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What are you working on (in October 2021)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in October, be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!


Remember to size down your image to about 600x600 pixels before posting it.


Here are a few guidelines for everyone:

when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same.

if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyways).

if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone!

if you like a photo and would like to “play with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get better quality than on a resized image anyways.

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Unfortunately, I am working on boot camp still project 3.  I can make all kind of excuses like my dog ate it but that would be hard to swallow!  So here is the truth, I had to get a new laptop and it's taken me a little bit to get use to it.  I am going to continue with all of the boot camp projects because I really want to learn.
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My youngest granddaughter is a huge fan of soccer!  When the family moved to the States she was promised that she could join a soccerteam.  Then Covid came and everything was cancelled, but this summer she could go to a soccer week and now has joined the local team. In one of the Labs (10-11) I found a layout about soccer as an inspiration and a template. Of course I used that template as a starting point for my layout and my daughter send me the photos I used. On the photo of the team I blurred all the faces for posting here and on facebook. The colors I took from her outfit and the soccer related items I found on Chantahlia Design and with the ball I made the background paper. I hope she likes it. Now I'm working on a Taekwondo page for her sister. When finished I'll show that here too.
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These delightful little birds come to visit during the Spring and Autumn, when they are passing through. Hyper active, in search of insects in the undergrowth. They have a distinctive song, to keep tabs on each other. Here is a male and female. I used 2 quotes in this project. The tag will be used in another project. Paper clip, 2 masks. The list of techniques is long. If there is anything in particular you'd like to know how I did it, please ask.
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Pirkko, thank you ever so very much for your kind words. I hope it will inspire you. How are you coming along with your projects? Is there anything we can help you with? I was pleased to that Corrie corrected the web site I gave you. I rarely use scrapbooking sites.
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Brenda- Nice layout, it is great that you are continuing to do the Bootcamp. There is a lot to learn from each page.


Corrie-This is so well thought out and put together.  I bet your Grand Daughter will love it.  Like you, when I use children on my projects, I try to blur the faces, especially if they are going on facebook .  Sometimes I do not remember to do that for here. I know I should though.


Sue-Beautiful page as always.  You use so many different techniques, and still manage to come up with an uncluttered layout. With as many irons you have in the fire, I don't know where you find the time to create them.



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Anne, Thank you so much for your kind words.  You will be surprised how many techniques we all use in creating a page, if we were all to  count how many we use,  you will be  quite surprised, even in a simple page.   Early morning, and  late evening is when I  get creative, I'm not a telly person, which means I can fill my evenings going through photos, to showcase them.  In a few weeks I'll have more time, shorter days,  also  it's only a matter of weeks now, before the snow starts to fly. I hope my pages gives you ideas  for your own pages. Again, thank you!
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I see we've started October with a bang!  Sue, Corrie and Brenda:  really nice layouts.  Y'all are champs!


I did do a layout for Lab 6 Mod 6 (not sure what I'm going to do for that Mod 5 yet).  Used the sketch/psd template as experiment 4.  Created the scallop papers as experiment 3.  The bottom dragon paper is from Marisa Lerin.  The other papers are my stash; the frames around the photos were made with the magic wand.  The dragon slayers peeking out are from the web, but I'm not sure what clip art place I got them from as it was about 6 years ago.  The invite was provided by the company we bought the material from to put on the play.  The dragons are figurines we had and I extracted them from the photo.  The arrows are also mine.  The cake instructions were provided with the material we bought for the play and was a lot of fun to make (& to eat).  Although the grown ups were the actors, the kids had a ball watching and playing "clue" to find out who did away with the dragon slayer!  Oh- fonts: title is AR DELANEY and the narrative font is AR ESSENCE both PSP fonts.  The castle and title of the play is a picture of an English or Scottish castle which I made black & white & put the red dragon at the top left.  It was the opening of a video I made for my daughter-in-law's 50th birthday party - when we did the play.

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I used one of Corel's shatter collages and found the wonderful pics on Google. Combined a couple of backgrounds from PixelScrapper. The string element with the beads was also from PixelScrapper. I wanted to create some tags or labels with the locations for each pic, but I ran out of time so I went with plain text. The font is Brush Script MT which is a system font, I think.



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Michele fabulous autumn colors and so well displayed!


Mary what a lovely memory!


My other granddaughter's sport is Taekwondo and she is rather good at it. As I made a layout for her sister, I of course had to do the same for her. There are not so many elements to be found on the different scrapbook sites so I had to turn to Google. Then comes the AI from Paintshop into play because everything I could download was very small and it is great that it's possible to enlarge! The background is made from the bottom photo before I cropped it; I used a blend mode and low opacity. Font is Trebuchet MS which comes with Windows.

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Playing with Filter Forge in this page, it is fun to see what you can create. I am loom knitting a blanket, thought I would show it off with a bit of creation in paintshop pro. I made tubes out of the loom that I am using for my blanket. I did use notepad++ to make myself notes on how I created the text with drop shadows and filter forge. So much stuff to play with. LOVE IT !!!!
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I played around with Filter Forge last night, too. I copied a piece of the dress to a separate image. Then I used Filter Forge: Distortion: Frosty. Can't remember how many different settings and PSP effects I used until I got the one I wanted to use for the background. I always wish I had more time.


The original fashion illustration is from Sunny Gu and the font is Dancing Script.

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Carole/Cassel suggested we showcase our autumn colors if we live where they become vivid in the fall. Here's my contribution to the fall beauty of my Hudson Valley here in NY. I used some of the cass-nested frames filled with various green gradients she gave us last March then I applied inner bevels. The font is Heavy Boxing.
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This is a LO of a zoo trip made when my children were young and the grandkids were small!  All the papers and elements are mine except the journal card which is from Digital Scrapbooking (DS) Marisa Lerin.


Sue - the state of New York I fell in love with on one of my travels - it is beautiful in any season of the year.  That tree is gorgeous.


Michele - I always look forward to your posting of the Fabulous Divas and the above is no exception.


Pirkko - a beautiful illustration for that lovely quote from 1 Corinthians.


Corrie - those are neat layouts for your granddaughters.


Brenda - love your "zoo" layout.  Keep up the good work.

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