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Bootcamp - January 2022


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Euka, nice cloth with the gingham. It looks "picnick-y" :)


Liz, it is normal to have photos that might not show up as well on a resized page. We expect that, so don't worry about it. I think that on the second try, you might have accidentally moved the background paper as it shows a little gap on top. This often happens when you try to grab and move an element that is small, and you grab the bottom layer instead. Also, on your projects, the photo and the paper strip would benefit from some shadowing to give them some volume. Good start.


Marie-Claire, you can't have lunch without a coffee! Beautiful picture of your dog! I see you added shadows correctly on all the elements of your page.


Peter, I also love to read the stories that come with every sandwich! Staying close to the example is quite alright as it serves as a good practice. And yes, the drag and drop is something many users don't know about.


Susan, I guess not only digital sandwiches are calorie-free but virtual meetings are still very safe in these times!


Sandra, great pages. May I suggest that you move your paint splash toward the left and the bottom so that the straight edges don't show OR you can use the Eraser tool with hardness of 0 to soften those straight edges?


Gerry, I hope your friend will see this page you made! For the Clone tool, have a peek at this article.


Gramie, the distortion could have happened even if the mode was left to Scale *IF* you use a side node to resize. ALWAYS use a corner node to avoid distortion (but yeah, there seems to be a bug that makes the mode change without notice). To answer your question, yes, you COULD add the shadow (not on a separate layer) and then duplicate that layer. The problem is that if you do that, you cannot resize, mirror, flip or even rotate the element as the shadow will no longer be consistent. If you just copy and paste the same element with NO CHANGE, yes, you can do that, but it will just limit your options after.


Diane, that is a nice tablecloth! Did you do it yourself? Adding the strip diagonally is a different way to go, but works well too. I would suggest reducing the offset a bit for the shadows as it gives an impression that everything is very thick.


Linda, you are right; sometimes, a shadow won't make sense with text. Writing will not have shadow because ink has no thickness, but for the titles, you just have to consider whether the font you use could be made out of paper or not.  Some fonts can obviously be made of paper, and therefore would need a shadow, but you used one that obviously didn't resemble paper, so no shadow is better.


If you have not posted yet, we are waiting for you. Don't be shy. We are here to help you discover more of what you can do with your PSP.

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Well, I'm really late this time, but a lot has happened at home - Covid again with one of the kids (and she was vaccinated too).  At least she is not experiencing too many bad symptoms.


I did finish the sandwich and table.  This time I made a red and white checked tablecloth.  Also changed the sandwich this time to a hamburger (yummy) - thanks to NicePng for the clipart. Still wanted french fries with it and the special mayo.  Decided to have hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows this time.  Experimented with a separate shadow layer for the mayo this time as the tube is more full near the top so I used the perspective to pull it out a bit.  Had fun adding the marshmallows to the hot chocolate (at first the marshmallows were so big that they overpowered the cup!  Then I remembered that I had used the F11 key last time I used the paint brush and so had to tone that down.  Anyway, all the ingredients were bought when I went to the store (played the shopping game in one of my last layouts - lol).



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When Carole puts up the design to welcome the New Kid on the Block, I try to focus my layout on who (or what) is new with our family. This time it's the red-eared turtle, Shelly, housed by my daughter, Laurey, who is a big turtle enthusiast. Her entire home is decorated in turtles! So, here's Shelly, New Turtle in Town. First I created a backround and flood filled it with white. Then, I created the plaid pattern using Shelly's shell pattern, and gave it a 45degree angle at 50%, to fill the next layer and reduced the opacity to 85%. Because my photo is square I ended up with a horizontal strip instead of vertical, so I'd have room for a title. I placed the photo in the center and went to Image/Picture Frame and chose one called Albumin. Except for the Shelly portrait in the lower left, all the embellishments came from my beach kits. including the alpha for the title. I played with the star and rope by duplicating the star and putting it on top and then erasing where the rope would disappear through the holes. (It helps to reduce the opacity on the star to see what you're doing but be sure to put it back to full opacity to finish or else your erasure will look odd.) The font used on the brown strip is Wide Latin typed in a vertical manner. I used a lot of shadows and that finished it up. I create my layouts on 2400 x 3000 so they print 8x10 on my desktop printer.
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I just spent a lot of time learning!


I kept having a problem with the type function. Several times it seemed to lock up and the only way I could get out of it was by using the undo function. Anyone have any ideas about what I am doing to make this happen repeatedly, please?




This is my very simple project.

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I am using PSP2022


I had been playing around with the text. I had changed the font and the size and the colour - probably several times.


I was trying to move the text because, after a font/size change, half the typing had disappeared from the project


I must have done something unintentionally, because suddenly I was unable to get the pick tool to work on the chosen layer. It was as if I had frozen it on the first layer. Each time I tried to do something I could only get a colour change screen appearing. It was for the colour of the stipe on my project, even though the layer selected was the background.


It happened again after I had cleared it for the first time by using undo, so I just used undo again until I could get to the right layer.


Hope this helps - and you can suggest what I may have done wrong.


Thanks in anticipation, Greg

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Greg, what version of PSP are you using? I have experienced some bugs, on occasion, with the Text tool where it does not respond either. So maybe we are experiencing the same issue.


Are you able to activate another tool at that time or is everything frozen?


Is the Pick tool greyed out and not available or just not working?

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Greg, when you activate the Pick tool and try to move the text, are you grabbing it in the very middle, on the center node? Maybe you click on the wrong "pixel" and it activates a different layer. If you need to move the text, I would suggest that you use the Move tool and hold the Shift key so it won't grab whatever pixel you touched, but will stay with the layer you have activated. Would that work?
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Here is Day 3 Project 1.  The back ground is a PSP gradient to match Mother Nature's gradient in the photo.  the acorns, leaves and owl (that I put there because it was so cute) came from digitalscrapbook.com.  the strip is  a flood filled strip from one of the colors in the layout.  The font is DeArloy from Creative Fabrica.  The photo is mine.



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Randy - I had the same reaction when I participated in Boot Camp two years ago. It was my first and I felt lost. This series focuses on the basics to help you get more comfortable. Approach the projects with that in mind and you will be fine.


BTW - I'm still in awe of the work of the more experienced participants. This time around, I admire it and take notes of ideas I might try another time.

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Perry, looking forward to see that photo in a project.


Mary, would you share your fries? They look delicious!


Ann, great layout. To help save some work on the threaded string, you can check the interlacing technique in this tutorial.


Linda, you can definitely rearrange a scrapbook page to fit your printer. Many scrappers do that.


Gregory, you have a great start for your scrapbook project. I would suggest reducing the offset of your shadows at least by half because it gives the impression that your elements are very thick or even floating above the paper. (sorry but I am a bit picky about shadows!) Did you fix the issue you had with the Pick tool?


Susan, beautiful photo and layout. I see that you are already comfortable with your shadows. Keep it up!


Anne, that will be quite a few little ducklings soon! Could you remove the confetti that are covering the text under the photo? It would make it easier to read.


Pirkko, that is a beautiful flower. Why not move the glass a little away so it does not cover the flower?


Mary, great use of the colored title. I see the little birds overlapping the paper edge on the top right. Maybe you would want to move them so they don't appear overlapping two surfaces. You could put them on the paper or even on the corner of the photo itself.


Sharla, great montage. Your shadows are perfectly applied. If I could suggest something is to offset your photo a tiny bit from the strip of paper so we can clearly see the layering. You could move it a little bit toward the right or the left. Both would work well.


Randy, take the inspiration from everyone else. Just follow the steps, one at a time and it will work out. Although I give feedback for all the projects, I only aim to help everyone.


Although you should get the second project tomorrow, don't worry if you have not finished the first one. You will have plenty of time to catch up, so if you have not posted yet, we are waiting for your projects.

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