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Tied String Tutorial


This took a few tries to get the rope placement right.  At first I linked the layers as shown in the tutorial but then when I moved the top of the loop behind the strings the bottom of the loop moved behind the tag, so I unlinked them, moved the top of the loop, and then relinked them.


When I tried to copy the whole thing and paste to a new image before saving so there wouldn't be a lot of empty space, I had to merge all of the layers together first.


This reminded me of creating a paper clip.

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I have really enjoyed seeing the different projects here. I have been wanting to try the snow globe from PaintShop Christmas 4 and this is what I came up with. It did take quite a while because I had not done some of the steps before, but it was worth it. I saved it as a pspimage so I can go back and add whatever else I want into my ornament.
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Anne L, that's so cute.


Here is one from the tutorial that was just on.  As per my usual modus operandi, the undo button was the most used button on the keyboard!  I will know I'm improving when the undo button doesn't have to be replaced as often (kidding...I got a titanium one made, that sucker will outlast the earth itself!).  This was a cool tutorial.  I will need much practice and I went way too huge.  I really like the look when other people do this so I wanted to try it this weekend.

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you really did a great job all))))) well done !!

@Wanda (Sue) McGuire bravo  it's a great job on the tutorials))) can I give you a suggestion? you should move your button to the folded corner at its base (in the corner)

As it is on your page, there is nonsense. (your button is attaching papers, so there shouldn't be such a wide shadow below the folded corner). I hope I have helped with my little means.

In any case, well done, you have gathered several tutorials on this page))))))

hope you understand me, I use translator !!!

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here is a page made with photos of my sister, who died of devastating cancer in August 2020; ((and my mother, who died in March 2014. The page dates from April 2020, so well before the Big10 mini tutorial, but it illustrates the "CutoutPhoto" tutorial well, except that I used it on the frame of the photo))))



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Great catch Nadine, thank you.  I guess I got in a hurry.  I made each thing different days and saved as jpg for posting here and then decided to put them together instead of separately.  I will probably create a better page later some of the things I created and will pay more attention to fitting in the shadows with other things on the page.  My shadows on this display are kind of all over the place.  LOL
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Here is one more project I worked on today. I used the tutorial "Letter Tiles" and it was a lot of fun. I used papers and 2 elements from Pixel Scrapper. (Marisa Lerin, Janet Kemp, Jessica Dunn and Rachel Martin). Thank you Carole and everyone here to get me out of my comfort zone and try new things with Paint Shop Pro.





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Here is the project I worked on today. I played with the tutorial "Letter Tiles" and it was a lot of fun. I used papers and elements from Pixel Scrapper, (Marisa Lerin, Janet Kemp, Jessica Dunn and Rachel Martin) Thank you Carole and everyone here for helping me get out of my comfort zone and try new things with Paint Shop Pro.



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Special thanks to Carole for this fantastic idea, the festival was really great. As the excellent teacher she is, she gives us endless motivation to learn, discover, work and be creative.


Thanks to all, who participated and showed their creations, so many "eyeopeners". Linda, I just allowed me to use your word. What can I add, guess we will go on all together and never stop learning :)!!



I forgot to add this, one of my favourite sentences, Carole uses to say often at the end of a master class!



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reply to Nadine (#64297) on my ribbon not closing in the Circle Element - Thank You I may have forgotten that step.  I will try it again.


reply to Ann Seeber (#64279) Copy Merged sounds like a good tool to try.  Thanks


Here is my Photo Cutout


Thank You Carole this was really fun.  I just wish I had felt better and good have made better use of the tutorials.  At least I learned some new things and gained more confidence to try new features of PSP.

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This Linoleum pattern is cool.  It's the last video I got to see.  What fun this one is.  I found I like the monochrome versions better.  There is so much you can do with this.  I kept repeating the action until it was too much when backed off a bit with undo.  here's the link under Classes, Intermediate, Creative scrap https://scrapbookcampus.com/element-creation-index/linoleum-pattern/
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