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  1. Wow, I'm getting the same tingle I experience every time I walk into an office supply store. I do love the category and often dreamed of having my own store so I could play all day! LOL They look so real here I'm running off to get water for the snake plant!
    4 points
  2. We had terrible weather this last couple of days and I, amongst other things, rewatched the last masterclass Craft Your Desk. I made the office supplies that were demonstrated in the class and I'm sure they will come in handy on a later moment. Nevertheless I wanted to show them and made a simple layout and added some other suitable items that I already had done some time ago. The only things that I didn't made are the plant and the icons on the letterboard, they came from my stash.
    4 points
  3. Hopefully we'll have a Master Class part two on the office supplies. and we could do school supplies, remember those pan paints with 12 colors? Then there's art supplies. Oh, so many master classes waiting to happen.
    3 points
  4. We have them at work that stick close to the door we go in. We have table out there by the grassy spots and they will come and sleep when we are sitting there. they lay on their sides and totally zonk out. When I came up the walkway last friday, my co-workers motioned me to stop. One was sleeping right by where I would walk and one was sleeping about 3 feet from the co-working sitting at the table. I just love them. You photo is stunning, it just makes me want to reach in and pet it. I love it when they get up and stretch like a cat or dog does.
    3 points
  5. Every day now, new birds are arriving as they congregate before making their long journey south for the winter. The trees are once again bursting with song. So many juveniles are returning. They all make use of the bird baths, and fill up on the seeds I scatter on the ground.
    3 points
  6. I am still fascinated by various fonts. The font I used is a called maiandra is my computer fonts. The font pages were originally created in Photoshop from an editable text effect called "soft" that I downloaded from deeezy.com. Once I made the letters in Photoshop, I saved them as pngs and opened them in Paintshop. I used the script alphasheetseparator from cass, then the Alpha stacker script and finally the Text creator script. All the scripts worked perfectly in PSP Ultimate 2023.
    3 points
  7. Week 37 I was fortunate to meet this delightful rabbit whilst on a walk. He was having a quite moment so I kept my distance and let him be.
    3 points
  8. me too, I love office supplies and often try to think of an excuse for why I need to buy items. And school supplies. I've been out of school since 1983 but still feel the urge to buy school supplies at the end of August.
    2 points
  9. Thank you Ann and I deliberately used a snake plant because you could/can find them very often in offices. I still want to make some more supplies for my digital office, there are more tuts in the Labs that fit to this theme, like a yard stick, a crayon, tape etc. However I mis a pushpin, the one that you can use on a cork pinboard and a highlighter pen. Maybe I can ask Carole about it.
    2 points
  10. Running a bit behind, here's my week #35, which was Sunday September 8. Here's Brandy, long and lean. It appears her winter coat will be darker.
    2 points
  11. It's wonderful that you get to see so many. I see some in fields usually eating or scampering about. The one in the photograph was in a quiet church graveyard and a pleasure to see just sitting the way he was.
    2 points
  12. These are wonderful. I missed the masterclass and haven't had time to look at it yet but you have inspired me to make time. Well done Corrie.
    2 points
  13. Your stunning photos always show such texture on the birds, it's very captivating to really look at them. They also have very large feet for such a tiny bird.
    2 points
  14. My 6-7 foot ones (as described on the package) are now around 10 feet! This one is a beauty, so fluffy looking.
    2 points
  15. Well done Corrie. I could use some of these in my office right now. It's unreal how "real" everything looks. I really like the transparent tabs and the lined papers look so real. It looks like the lined paper on the left is in a folder (pouch) that has a transparent front. I can see an indent near the top and a slight difference in opacity with the part of the paper sticking out.
    2 points
  16. Sue I hope that the period of the migratory birds will take some time before all are gone. You enjoy this immensely and we get the benefits with all those lovely photos too!
    2 points
  17. Week thirty seven. The migratory birds are arriving on mass. They must know something that we don't, when it come to the weather. The leaves are turning and falling quickly. A most delightful small native Clay coloured song sparrow. I am currently in my element.
    2 points
  18. My Friday 13th page. of course her most favorite day is Halloween.
    2 points
  19. Actually I modified the "brand"...when you look at this...the black will be raised i.e. burned into the wood and the white will be blank. Got it ordered...will be "small", essentially about 1.8" x 2.0".
    2 points
  20. This photo summarizes the week which was dominated by rain, showers, downpours, hail, thunderstorm, cold and a rainbow! With all the rain I haven't been outside much, I was glad I could do the shopping in a more or less dry spell. Even the plants on my patio didn't look great; instead of watering them we had to empty some of the containers and all the saucers on a daily basis. One morning when we were getting up my husband saw this rainbow and I could just take a couple of photos before it faded away, it lasted only a couple of minutes. But the weather is calming down and the coming week will be much better, dry and warmer!
    1 point
  21. As I look at your layout with cats I almost want to get one, but I don't think they will fit in with the life I and my husband have at the moment. I'm afraid I have to be content with looking at your cats!
    1 point
  22. Sometimes it takes some bad weather to kick start a project. This turned out great.
    1 point
  23. OMG! LOVE wrapped up in fur!
    1 point
  24. Sharla if you have the time to watch the class, it was really a fun class and the 4 projects that were shown are relatively easy to make!
    1 point
  25. Thanks and yes there is a lined paper in a "plastic" folder like the ones we have over here. I made the folder following a tutorial in Lab 9-02 plastic pocket, but I changed the dimensions to accommodate my paper and only sealed 2 sides. Instead of the color in the tut I used a very translucent yellow, just because I have such a folder with some scrapbook notes. We have other colors available too if I remember well. I'm still using the remnants of what once was a big supply. On this sized down page it is slightly difficult to see though, but I enjoyed myself making this.
    1 point
  26. Another project been working on and finally finished. Granddaughter is 16 now and we haven't been having that exchange for a few years but when she was small for several years, I got her going during visits and on the phone (they live in Austin TX) by telling her Vanilla RULZ !
    1 point
  27. Week 36 I managed to grow some really tall sunflowers this year. This is one of them.
    1 point
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