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Bootcamp - January 2022


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Didn't think I would finish Project 3 today, but I did.  Not as happy with it as with others, but oh, well, here it is.  I do have to say that everyone is really doing well - love what is being posted.  Ann Seeber - that is a great way to show your family.  Gerry - love your butterflies.  Grammie - I love your colors and showing the dogwood - real harbinger of spring.


All my own papers and elements again.

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Yes, that is what I thought. Thanks for verifying it. Not a big deal... I just started over, and this time I did it a little more carefully. I will get it done in the next day or so, assuming all goes well.


As for your question about texture versus glitters, I was going to use a different paper other than glitters to add a texture behind the photo. However, I'm going to try it your way first.  Maybe that will work!


Thanks, as always for your support and help.







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Project 2


My adventure often is just a stroll. On a beautiful summer day, I took this picture. The clouds were really beautiful but for this project, I decided to focus more on the water. The items I added are mostly from digitalscrapbook.com


I used a blur against the darker blue background which left the rightmost part transparent.  When I tried to add a drop shadow, it cut across the Location / Date. So I removed the drop shadow for that layer.


I would like to better understand how to determine which colours look best when used with each other.


I know that within PaintShop Pro you can see Complimentary, Triad, Tetrad, Analogic and Accented (and Mono).  But I don't understand how these work.



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Liz, great change. Layering can have an important effect on a layout.


Gerry, I see that you used different shadows on the papers and the butterflies. That yields a great effect.


Euka, that kind of error is an "unknown" one. There is no clear explanation when it happens, and it is frustrating. Not sure if it would work, but try saving in .psd format to see if it would work. That format would keep the layers (although it won't keep the vectors). It is worth trying instead of losing all the work.


Diane, YES, that is quite different. You solved their potential headaches!


Ann, I am just curious why the cogwheel is translucent on the left. I would definitely expect it to be opaque.


Sharla, those are beautiful flowers and you found great matching papers for them.


Theresa, it is always a good idea to have shadows on separate layers, for that exact reason. A good habit to take.


Linda, that is not too much at all. How does it look to you? Over time, you have to be able to gauge the look while tweaking those shadows and finding the best setting for the element and the look you want to achieve.


Peter, sorry for your tech issues, but at the same time, you learn even through those. I think you are looking for the PATTERN tab if you want to use the Glitters tile or any other tile, not the TEXTURES one.


Gramie, you are a determined one getting through all those frustrations. For free supplies, you can check the Resources page for a list of freebie sites. You will see your stash grow over time. Anti-alias will make a difference between a smooth or a pixellated edge. You can read more about it HERE. As for the photo size, considering that the whole page is 3600 pixels wide, you can estimate that if your photo is slightly less than that, you can then size down using the CORNER handle of the Pick tool.


Mary, you picked great colors to complement your photos. Did you forget the shadow on the top piece of paper?


Lavada, I feel your frustration. Yes, I suspect it is a bug and when using the guides in PSP9, you cannot hesitate to hold it too long or it will freeze your program. The only trick I found is to place the guide quickly and adjust the placement, if needed, by right-clicking on the tiny rectangle in the Ruler. Good resizing of the photos! No distortion!


Randy, you should never remove a shadow. If needed, you could move the text slightly away, or you can lower the opacity of the shadow so that the text is easy to read, even if it is on top of the shadow. If the shadow happens to be on top of the text, you can rearrange the layers so that the text is moved upward in the Layers palette. To answer your question about the Complimentary, Tertiary, etc. colors, they are just that: colors that go well together. For example, if you start with a yellow color, choosing the Complimentary color will point to pink. If you choose the Triad, and start with the same Yellow, it will point to two colors at equal distance from the previous pink. If you move one of those colors in one direction, you will see the other move in the opposite direction. Play around and you should find those colors that match one that you pick from your photo. I guess a blog post is needed :)

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Thank you Carole.  It is very hard to read.  I had lowered the opacity a bit but it started to get translucent so I left it.  I never thought of using the Brightness/Contrast setting.  I use it for photo's but never thought about using it on a layer.


I did lighten it a bit but in version two I think it's still hard to read.  I tried doing it without the bezel but it was too dark to read when I added shadows(I didn't save that version).  In version three I went in a different direction and it seems more readable.    Now I'm going to go read/look at all the awesome new layouts added since I went to work.

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Gregory - really like the way you arranged papers in project 3.


Carole - I looked back at the project 3 - yes, I had missed putting shadows on the top paper.  I really struggled with that one in getting the proper colors to work with the pictures - many different versions before I hit on that one.  So here is the revised one with the shadow.  Also - I missed putting the glitters you provided into the pattern folder.  That does make a difference!

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Wow - Project 3 is done (I hope!) but it was far more difficult than I thought it would be.


First, following that teeny little mouse pointer on the video lesson was really difficult for me. I'm vision- impaired, but even for folks with good vision, it could be a real challenge when the pointer moves quickly across the screen. Second, I had a lot of difficulty placing text that I copied from MS Word into the project. Once it was placed, I could not figure out how to select and edit it.  I selected the layer with the text on it, double clicked, and I could see a cursor blinking in the text, but I could not use control- A to select it all. I finally decided just to leave it as- is and move onward.


Here's where the others of you can learn from my mistakes: as I brought photos into this project, I realized that they needed to be modified. I had to adjust contrast and exposure, and such. I did so, and then saved the photos in their original folders as JPGs.  After working on the entire project for another half- hour or so, I saved it, but did not realize that PSP retained my previous “save as” settings, so my entire project, which had been a "PSPimage," was saved as JPG. That left me stranded, and I needed to restart the whole project over. Note to self: don't do that again!


Just for fun, as my background paper I created my own. I put one of our placemats from the kitchen table on the scanner and scanned it as a JPG. It turns out to have a nice texture to it. Might be worth a try, folks!

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Here is my project 3. The photos are mine taken at the pond at my Church.  The bird in the upper left is one I created a while back from (Sparrow-Mandala-Line-Art-Style-3375101)  The feathers are from (Watercolor-Feathers-Collection-668831) both are from Creative Fabrica I think.  The poem is one I created for this project.
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Decided to do something a little radical for Project 4 - a small collection of the artist David Hockney's works. The background is from another of his works called Garrowby Hill which I tortured with the kaleidoscope effect. The heading uses the Rockwell and Ravie fonts. I am posting the original so you can compare.  I think I've used up my craving for color for the day! ;-)
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Day 7 - Project 3


The photos are my own.

For this project I took something from different kits, a paper here, an element there. Usually the kits I download come from a Blog Train on digitalscrapbook.com (pixelscrapper). Every month there is a new Blog Train in which different kits are offered for free. For example, this is the link to January's Blog Train https://www.digitalscrapbook.com/forums/digital-scrapbooking/digitalscrapbookcom-blog-trains/jan-2022-blog-train-final-list



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Here is Day 9 - Project 4


Carole/Cassel - Fab tips with the eraser background effect and the selection borders.. never knew either of those and will definitely experiment more with them.


The photo's are mine from when we went to Chester Zoo in 2019. And the rest of the layout are from patterns/gradients (using a green and brown colours) in PSP 2022. The footprints are from the tubes also in PSP 2022.


Wonderful to see everyone's layouts on here.



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I really like looking at all the projects.  I'm having problems and don't know if it is a PSP2022 glitch!  My pinking scissors look from the eraser tool only did part of the top correctly but the bottom and side worked perfectly. then when I moved it below my photos, it cut one of the photos in half and it pinked it!  Then I could do 2 photos with frames but then third one won't work.  Same settings and the flood fill won't fill the inside selection.  Yikes!  Anyone else having squirrely things happen with PSP 2022?? I sent screen prints to Cassel to get help.


Diane Lochala has awesome photos of eagles! Diane are you in Canada?  US Northwest? US Western US? We had birds until these crows moved in and also grackles! Now none!



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OK, Project 4 - fiddled with it all day today.  All the papers and elements are my own.


Grammy - I love your bees and sunflowers.  Peter - neat background.  Anne - your Church has some beautiful ground around it - beautiful layout.  Ann Seeber - I can see why you like that artist.


Everyone is doing a great job.

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Love what people are posting. Diane those eagles are amazing. Mary –your colour scheme is perfect. Theresa – those greens really pop making it a fun page. Marie-Claire – your project 3 layout is really well put together and the photos are great. Peter - great idea with the background.


Here’s my project 4. I’ve used some photos of Water Lillies taken a few years ago.  I’ve learnt a lot with this task but really need to practice with the different techniques to understand them better.

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Carole, you asked us to say what we learned in this "go round" with Bootcamp.  This is my 4th time and I am still learning something new!


1. When making frames with the selection tool: hit the white button for custom selection in order to get sharp corners on the frame (questioned by Gerry and answered by Ann Seeber).


2. Put the glitter swatches in the Patterns folder and flood fill your selection with it.  Seems as if everyone except me learned that.  I don't know how I missed it, but I did until now.


3. Scanning in a piece of material to use as a background -- thanks to Peter!

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