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I have not been getting the live videos on facebook, but today when I watched it was 9 hours later and carole you asked for out first scrapbook page.  This one is from the beginners free class that I see is still available and a logical and a good place for new scrapbookers to start.
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I am enjoying the short tutorials! But ONE a day would be more my speed :)  I have managed to watch a few today.  I think I may have missed a step in the Engraved one. https://scrapbookcampus.com/big-10/big10-tutorials-2/


I got a new laptop about 2 weeks ago, in the midst of being sick. I don't yet have PSP set up on it, as it was on my old laptop. That may take me some time.

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Entries for yesterday and today:


Shirley, deciding on what photo to use, what paper to use, where to place things, is still the longest part of many projects (and that is not specific to DIGITAL scrapbooking either!)


Dee347 (3), I doubt you did that retirement project in 2017, right? ;) That plaid makes a beautiful background for your card.


Nadine (5), that magazine page looks great. Your extraction for your granddaughter is very well done. Those shadows are great! You paid attention for sure! You got the proportions right for the circular element.


Diane Co. (2), yes, in wordart, it is often best to use two fonts as they decorate each other. I think those curtains need to be ironed! LOL


Sue Thomas (4), that is a fun wordart when using crossed words. Beautiful stitched element. Is that clock going to be on a Christmas card this year? Oh, that circle text! Isn't it more interesting (and different) to display photos with some of those techniques? I know I love that.


Ann Seeber (2), where Adam and Eve named like that on purpose? Yes, those bootcamp projects, even though everyone follows the same tutorial, the results are always different!


Mary Solaas (3), yes, that Rotating Mirror seems to be quite picky for you. At least, there is another way to get the same result! How do you feel about your first page? So many techniques in a single page! Wow!


Euka (2), how many pages are you planning for your magazine? You must have been at the computer often to catch all those tutorials!


Wanda (Sue) McGuire (2), that was a fun script, wasn't it? We look at shadows differently after a while, don't we?


Laurie Solaas (8), once you get used to templates, you can't stop using them! That black background makes your page so "chic". Beautiful page with Joe. You could frame that! I don't think the Chicken page is from the Bootcamp as it does not look at all like any of the projects, so maybe you did it on your own? Beware, templates can be addictive!


MoniqueN. (2), if you add a title, this could very well be a cover page for your magazine! Everyone starts with a simple sandwich, but it is amazing how they evolve, just like a chef in the kitchen using new recipes.


Corrie Kinkel (3), that is such a creative way to use an otherwise ordinary frame. You'll find more time to scrap, I am sure. Is that lace in the flair button some that you made?


Anita Wyatt (4), those busy bees go very well with the flowers. Mr. Mooch is cute with the uniform. Glad you like to make plaids. They can be so versatile.


Susan Ewart (2), that is a fun way to display those cards. Maybe that other course about color might be usable with your projects in PSP too!?


Shirley (2), when you can go back to earlier projects and see what can be changed, it means you learned something between then and now. Those free classes are the ones in the Bootcamp too; the difference is that the Bootcamp is done in a cohort and with additional links for supplies.


Libera, another flower lover!


Bonnie Ballentine (2), when did you do that embossed project? I had never seen it before! It is so cool. You started scrapbooking to document that basketball team, and after that, we all learned about pickleball!


Sandra Jones, I see you also used a lifted shadow on that flower.


Julie Magerka, restoring old or damaged photos have been a frequent request, which is why I did two classes on that (and one webinar for Corel). You did a great job on yours.


Linda J. Walker (2), I hope and your husband are doing ok after covid. One day per tutorial? That would no longer be a tease, would it? But you can view them whenever you want since they are all inside the DIAMOND membership!


Lyn Lou (5), that is a very interesting use of the gradual changes in a picture.


One more day to show your projects and enter in the draw. I am inviting anyone who has not yet posted anything because they are new, check out the rotating tutorials, and show us how you use them.


Again, the link to the Big 10 events (Trivia and tutorial) is HERE.

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Carole, the Skinny Dipping story was done for the August, 2020 Story Time Challenge...and yes, I did post it then. I did a good job of completing that challenge, which surprised me because I don't journal very often.


The Searched Google page was done in March, 2020...during the lockdown for Covid.


Val, the Queens of the Court was fun to do and could be done for so many categories. I printed and framed it for my friend's birthday. She did like it.

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Carole/Cassel: Actually, Adam was already answering to that name at the humane society so I was loathe to change it, also, he had arrived there with a sister, who was named Eve. She was adopted out long before him; he was already there 2 years when we adopted him. A few years later, we adopted our own Eve from a different humane society. She had been named Mango but I wanted to re-create the original pair and since she didn't answer to Mango I felt I could change it to Eve. Adam and his actual sister Eve were born in a nearby farming area called Pine Island which was drained swampland and famous for its black dirt. Amid all its flatness, Pine Island boasted a mini mountain range that they called

Adam & Eve (actually 2 low hills :-) ) It was a local joke.

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It has been a jolly trip down memory lane.  Today is the last day, this week has slipped  by ever so  quickly.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Carole, for the time and effort you have put into making this 10th anniversary celebration a success.  Masterclass:  Using element templates.  Until this class, I didn't  know that element templates, and paper templates existed.   I found some very delicate, fine  papers from Pixel Scrapper, which I could  colour to suit my projects.  In this autumnal page, all the elements are  templates.  Aren't the background papers just divine! The frame is  my own, which I created from using a selection  from the photo.
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Creative scrap:  Ticket.   Tickets are another great way  to  add information to any project.


Creative scrap:  label


Creative scrap:  oval frame  (I added a rope)


Creative scrap:   Pin


The background paper is the photo of the butterfly, using a blend mode, opacity, brightness/contrast.


The frames are my own, also the word art



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My last project.   Back in 2015, Corel posted on their site, which I downloaded and printed off, this tutorial.  ( Create a simple double exposure portrait in Paintshop Pro- Points of view/ Corel photo blog).


I have posted one of the  double exposures I did back then.  Nell, and  the landscape of  the area, where I ride.


Masterclass: Blending through.  This  masterclass demonstrates many techniques, including how to create a double exposure. Carole used an elephant in her tutorial.

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I couldn't be here for the last few days, and again it is a joy to browse each entry... I have to repeat myself,  Everyone here, at all levels, is creating inspirational and great work.


Val, thank you so much! You are so kind. <3


Sue, my friend, your work is outstanding, and you know I am a big fan... I could name this or that layout, but it would take too long!... You are for sure a source of inspiration for many and me included. :)

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As I'm not only a flower lover :-), I created for example something I called "spooky", November 2019, but I just can't remember if it has to do with the challenge.


So I just promised me, I will try to write down for the next projects, what was the base of the work and the effects I applied. I must admit if you do not regularly use some functions, you have to search and search ....

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Susan,  thank you ever so much for your kind words.  I genuinely hope that I have inspired many of you with my  style of  creativity. I'm very much a  minimalistic,  non fussy or frilly creator, not even in real life.  I always aim to maintain focus on  my photos. Again, Susan, I thank you.


Val, thank you ever so much for your kind words on the snow globes. Xmas will soon be upon us, I hope you will watch the masterclass, and  create some stunning snow globes to be  used in  your festive projects.


Cristian, my dear  long term campus friend.  Although I  joined before, we have travelled this particular creative path together, along with many others.  It has been a stupendous journey.  It isn't over yet. I've said it before, I'm a huge fan of your work.  You put so much emphasis on  fine details, which  blows me away.   Thank you my dear friend.


I  only  ever use my own photos in  my pages.   I'm  not a professional photographer by any means, but if anyone would like to use a photo I have used, or you don't have any snow photo for instance,  I will be more  than  happy share them  with you, for you to use in your projects.

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Libera, that is so cool.  I love the horse Sue.  My husband and I worked/lived at several horse breeding farms (race horses, quarter horses and international hunter/jumpers) in the past, as my husband was a stallion handler/horse exerciser and was part of the breeding team. I was a general horse handler, worked with the mommies and babies. I miss living on a farm.
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