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Template Workshop 2022


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You are all doing so great. Keep it up!


Anita (#73992) I am glad the script now makes sense to you. It will surely become a favorite. On your page, did you miss the shadow on the first word of the title?


Matsugirl (#73995) did you get the explanation for the vanishing text? It has to do with the Wrapped Text. It is explained at the end of this post.


Susan (#74000) I am glad you enjoy your membership. Let's hope it will encourage others who might still be on the fence. (#74108) I am glad that you showcased the poster template with and without shadows. It illustrates very well that different purposes will require different approaches: a poster is typically meant to look flat, while a scrapbook page will be expected to look realistic and dimensional.


Joyce (#74002) it is interesting how you changed the colors of the greeneries to something else than green. It goes well with the colors of the layout. (#74068) Beautiful display of photos for that good-looking dog! (#74112) So many interesting ideas to explore, right? (#74114) Is this a duplicate post?


Pirkko (#74005) although I see that you angle your shadows differently than I do, I have to say that they still look good because they are very realistic and consistent. (#74043) Reducing the opacity of the papers to show the ones underneath is a very clever way to tweak your page. And the additional flower is a nice touch too!


Ann S (#74007) adding that branch really gives the impression that the animal is hiding, ready to pounce. Great addition. (#74031) I had not noticed that the shadow was on top of the title; I thought you just used a dark pattern. We might not have noticed if you had not said anything, since we didn't know what the pattern was supposed to look like!


Theresa (#74009) those colors give a really warm feel and obviously, it is all well coordinated. (#74096) Although I cannot be certain (as I didn't see the issue you explained), one possible explanation is that the Magic Wand was used on the wrong layer OR with a wrong "mode".  But I am glad you found a way to solve your issue.


Sharla (#74014) you have rotated the leaves from the bottom right, and in doing so, the shadow is now going upward, as if it was lit from the bottom, which is now inconsistent with the other shadows on the page, including the one on the left side. If you need to rotate a shadowed element, you have to either adjust the shadow accordingly or recreate it to stay consistent. I am also wondering if the shadow layer has been added above the leaves? (#74035) I am glad that you tried that script and you find it useful. Scripts are such useful tools (usually).


Julie (#74015) using the wrong workspace is a very common issue simply because PSP will default to the Essential workspace if you reinstall or reset it. And since it looks similar to what you are used to, it is easy not to realize it.


Euka (#74020) although you likely didn't use a blend mode to show the texture of the greenery, the effect is still very interesting as if it was a cutout paper.


Trish (#74022) I hope your son is doing ok. Remember that if he needs more time from you, PSP will stay around. (#74024) Are those water drops made from an overlay or a patterned paper? (#74060) You can probably use the same settings for all your paper elements. I think the large green paper has a shadow that would be expected, while the others seem a little thin. (#74078) Be careful about adding "thick" elements (the greeneries on the right) when your photo does not seem to have any shadow as it would likely be lifted from all those stems.


Jnet (#74026) if the script works with a name change, it likely is because you had another copy in the Restricted scripts folder, and that is the first folder PSP will reach in. You created a very nice blending between the photo and the paper.


Fiona (#74029) be careful with the shadows on the title. If you look closely, the bottom left corner of the letters (the H for example), you can see an obvious gap between the letter and the shadow, which means that the light goes under the letters. The only way it can happen is if the letter is off the paper, and the light seeps underneath. If that is the case, it means it is floating. :) (#74038) Having a border as part of a photo is something that is also very common and could have been done on purpose, so we can't tell it was a "mistake" at all!


Gerry (#74033) do you share all those pages with your family? I hope they love seeing how you showcase those photos so beautifully. (#74104) Those photos are so great. No wonder you want to showcase them!


Mary (#74040) that choice of the moon instead of a paper, is very good, creative and perfectly appropriate for the layout. (#74100) I hope you will continue to use those scripts. I know I use them all the time when using templates (and even when working from scratch).


Ann L (#74045) did you forget the shadow on the bottom photo?


Lois (#74056) yes, you will need practice but with comfort comes assurance (knowing that nothing will blow up!) (#74103) I also love that font for titles as it is so easy to read.


Sue (#74058) it is so fun to see how you tweak the "basic" elements with just little details that make your pages "next-level". That little corner element and the overlapping photos/frames give elegance.


Alan (#74063) if it is starting to pay off after four days, imagine after seven days! It is nice to see how you used the same photo twice on a layout. It is not common but can give great results!


Corrie (#74066) be careful about adding writing over two separate surfaces. Check this post for more details. (#74084) Great way to tweak the starting templates to suit your needs (you are ahead of the lessons, hehe)


Marie-Claire (#74083) Can you try to reduce the opacity and increase the blur a bit for your shadows? Just a tad to make them less "obvious".


Bonnie (#74086) it is so fun to meet all your friends and travel with you!


Minka (#74090) it is interesting how you seem to have used two photos blended together instead of a photo and a paper.


Randy (#74092) it is so encouraging for me to see that something from a previous tutorial/lesson/class is now carried over to this workshop. That means that all those techniques are getting more use in more projects.


Linda (#74110) have you considered making it only a faint shadow on the title? Sometimes, it is not just a matter of adding one or not, but also just a matter of how obvious or discrete it is. Maybe you tried and still chose not to have any.

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Day 4 - Shadows on to group photo with a white border. The sense of having the Clip To It script is apparent with some of the problems I have been having with the intricacies of a mask template. I did however manage in the end to merge the group photo with its border by being able to merge down from the border to the photo group. Not sure why I wasn't permitted on my PSP page to do that with my original attempts. Perseverance, the name of the game.
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Day 2 - Not what I started for day 2 but this is a kit I was going to try and use for the swap kit challenge by turning a circus kit into a birthday party.  Circus kit is by KizzedbyKelz. Everything is from the kit, and it is a bit too busy for me.



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Day 3 extra Mask

Carole u asked about the water, when is an element a overlay, this came in the form of an element overlay, there was 3 on that mask

You say the light green paper was light, to get the colour that matched there kitchen cabinets, that was from the palett and then a texture put on it.  The Leather dark green layer was a paper from creative,  that was quite dense and didnt work trying to lower the occupancy.

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OMG! Trish, so cute.  Have you seen the show ARCTIC VETS?  It's a Canadian Show about veterinarians and keepers at the Assiniboine Park Conservancy in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  It has lots of polar bears featured and they have an exhibit where you go through a glass type tunnel in the pool that the polar bears are swimming in.  It's a dream of my hubby and me to go there.


here is my Day 4 layouts.  I didn't add drop shadows because they didn't really show up and really looked weird on the Font (Lover Brooks Sans Outline from CF).  I liked the frame technique.  I really like the Clip to It.  I will have to go back to the long way after the workshop until I can do the steps as fast as the script (hahaha, I'm obviously wearing my "rose-colored-glasses" again).  I did add frames to the Faces-2 smaller photo's to separate them a bit.

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Day 5


I love the fact that your script puts the elements in the right place.  Before I had to search for the layer, now just click on the element and the script does the rest.  I used Angelhaze's part of the Digital Scrapbook train blog from March 2022







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I had some things come up this week and just now caught up on watching the videos. I ended up ordering a new computer on Monday but it won't be here for several weeks. Once it is, the scrapping shall begin again!


Just wanted to comment on lesson 5. I scrap with templates all the time and they all have placeholders. Like Carole showed, just because a flower is shown it doesn't have to be used. In the past I might have used stars or hearts instead or not use anything at all. The one thing I did learn early in my scrapping that was when applying shadows, to start with the bottom layer and work your way up the layer palette. Quite often if I have a stack of papers in varying sizes, it won't look right with the same shadow on every layer. Because as you go higher in the layers, you would be going farther away from the background paper if you were actually using paper. By starting the shadowing at the bottom, I can see how each layer will look as I go up the palette and adjust when needed.  I also tend to do lots of clustering (say over 5 elements in a cluster) and the top element of that cluster is farther away from the background especially if there is some depth to the elements below it. I also have drop shadow presets set up for my most used settings and it is just a matter of selecting which preset to use although I do sometimes adjust.


I have the open as layer script but never use it. I have 2 monitors and use a program where I can see all my supplies much easier than windows explorer. This program is open all the time when I scrap so I just drag and drop my chosen paper/element right into the layer palette (works with windows explorer as well) and the name of the paper/element shows as the layer name. I'll just say I don't like using the open command in PSP to find stuff. I have over 3000 folders with items to use in them (collected over a period of 14 years).


I do not have the clip to it script and don't plan on getting it at this time. Let's just say, I have a process down that works for me quite well.


I do like learning little things like changing the color on stitching in this lesson. I usually delete a stitching layer in a template because I never liked how it looked. Learning this will be something I can try in the future and I might learn to love stitching!

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Lesson 4 Template: Something went wrong with the shadow and white frame on the large framed photo. But by that point, I was past caring. I wanted to do the steps and correct as much as possible as I went along, but by then I was too weary to try and fix that. Also, forgot to blur the masked photo to soften the edges.


I am SO happy with the two scripts: Open rename & Clip To It. I'm glad Carole made me go through the l-o-n-g version of doing those steps so I would REALLY appreciate the shortcuts!


I do foster dogs. The one in lower right is a long-term one (with me still). The two in the frames in the centre found a new home together. And the wee girl in the mask crossed the Rainbow Bridge after two years here. I always get the older dogs, usually with some health issues, but that's the point. I want them to spend their remaining time in comfort and be spoiled.


Question: If I save the "page border" layer from this template, can I use it again in other projects? I've often wondered how to create that effect, with a thin border. The double border is even better as an option.

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Day 5    I didn't add shadow to the ric rac because I had already accidentally included it with a merge.  I thought about going back to the original template and doing a copy paste of the original right over my project . . . but I didn't . . . but I could have . . . but I didn't!  LOL!!    Also, pretty sure this is my first upload of this project.  Yesterday, I inadvertently uploaded a project twice.  I look forward to each day's new tutorial, and I know come next Monday morning, I will be having withdrawals without a new template to work on!
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Day 5.  I had this photo earmarked for this workshop.  I was keeping my fingers crossed that I would have a chance to use it.  I'm sorry Carole, as you can see I made some adjustments to accommodate the photo.  I also resized the  whole page to 8x10 inches.  Carole's seed bead picture  tube,  custom brad script. The sunflower and leaves are from creative fabrica.  Papers are my own.  Background paper has an overlay, the striped paper is what I created for one of  my 13 lined ground squirrel projects.


Carole, thank you for your very complimentary comment on day 4's page. The corner font is my go to font for creating those type of frames. If I'm not mistaken, I sent you that font.


Chipmunk feasting on sunflower seeds.

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Julie, you can save the border you created, providing you created it on it's own layer.  By copying and pasting it as a new image.  Personally I don't do that.  They are so easy to create, plus, it will depend on whether you want a rectangle or a square,  wider or narrower between each frame, depending on your project.
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Thats fine Corrie, mine was just one sheet across the whole boxes as I can't find a good picture that fitted, Looks like Sue just did the same, dont know how carole managed it on her one.  Are you into Balloons, my cousin lives in the wine area in California  where they have balloons take off and  fill the sky , lovely with the light all aglow can,t remember the name but it being with a T.  I have a picture of it, Ill see if I can find it.
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I can hear the alligators already and it's not even April yet. I guess they don't pay attention to the calendar.  I am mindful about walking in the dark!!!  An alligator can probably outrun me for about twenty/thirty feet.  I took a few liberties again with the template and I would like to go back and redo the little boxed pictures ... but I am all out of time for today so won't get to it until some time over the weekend.  I played with making the picture the entire background and then altering it a bit.  I made the alligator ric rack with Carole's easy-peasy ric rack maker script.  I guess it will have to stand for today.  It's fun to make something, then sit back and decide how to redo a portion for perhaps a better effect.  The alligator signs are all up at my condo complex around the pond.  It always surprises me how little attention the VRBO folks pay attention to them while they walk their little pets not eight to ten feet from the waters edge.  Coming home from there to my house the other day there was a ten footer just laying right beside the road!  I thought perhaps he had been hit, but no, he walked right across the road.  These are the months, they are on the move lookin' for luv! And they are noisy about it!  Have a nice weekend everyone.
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Awesome results everyone.


Attached is my result for Day 5 using the template provided and backgrounds and elements from kits by Marisa Lerin relating to Travel together with flowers from a kit by Gina Jones called My Tribe both at DigitalScrapBook.


Font used for title - Bodoni MT Black







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