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Travel Tale Challenge 2021


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Annie, that is an interesting starburst background on your Day 4 page.


Ann, it is great that you used the datestamp idea and use it for something else than a date. Why not?


Minka, those frames are showcasing fantastic scenes!


Laurie, using a darker map is for making it a silhouette, but you obviously don't have to. Hard to imagine someone working with PSP in a moving car! That is dedication!

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Great work, Everyone! I learn so much about all corners of the world through this challenge... Each layout is unique and an opportunity to get to know places that otherwise, I wouldn't.


Ann S., I didn't know this book/author, and I was curious about it... So, I already order the first one at Amazon. : )


For this challenge, I will use photos from two different trips we went on years ago. I've already showcased one of the trips in the 2018 Travel Tale Challenge, but only part of it.


This is what I have so far... not much, as this is a work in progress. : ) I created two different Route elements, similar to what I have used in previous Travel Tale Challenges.


I am using the Day4 layout 335 from Marisa Lerin.



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Dad would spend weeks before the 2-week family vacation plotting a route to our destination. He wanted to maximize the scenic route without sacrificing "The Schedule."


We drove through the Blue Ridge Parkway in stages through the years. Once I got over the initial fear of "One gust of wind and we are gonna die!", I could enjoy the spectacular views.


The mountain range is divided into six regions, from the Great Smokey Mountains to the Shenandoah Valley.

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Here's my page THREE and FOUR as a double page. I used one of Marisa's layouts for this one. I've just landed in Gabarone, Botswana, and crashed at my Elegant Guest House. (They really do name their businesses very literally!) and as you can see, Gabarone is not filled with grass huts!  I tried the template and it was all over the map so I gave up and went to the .jpg. Because of that, I had to do a lot of pasting and filling and such. I think it came out ok.. take a look! 8-)
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Gerry what a spectaculair route! I would love to see it for real.


Here is my day 4 with a story about the "Koppelpoort" and the tag which has the silhoutte of those gates. This historic gates are a landmark for Amersfoort. All the photos are from that location seen in- and outside the gates. I even used a photo of it for the background with the blend mode set to luminance and a reduced opacity in order to make it less dominant. As I said before I will use the same colorpalette throughout this challenge. There were a lot of doves flying around, so I put some on the page.

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Your work is coming along nicely dear Cristina. I must warn you about the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency books ... they are addictive! Alexander has written 22 in sequence and I have read all bar the last on my kindle ... I have pre-ordered it and expect the download to occur in September. Such innocent and amazing books for this day and age, I love them to bits. Ann's fantasy trip to Botswana is bringing up all sorts of wonderful memories relating to the books. I do hope you enjoy my friend. :D
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Cristina, it is great to see a "work in progress" so that newcomers will realize that it is OK to show partial projects.


Gerry, initially I read "Sky Diving" as a title. It didn't seem to make sense with your story. It took me a couple of seconds to re-read it!


Ann, the result is spectacular. If templates make it harder to use, go with the sketch version and do it yourself. You are quite able to do so! Those images are certainly postcard-worthy!


Corrie, using a similar color from page to page is a great way to create consistency!



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Day 4 Travel Icons.  Koala for Brisbane, Tasmanian Devil for Hobart, and Kiwi for Auckland.  "Photos" courtesy of Australian and National Geographic.  The Grungy Alpha is from PixelMarket.  I hope everyone is enjoying their travels cos I sure am.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
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Annie T- Believe it or not, years ago my first hubby and I explored moving to Brisbane. He was a police officer in our town and wanted to move and join the police force there. Nothing came of the inquiry but it was a fantasy adventure all the same! That is an interesting Alpha you used! 8-)
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Well Annie that is mutual my friend! I in turn learn a lot about Australia. Watch out for my next pages in the coming days because I plan to add more historie. The town of Amersfoort, at least the old mediaval centre of it, is full of such interesting facts. It really is a juwel and famous for it too.
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I agree, we learn so much about everyone's homeland besides learning techniques. Australia like North America isn't steeped in history like the UK or Europe. I find it all very interesting, and broadens our knowledge of the world. Still countries like Australia and Canada have such diverse cultures outstanding beauty and unique nature that they are often forgotten gems. Forgotten isn't the correct word, but I hope you understand what I mean. So much of the world has been swallowed up by mankind.
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After the kids and grandkids were grown, Mom and Dad decided to spend a summer vacation attending baseball games in different cities. It didn't matter who was playing, they loved the game. In 1986, they managed to take in four games in four cities over two weeks while visiting relatives in between.


The pictures are from Pixabay. Their camera gave up the ghost early in the trip.


Fonts are from Creative Fabrica and the stamp was created using one of Carole's scripts.

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This is day 5, I had to do some google search, because I didn't have all the brochures of that little trip any longer but I found what I needed.  Again I tweaked a template for my needs because those that come with this challenge don't always match my photos. And again I used a photo to make the background, same colorpalette and the paper with the text is made by using textures - blinds. The font is Baskerville Old Face, a freebie from Creative Fabrica if I'm not mistaken!
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Still loving your trip to Botswana Ann and I'll bet that The Melva Elegant Guest House is tres comfortable! Terrific photos my friend and you put a grin on my face with your comment about no bears or tigers ... it is amazing how many people really do think that they exist in the wilds of Africa! Great job Ann, love it my friend. :D
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Some things are just not meant to be Ann and I'll bet you wouldn't trade what you have now for a what could have been. Brisbane is a lovely city ... very laid back and I lived there for a few years. City life was not for me however so I ended up back in Bundaberg after doing a stint of outback living. As you can imagine Bundaberg is very laid back and in the suburb of Norville we are allowed to have backyard chooks (of which I have 4 Isa Browns) and I love every minute of it. Excellent egg layers however they are a little hard on the vegie patch so I am working on that particular aspect. I am sure looking forward to further episodes of 'Ann goes to Botswana' ... it has been a real treat. :D
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Dear Corrie and Sue ... it is wonderful learning about the different countries fauna, flora and history etcetera. Here in Australia we don't have the history of the UK, Europe, Asia etcetera ... but I think the Indigenous People may have something to say about that, ;) We are learning more and more about them and it is fascinating and ongoing. I suspect there is still so much we don't know about this planet ... dare I say that we probably haven't even touched the surface! This campus is amazing in that individual contributions are forming a bigger picture ... a never ending learning curve my friends and if only all of humanity would indulge in this perhaps we would stop wounding the planet and help her heal. Ok, I'll get off the pulpit now, lol! Keep enlightening me dear friends, I love it. <3
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