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Bootcamp - January 2022


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Wow at the amazing work being displayed here!  Especially great seeing what a difference the tweaks make that Carole suggests.


What I have learned or have been reminded of is that if a tool is not working as expected or supposed to, is to check all the settings!  My magic wand and I have a love/hate relationship over settings.


The papers and photos are mine as is the ball spiral.  The grass is a tube from Corel and the mushrooms from my stash.  I am going to redo the text.


The top and bottom are both phone photos and I included the top one as it shows the koala being on such a thin branch and they even go on thinner ones!  He/she was way up and that was at full camera zoom.



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Carole, well, actually I didn't use an eraser tip this time; that is an edging I bought from you - love them and have used them a couple of times in layouts = they give a different feel. Have wanted to experiment with different brushes to edge papers, especially since you taught us about using the shift key.
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with the photos i actually decreased the size because because they were 4000 x 4000(new camera did not have it set right at the time)  so i should be able to redo it them with no problem.. i use jac9 and do not have any of the newer versions which means i could not do the text in lesson 5 like you showed with that version.





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After much fussing and fretting, here's Project 4.  I was having trouble with the white photo outlines, and as far as I can tell, the problem was the settings on the flood-fill tool.  Opacity had vbeen at 20 (20 percent, right?) and so on.  I set all the settings to the same as with the Magic Wand, and made sure the crosshairs were right inside the selection border beforfe clicking.  THAT worked.  Finlly!


Several other issues:


(1) I have had repeated problems going back to  text elements to edit them.  Most often, I'll click the "Text" tool, click or double-click the text, and PSP acts as if I were entering a new text element.  I can't figure out how to get back to previously-entered text to, say, highlight;  or change font/size;  or color.  This predictably happens after I've performed other functions and decide to go back and edit.  If I delete the text and re-enter it AND do all the changing/editing before any other action, the tool behaves pretty well. Is there something I'm missing?


(2) When I went back to copy a text layer and convert to raster, I saw both layers with text had "convert to raster" dithered out.  Somehow, the top text was embedded in the layer of the paper it was typed on.  I was not able to select it separately, and when I made the paper invisible, the text vanished also.  When I did a drop shodow, both the paper and text got drop shadows, so my needs were met;  but not as expected.


Anyway, it took a lot longer than expected, and a lot more effort.  There are several successes that happened more despite, than because of my efforts.


I remembered several times when a teacher would hand me an assignment with the comment, "this will be a good learning experience."  I knew I was in for a rough ride, usually with a good reward at the end.


It's been a great learning experience (really!)

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here is my last page for Bootcamp January 2022


the text is from the Bible and the palmleaf is from Pixabay


everything else i did myself

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I have learn very much here in BootCamp - Thank you Carole so much :)


now I understand many consept like element ... shadow ... title...


and ... wow wow... scripting...  but it is another case...

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Day 11 - Project #5:


**Edited to change the font on the poem.


A Great Horned Owl_2


I enjoyed this project and tried to correct the blur on my paper shadows.  I used one of my favorite owl pictures. During a quiet walk along a bayou on the coast, I happened to sense movement above me in one of the large trees. I saw a magnificent great horned owl! It was an unexpected blessing on a somber fall day. Enjoy!



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Final project of the Boot camp and everything is mine.  I see the spacing between 1st and 2nd box is a bit wide I will have to fix that.  I was wanting to use the 2 photos somehow and decided to add them into the boxes.


Thanks for the Bootcamp Carole and to everyone who participated with such inspired creations that it is always a pleasure to scroll through the postings.

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Would love to learn about scripts do you have anytuts on them ?


This last one was a joy i have done one for my daughtewr in lawtoo


As you can see in my name for my jpeg Day10-11marisalerin-fantasy-graphic-SPK22-600 the scrap is from marisalerin and the photo is from fantasy-graphic.com made by me and the 600 size



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This is my great-niece, Amelia, after her first birthday party in September.


Carole - Re: the previous project, I did use a slight shadow on the title. I liked the font, but I felt it needed a little boost. I also tried to create "realistic" shadows on the banner using tips from one of your tutorials. I still need work on that.

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I'm sorry this is the last project for this bootcamp. I've been doing "camps" for two years now so I took one of my previous layouts and applied Carole's script for resizing templates as I now print all my work for my new 8.5x11 frame on my wall. Everything except the background paper is new. The title font is Snap and the story font is Trebuchet. The bird illustration is from JJ Audubon's free art. I went to Effects/Textures for the green blocks and the frame. The dividers top and bottom and the blue clip were from my supplies. I'm truly enjoying seeing how everyone is becoming more comfortable in PSP. All the layouts are wonderful!
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Project 5, last project of the bootcamp :-(


I used a kit from: themegnoliapatch.blogspot.com. In this bootcamp I have learned to understand the shadows better.

I also never thought of using a paper as a texture for a text, for example a title like here in the last project.

Until now I have only used a paper as a background, now I have noticed that it can be used for much more.

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My Day 11 Project 5 is done.  The elements and papers are from Digital Scrapbook, photo is mine.  Front is Old Whiskey filled with a selection of the photo, the text paragraph is Tandelle, likely both from Creative Fabrica.


I have learned this time through to not panic or get frustrated when something isn't working.  I undo and pay more attention to settings, something I forget to do.  I learn from the questions or explanations from the other participants.  And I'm blown away by the creativity and everyone's sense of color when putting together layouts.  Beautiful!


Thank you Carole for another wonderful experience and your tireless time (do you ever sleep?) and attention to detail in helping us achieve a higher level with PSP.



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Here's Project 5, which is 95% complete.  As with other layouts, I'm having trouble with the text tool.  Does anybody know what's going awry here?


I selected the base paper and activated the text tool.  I entered text with the texture, no problem.  I added the graphic element.  I went on to work on other elements.  When it came time to use the drop shadow, I was not able to select the text -- it was a part of the base paper.  There was no separate layer with the text on it.  It does not show the drop shadow I applied to the base paper just to see.


This layout is a nod to my son, who's a high-voltage lineman.  I decided that the frame was too thin to apply a bevel, so I gave it a thicker shadow, and applied the bevel to the photo.  I rather like that.


I haven't entered the last text yet.  I'll put in the first few lines of Whitman's "I sing the body electric," but before I mess up something else with the text tool, I thought I'd see if anyone else can offer help with my text issues.

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