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February TUT/TECH Challenge - Paperclip


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The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.


This month's Tut/Tech Challenge is to use a paperclip. There are different types of paperclips but the idea is to practice modifying the paperclip to show part of it on top and part of it under the papers or other elements you want to fasten.


HERE is the tutorial on how to do it.


If you want some paperclips, you can find some on PixelScrappers, and some on the blog too.


You can also grab these paperclips on the store blog HERE.





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The paper clips are my own, which I  created a  long time ago using Carole's tutorial in the creative scrap.  I colourise them and add motifs to them to suite the project.  Looking forward to Spring and summer, as winters are always long here.  I used water colour brushes to create the background paper.   The frames  and  folded edge paper,  also created  using   tutorials in the creative scrap, a long time ago.  I save then as png's.  I've created quite a few labels, usually seasonal ones, this is an old one too, which I colourised.  The pin  is mine, and I added an element to the top. Carole, I don't know if you can see from the  image, as it's been greatly reduced, but I noticed that when I move the promoted layer below layers, there's a very thin white line (gap).  Now then it  never used to do that.  To hide it on the heart, I cloned the white line out. All the settings are what I always use.
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Sheila, I'm green with envy,   my daughter in Haverfordwest  has had snowdrops in flower for a while,  all the bulbs are through, looks like she'll have Daffs in flower for St David's Day.


Thank you for your kind words on the page,  it always  means a great deal.  It's more of  a scrapbook layout,  than my usual  LOs.  I enjoy doing  the odd scrapbook page, particularly the scavenger hunt challenges, creating elements.

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You asked to create a page to include a paperclip Carole!   Well here are some paperclips (6 of them  lol ).  I used the same paperclip I created and used in the previous project.   I colourised it. I should have used a little shadowing and  feathering on the shadows on  the ribbon, where I  threaded the paperclips through. I used the push tool.I can always go back at  a later date to finish the job properly. I was focusing on the challenge in hand.  In my opinion, the techniques used  are fundamental in creating otherwise flat looking  pages. There are also other techniques, but  these really do create a 3D effect.
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Thank you so much Annie for you kind words.  I've been a bit quiet this past week or so, the weather has improved, between zero and plus 4, which  is a welcome  break in the long winter.  I've been outside more than in.  I've noticed that the birds have been very vocal, and the sparrows are cleaning out old nests, I wonder if they know something I don't, like an early Spring.  You are going into Autumn.  Take care, and thank you my friend.
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Here is my Paperclip Challenge. We have had a cold spell with a lot of snow for Dutch circumstances. It has been many years ago that we had so much snow. The whole country came to a stand still  for a couple of days, no newspapers, no deliveries, no trains, no bus services, the garbage was not collected! I know for many of you this sounds ridicules!!! So I made this impression of our winter with paperclips added.
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Sorry I forgot to mention the font is Snow Bold which was a free one from Creative Fabrica some time ago. The 2 bottom paperclips are from Pixelscrappers and the Sunday one is from Carole as is the blue matt. The background I made using the Kaleidoscope. The little watercolor snowflakes are picturetubes.
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My Red Poll Finches have left, I haven't seen them all day.  I suspect that they have started their  journey north to their nesting grounds.   I'm sad to see them go, but  those that migrated south for the winter, many have already started their long flight back.   A simple layout using one of the paper clips I made some time ago, I colourised it  Tarnished trumpet.  The background paper is the main photo,  overlay, the laced paper is   the main photo,  radial  blur, and twirl.  I made the  mask which I used, using one of Carole's  lace fonts.  I've included it for anyone who would like to download it and use.  All you have to do is  go to  layers,  new mask layer, from image. Make sure you open it in psp first. The page isn't very sharp, as the main photo was large, and by the time I got it down  around 600 pixels to post, the quality  diminished greatly.
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I haven't seen the Red Poll Finches today, I suspect that they have  left  for their breeding ground up north. I created the mask, if anyone would like to download it to use.  I used one of Carole's lace fonts.  Open it  in psp, then  go to layers, new mask layer, from image. I used the original  photo in the background paper, overlay, the laced paper radial blur, twirl. The paperclip, it another one I made some time ago.  Colourised it added text.  For the outer frame, I used the original photo, paste into selection,  blur, inner bevel.
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A while back I bought a new box of paperclips for my desk. I believe it had 250 or so in it. I poured them into a decorative bowl and put them on my desk. Then I started to sew and needed better light, so moved the machine to my desk. Not thinking, I reached for a pin (they were also poured into a decorative bowl) I hit the paper clip bowl by accident and it flew off my desk and proceeded to scatter those paper clip seven ways to Sunday. I never knew paper clips could fly all around a room like that!

Took me forever to pick them up. Have never put them on my desk since. You want a paper clip now, you have to go to the bottom drawer and open the box! LOL

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My paperclip result. Two lovely dogs who are no longer here, brother and sister Eric and Maisie who belonged to a very good friend of mine. Both bonkers which Boxers can be but very affectionate. The paperclips I made, not sure abbout the pin, think that came with PSP. I used all my own created background papers and the trick with the paperclips but the real challenge was the shadowing with them. Not perfect but not too bad either. The font was DreamOrphans-Bold Italic but not sure whose. TFL.





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Sue, I just wanted to say that I really loved your project with the red finch - really beautiful. Thank you for your offer of your lace-edged mask. I am working on birthday and anniversary cards and it can really come in handy. Also, thanks for your description of how you did your mask. Can't thank you enough.


Thanks to all of your for your beautiful layouts - I am really glad to belong to this group. I wanted to comment last night on each of your projects, but when I went to a previous page, my post had been deleted. Just want to tell each of you that you have some lovely designs. I remember Lynda's Fresh Market which was wonderful bulletin board. I believe Minka had something also that i really liked before I lost my post.


March starts this Monday. What are you doing in February really brought a lot of people in including some of the Tut/Tech Challenge. I believe this post really belongs in that forum, but here I am just before going to sleep. Supposed to get my second Covid vaccine tomorrow morning early and i sure don't want to miss it. So, Good Night, Ladies!

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