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What are you working on (in April 2021)?


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Lynda, thank you for the kind comment.  I take it you want to know what fonts I used in the  Meadowlark page.  For the tile I used Esther, which has lots of cool glyphs, for the info I used Sailing, which also lots of cool glyphs, but  didn't use any of them in  this project. The last project I used the glyphs for the Sailing font was in the first Easter card, which had the gosling in it. I agree, I prefer the first one of the ducks too.
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Beautiful work Sue. I love how you have woven the vine under the rope ... very clever. I feel sad everytime I hear stories of how we have destroyed a critters habitat. I wonder if we can truly make a difference or if we have gone too far. Here in Bundaberg (and across Australia for that matter) we destroyed the habitat of the Australian White Ibis. Preferred habitats include swamps, lagoons, floodplains and grasslands. The ibis has also become a successful inhabitant of urban parks and gardens which has earned them the name of 'Bin Chickens'. The Bundaberg City Council swooped into action and created several beautiful habitats for these birds and they have made a remarkable comeback along with other wildlife similarly affected. These areas have become lovely places to have a picnic or just to wander around and see the wildlife population thriving again. :)
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Annie, thank you ever so much for your continued kind comments on my work.  I'm always trying to find new ways to showcase my photos, if it wasn't for Carole, and everyone who participates in sharing their pages, I do believe that I would struggle  for inspiration to create pages. I have  many emotions, one being sad,   every time I  see litter which is discarded from vehicles,  and when I read that the government is now allowing  farmers to cut their grass for hay  earlier, and  the ditches.  As birds will not have the  time to raise their young in time.  And the list goes on and on.  I look out across the Prairies, and all I see is cultivated  land, or  prime land locations being  gobbled up and turned into concrete jungles.  Once  the native grasslands have been broken, it is nigh on impossible to restore them.  The birds of the open Prairies have to contend with  herbicides, pesticides, heavy machinery, they already have a challenging life, without mankind putting its 4 penneth worth in.  I read how mankind has saved birds and mammals from extinction, and they make such a big thing  of it.  What irks me the most is , we should  not have allowed it to get to that point in the first place.  Mother  Nature is constantly sending out SOSs, and we are not not taking a blind bit of notice.  I fear the damage to our planet is almost irreversible now, unless we  instantly dramatically change our ways. We have conservation areas, where dedicated people are working hard to keep the habitat as it's meant to be, but it's a  very tiny percentage of what all mother nature's creatures need to thrive. I find the  insect world tells me  a lot, as their numbers, and species are dwindling dramatically every year.
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Hello Campus Friends.  I played with the tutorials for Lab 11 Module 4  and then decided to display it in this way.  Again, the background paper was achieved with an overlay and opacity change ups.  The two ribbons are from Cassel's freebies and I manually colour corrected them to suit the page.  The rivet was also made following a tut by Cass.  The arrow was also a freebie from Cass.  The cluster is from Emeto Designs.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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You have captured the essence of the birds.  I love that you chose a rope colour that is in the feathers.  A fabulous job on the rope text, and the frame wrapping.  As for the horse shoe, well  it would pass for a real shoe.  I have several of Carole's rope tubes, they are ever so versatile.  I like to create my own  background papers, no two are ever the same.  Yours is great,  you could even colorize or use the hue saturation, lightness on it, to be used in a different project.  Well done. I agree,  I often  weep when I see or read about the wounds that are inflicted on Mother Nature, which she has to  endure.  It's going to take more than a plaster to prevent her demise.
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Annie, You have done a wonderful job with the Lab and of course your beautiful overlay. Love the Kookaburra and I agree with you and Sue on the environment. Our backyard is a preserve so we are lucky in the birds and bees department but like Sue says , it's such a tiny bite out of a huge problem.


Thanks so much Michele, I will run right over there to check it out. Sue and I have been running around in circles . It's become a moral imperative to figure it out.  :-)

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Besides searching for a font, I have been going over the Master Class in overlays. This is what I've come up with so far.


I've included the original of Navy Pier in Chicago and the original daffodils with the overlay bar as well as  fog and a black overlay. The fireworks and the fireflies were fun to figure out. Need to work on the fog.

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Thanks very much Sue and Lynda. Maybe it is just us creative types that want to preserve this beautiful environment. For what it is worth I truly think that it is greed and power that is destroying it. Lovely to know that your backyard is a preserve Lynda, I can only imagine the joy you must get from what nature has to offer. By the by I love what you have done with the overlays. Truly amazing how they can transform photos in so many ways. ;D
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Hello Scrapbook Campers.  I have been playing around with Lab 11 Module 3 and decided to use it to showcase the Rainbow Bee-Eater.  All my own work including the scatter and heart border.  Photos courtesy Australian Geographic.  The Rainbow Bee-eater is found throughout mainland Australia, as well as eastern Indonesia, New Guinea and, rarely, the Solomon Islands. In Australia it is widespread, except in desert areas, and breeds throughout most of its range, although southern birds move north to winter over.  Delightful little birds and so pretty.  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D
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Finally found a project for the free colorful cubes collage from Corel last month. I found a collaboration between Marvel and ESPN for my Awesome Athletes pic. Just wish I'd had more time. I would have liked to have increased the size of the masks to show more of the four singular athletes. The font is voyage_fantastique; free from dafont and it has multiple styles.
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More beautiful, amazing work posted lately.


Lynda, I think you did wonderful work with the pen tool; the rabbit is so cute... I am starting to use more overlays, inspired by Annie, Sue, Karon, and now you. There is so much we can do with it.


Sue, both of your photos and work are outstanding.


Annie, the same comment above applies to you. Beautiful layouts... I think I have a soft spot for the kookaburra since Marlene posted a layout about them years ago. They are not as pretty as the rainbow-bee-eaters, but I find them very sympathetic.


Michele, beautiful, beautiful layout. Great work.



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Downloaded Corel's freebie for the week: a spring frame. Applied it to a photo of my granddaughter, Jackie, and her fiance, Corey, when they got engaged last year. The wedding is June 11. The full size layout was made to print out at 8"x10." Actually, I tried it with 2 different photos. Here's the 2nd one, too.
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