectangles because my book will be a rectangle and this way they cover a whole page, which I regret not doing last year.

    SFO intro-600.jpg

    Corrie - this is beautiful.  Glad you are back and so glad you had a wonderful time.  Looking forward to what you post about your trip.  On another note - I never thought about doing a scrapbook photobook as an 8-1/2 X 11 rectangle - great thought.  

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  15. OK, Sue.  I added shadows.  Since I had merged the papers and frames around the picture, I chiseled the group and then shadowed it.  Also decided to do a flip on the ribbon and had separated the shadow for it.  Also, decided that it needed something more - just too stark as it was, so I added Cass scattered petals.

    2023 Freebie Challenge_600.jpg

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  16. Sue - love your work with the frames.

    This is my take.  All papers and elements are mine.  Played with framing using papers and the selection tools, as well as playing with inner bevel.  The freebie I cut out on the tag and then inner beveled it.

    2023 Freebie Challenge_600.jpg

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