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Everything posted by Suzy

  1. I'm sorry Trish, I don't know where it goes. I *think* the clipboard empties when you restart and everything goes *pouf*. Here is mine. I hate it. I thought it looked like a for sale sign with that ribbon crossed at the top - and added the chains but didn't bother centering them because the whole thing is awful. What I learned -- Note to self: Use a straight ribbon if you're worried about it. That warp brush was horrible. Question: why didn’t she smooth or feather that oval (photo) selection? And why isn’t it pixilated? Promote selection to a layer. (Never did this before) Using the Hue map (which I had never done before) Warp brush to straighten ribbon (which I will leave to the experts) Spacing and directions on 1/4 fold or 4-fold card with text inside. (which I shall remember)
  2. Oh, yeah, tags. LOL! I was thinking they had a special name when I wrote that! Yes, and template for those utilizing a full sheet of paper (cardstock) would be great, but it occurred to me that only about half of us think 8.5” x 11” is a common size. ? Those are really nice tags. The blue one has sooo much beautiful detail - it would take me a couple hours to make it! And another couple to think it up…..the teeny tiny sleighs and stars are just so perfect! And Sharla, you wouldn’t believe how many friends of mine celebrate Chinese New Year when they have no Chinese - or even Asian- ancestry at all! That circular rabbit element is gorgeous, and once again, a gorgeous gold color and shine. I really need to learn that!
  3. Here ya go, here is mine. I cheated….I started keeping track of where this stuff is located. That way I can look it up in the future when I can’t remember the exact directions, LOL! Card 1 - resizing using the top, bottom, left and right. I knew it was to be used how you used it, but I never saw the potential until Card 1. The exact instructions instead of me floundering around helped, too. Reminder, the right-click paint can dropper. Reminder, duplicating the font and turning the bottom one into a raster with shadow. What I didn’t understand: why don’t you use “open as copy” script for all these instead of opening and closing so many? Card 2 - the 25 px stripe x 4 from the little 100 px square box. Card 3 - the amazing Diamond pattern. That is my favorite! I also liked how the border was interrupted by the flower line…and the flower line went outside the border. I had never thought of that before. Plus, I love that font, especially the letter W, and now I have it! (Thanks to Trish and Sharon) Card 4 - I didn’t know the corner cutters went on the edge/to the edge of the paper and the corner cutter brushes went just inside the corner. (And I know those words aren’t right, but hopefully people know what I mean.) Card 5 - the BIGGIE is that I finally understand why you are so enamored with Groups with the stork. All this time I’ve been using the link layers command, but I can see now that what I really needed was Groups. (I always figured out of sight out of mind, and I’d forget, but I don’t forget.) I also like how the stork is just a wee bit out of the circle. Now, what I learned from the other posters is just as long a list, I might add. People do a little name dropping on places where they acquired images or filters, or whatever, so I picked up some really good stuff and new ideas. So a big shout out to the other classmates who had such amazing ideas for cards. This is an excellent class! We need those little Christmas package To: From: . cards…do those have a name? You could print maybe 9 or 12 large ones on a single sheet of paper and save a bunch of money! (That’s what my White Elephant cards were…they go on a package designated for no one in particular in a white elephant gift exchange. It occurred to me after I posted it and looked at it with all the other cards that people from other countries might not know what it was.)
  4. Marie-Clare, That is such a darling card!!! The text, the graphics and the execution - just darling! Sue, You are right, but I comment on the two or three above mine. And your text is amazing. I want to learn how to do that C - actually I know how to do it, I want the ability to see the opportunity. To have the design ability to do it. To even think of doing it. Sometimes I look at a blank canvas and cannot think of what to do for the title. Ann your gold is amazing --very pretty and realistic, I'm going to look for Rocket? gradient? Horror Story and the corner punches really came out nice looking with lots of detail. And here is mine to give credence to my comment to Sue about title work. There was just no where to put it!
  5. Thanks, Trish! I think I will change my card with the newer font which I like a LOT better than the one I used. (kontikienchanted).
  6. Christine, you did a great job for a rookie, but it does take a long time, doesn't it? I'm not even a rookie and I bet I spent 5 hours on this stupid thing! Lesley, same here! I can't even see, so when I add a new layer, I actually do not use the default "Raster 1" or whatever, I use something like "Border"or the exact text, e.g. on my card "Get Well Soon". That helps a little bit. Not a lot but a little! Carole is a fan of "groups", so pay attention to those. She might have 5 or 6 layers in a group, so that shortens the long list by a lot. I really want that font, Holiday Melodine?, but it's a little too expensive. I didn't see the bundle! Bonnie gave me this idea, thank you! -- for everybody at the Daffodil Society meeting to sign! Ok. I pretty much have no idea how to get it in the forum from the gallery, so here goes!
  7. Suzy


    Hi, I really like this a lot! The single photo is a good idea.
  8. Oh, shoot! I missed Carole! I wanted her to see my keylines from the Q&A Session!!! Here is my Day 2. I made it into a thank you card. Although I *did* make a border, it didn't fit with my vision, and likewise the thicker ribbon border, so I eliminated both. My idea on this is to maybe make it a quarter fold card (thanks for the name for that, Susan Ewart!) So I left some room to allow for the smaller size.
  9. LOL, Cindy! That's how I feel too! Dianne, I wanted to comment on your printer observation - and thank you for reminding me! I have had many, many printers in my time, and I haven't had a one that printed blocks of color well reliably. And your little graphic is adorable and a special fillip. All, I am so impressed - you have outdone yourselves and it shows! I would be happy to mail out any of these cards!
  10. Here is mine. Photo from Unsplash, Mara Ket fotobienephoto
  11. This is really, really nice, Bonnie, and that word art cloud is the best I’ve ever seen….lots of different sizes and directions. So many little details…the light wood court, the white sneaker stamp.Congratulations on a really great LO!
  12. I’ve registered, but I’m not very good at it, never send them, and have severe troubles when it comes to print. The only cards I’ve figured out how to print are postcards….namely dues notices for the Daffodil Society, LOL! I feel triumphant because my name and address are on the backside, and facing the right direction! I also just did a postcard for daffodil show publicity for 2023, single sided. Anything that folds is a headache for me, so I am looking forward to learning some tricks! I also have a double sided printer, so perhaps that will help me?! Do any of you remember when cards were a single piece of paper folded into quarters, and not made from cardstock at all?
  13. Wow! This is beautiful! Just beautifully done!
  14. I love how it's set off in the off-kilter circle. Such a creative treatment of an adorably hilarious photo. A keeper!
  15. This is super-nice and so creative on the color! How did you find three things that matched perfectly? I think the rings in the BG really set it off, along with the frames and gorgeous title work and creative title...it just speaks to me.:)
  16. I like the watercolor and splash effect, but really, it's the DOG that is shown off so well! :))
  17. This series is amazing! I love the title work, and the papers and elements you chose for ALL of the LOs...really made some basic templates shine and shows off your jewelry perfectly!
  18. This is adorable - I know EXACTLY what your title means, so congratulations!
  19. Suzy

    TREASURE HUNT - 2022

    Fiona, I’m stuck on 9, also, but I found another answer to the question with no balloons… am giving up.
  20. Suzy

    TREASURE HUNT - 2022

    Rene, thank you! The screen changes and searches are taking forever now. I’ll try again this evening. Thank you!
  21. Suzy

    TREASURE HUNT - 2022

    Janette, me, too! YEARS!!! ? except I’m STILL not finished! I need help! I found the answer to number #9 several different places, but none had a balloon bouquet! here is just one of many, to prove I’ve been trying!
  22. Suzy

    TREASURE HUNT - 2022

    I have 5 to go….2, 3, 5, 9 and 11. They all have to do with setting up PSP which I did in BOOTCAMP!!! I have no idea about my head on Madonna’s body. Maybe I need to look at it all a different way, tomorrow. Carole, you did a great job, diabolical, but great, ?
  23. Hmmm, I am looking for the name of the script that will take something with many parts which are alreay on one layer in a .png, and put them each on different layers in the same layered file document. I want to separate all these flowers without having to do it manually. I am working in the Seamless Pattern script and don't want to have to extract all these individually. I *could* use the alpha one, er, I think, but then I have to open a million files.
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