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What are you working on (in January 2022)?


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What would I do without Carole's scripts and other goodies? Some days I'm just at a loss for what to do in my gaming group. I used Cass's Scattered Photos script; it's wonderful and you can still move the pics around. Her Knit script has come in handy more than once recently as the game has been giving us "sweatery" themes; it makes for a great background. Lastly, her Stitches2 font helped me make a lovely frame.
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Well, we are nearly at the end of January and lots of lovely and vibrant layouts being done. I have been playing with no real plan in mind as I have lost my mojo a bit and felt a bit lost. Anyway, this emerged and I used it to to showcase a photo of my maternal family. How young they were then and how time flies. I wonder if our photo.s will be as interesting and thought provoking in many years time. Most images are my own, extracted or created from drawing and colouring, with the addition of a couple of labels from Graphic Angel. I made some net and addmission tickets using Caroles Scripts. Anyway, TFL.
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Thanks, Mary. The knit script from the Creation Cassel store creates a 400 x 400 tile of a knitted texture in whatever color you choose. (Each time you run it, you'll get a different texture result.) You can then use the tile as a pattern to flood fill your background. For this project, after trying several different things, I used a 45 angle and 250 size to flood fill a 3600 x 3600 page. I duplicated that layer, rotated it 90 degrees, and changed the opacity of the new layer to 50%.


I accidentally discovered that you can also use a pattern or gradient to create the knit tile. The possibilities are endless!

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Hi Lynda,


I will let her know, and she will be happy with the best wishes. :)


She went to the doctor, and ...


" it appears that the blurred vision is being caused by a small bleed at the back of the left eye.   It is putting pressure on the lens and distorting the vision Dr. J  is not worried about itand it should clear up in a few weeks.  Meanwhile, I am to rest up and not do anything too strenuous."



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I wanted to do a lesson with a brush (from the lab 7-02 or 4 I think),but didn't have a square one I wanted, so I ended up with a soft edge lesson.


This is the result.


I'm a bit absent , bought myself a Cricut machine, exploring that at the moment. :)





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