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Magazine Challenge 2021


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I too have enjoyed all the posts, beautiful work and wonderful memories shared.  There is always a slight sense of let down when something like this is finished ... but, I am now being swept up in a new challenge ... learning scripting!  Last pages dear friends, Day 7 and the back cover.  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;)
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Cassel - Thanks for the suggestion. This waterfall was way far away down in the Waimea Canyon on Maui so I had my camera set at max zoom. It was also in the shade. I wanted to use it because of it's location and this is the best I could get it to look and I did a number of things to it some I kept and some I didn't like the looks of. I did go back and tried a couple more things and got it to look a little better.
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WOW! These are all amazingly beautiful.  And informative too.  I had very busy weeks and didn't even have time to look until now.  I'm in awe at what you all created.  Cassel, any thoughts about one day turning this into a purchasable course like the basic course that could be done as a persons time permits.
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Carole, Thank you for the encouragement. I did notice the justification problem, but decided for the exercise just to go with it. Should I decide to have the "magazine" printed out, I will rectify that by doing the text in a different program and importing it in.
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These pages are in the process of being redone but are still a work in progress. To show I have been working on them I decided to post these anyway on one page. I do have my template for page 7 and have also been working on a few extra pages that eventually I hope to have them printed once I finishing reworking some of these.


PSP (2021) is so slow for me it is very frustrating, on checking the temp log almost every other line says send request failed or cannot get server response properly and the elapsed times are crazy.


Thanks Carole for this challenge it has been interesting and my favourite 'take away' from this challenge is how to create and adjust a template, something that I usually 'stuff up".


The pages presented here by everyone are awesome - thanks all for the information and inspiration.

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I finished up the last two pages. I liked the challenge. Learning about templates and masks was very useful. I changed one page into 3 pictures from one and for the split picture I was able to finagle a picture to fit and learned a lot in the process.


The final page of making my own template didn't come together the way I expected but after a lot of fooling around I got it to work for me.  I am so grateful for this fun week. Thank you for the tutorials Carole.



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To finish my magazine I made a back cover too. I used one of the extra templates and more or less the same style as the frontcover. Same gradient, white lines and font. Another photo but with a lowered opacity because it is the back and some info about the magazine. Maybe I'll add extra pages over time and print it then.
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Hi all, I got up to Day 7 but my week has turned out really busy so I am hoping that the forum will keep going for a few more days. The idea Carole of a recipe magazine scrapbook based on my garden to kitchen adventures has some potential. Thank you for the suggestion. It would take me a long time so I would need to devote myself to the project. In the meantime I will endeavour to contribute with Day 7 and Day 8 offerings later in the week hopefully and complete the survey then. I hope this is OK. Thank you and all the members for the tutorials and advice.
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Wow, there is so much to take in after I haven't been here for a while...     As Gerry said, I also traveled, learned about some family history, recipes, carving, garden... you name it! ...    The contribution of each one is what makes all the challenges so interesting...   I am inspired and also learn from all of you...    I thank Carole, Val, and Fiona for mentioning me in your comments.


I stopped working on my layouts, as good weather, going out, and other things came in between, but I will finish the other pages and probably tweak some I have already done, as I usually do.


Like Annie, I am also learning scripting... a totally new experience, and it is already fun...  So let's see when I will be pulling my hair! :)


Hope to see all of you next time/challenge! Best wishes



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Hello @ all, I'm really late, but still job first, pleasure later :-)


Congrats to all of you for such great ideas and fantastic layouts. I have really struggled with my choice, because too many ideas ... So I decided to show a few of hundreds of photos I made of trees over the years.





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Gerry, that is a cute "colleague" to bring along (hehe). I am glad you enjoyed the challenge.


Annie, Australia is a place I would love to visit. Even more after seeing your pages. If I ever go, you will be my guide, ok?


Hank, you nicely framed each of those instruments. It looks so professional. You did a great job with that last template!


Susan, yes, I do plan on having those as "purchasable" in the future. Thanks for reminding me. For you, however, if you have all the emails and passwords, it should still be available to you at any time.


Karon, I am not sure if the justification would be any better in a different program. The problem is just to have fewer words to work with. I have seen that even in newspapers where a narrow column has a few lines that look funny because they don't have enough words to even out the extra spacing.


Euka, it is strange that the server response would affect your PSP that much. Although PSP is connected for the store and such, using it should not require a connection. I am glad you are now more comfortable in tweaking templates. It will definitely open up more possibilities as you can now look at ready-made templates and use them in many different ways.


Diane, I like how you used two colors for the rectangles. May I suggest something you could try? Try selecting the area of both rectangles together and contract a bit (to leave some margins) and then, put your text in it slightly larger font so it can fill both areas. (or you can add more text too). I think it would look interesting although, you still have the last word.


Corrie, consistency makes the whole project so cohesive. I hope you get a chance to print that. It would be a nice piece for the coffee table as a conversation starter.


Fiona, a recipe book is typically a long-term project so don't give yourself a deadline. Add them as needed, when you have time and when you have a photo. My husband did something similar for our kids, last year, although he did it in video and online. It is bare-bone, but enough for them to use. Check it out.


Libera, better late than never. Are those trees in a certain location? I would love to know where they are and if you happen to have other details about them (type of tree, age, etc.) it would certainly be fun to read.

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Hello, Everyone! As someone said...this has been a real education with so many topics presented. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and talent.


I am late to the party. A flooded basement and its clean up has had my attention...and continues to demand my attention. I did manage to get each day's assignment done...usually late at night. I finally flattened and resized them with little to no fine tuning. I'm sure you will be surprised to hear my topic is pickleball. Our group laughingly refers to ourselves as the Jennie Dean Southside Gang. Jennie Dean is the park where our courts are located.

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Each year we have a "Rumble In The Park" which is an inhouse tournament...just for our players. This year, as we were setting up, the rains came down...and hard. I looked like we would have to cancel our tournament but players began to go home and return with leaf blowers, squeegees and towels and blankets. With everyone pitching in the courts were soon dry and safe to use. Teamwork makes the dream work.
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