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Love Story Challenge 2021


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Anne L, it would be cool if you could share what it is that you learned. It would emphasize some lessons! Will you focus all the pages on your mother? (I just assume this is your mother). For your Day 2, the idea of reducing the opacity is a good one. That is a good way to tone down something that would otherwise overpower the project.


Gerry, I love that font! I think Amelia will certainly put more smiles on your face in these challenging times. The plaid technique is definitely addictive. And if you want to REALLY be addicted, there is a script in the store that can make a bunch of plaids in one run!


Annie, those birds look so loving. Perfect for a LOVE theme!


Susan, you did a good job of layering: the wordart is perfectly placed, under the photos!


Ann S., glad to hear that the "issue" is fixed. A grey mask might have its place in some situations, especially when the masks have fuzzy edges, so you can keep that idea for other projects too. That plaid is obviously, perfectly matching the photo!


Cristina, those birds on the window frame are so perfectly placed. I had to look twice to realize they were not part of the photo!


Sue, those corner swirls are super interesting!


Jnet, yes, those pages showcase my grandson, but it was not a photo of him that was used in the Master Class on Sunday.


Corrie, looking forward to see all those mountain photos. I see you changed the color of the small photo frames. That is a great tweak.


Donna, another lovely baby layout (I think we might have a baby party!). Getting yellow as a colorized element is typically quite challenging. The best way I found would be using Blend modes, so you might have to experiment a bit. I love how you rotated the template for Day 2. That would an easy way to reuse the same supplies to create something different.


Minka, if I had not read your post, I would have thought those animals WERE alive! If I may offer a little suggestion,  I would encourage you to move the bottom text a tiny bit as it is overlapping the tag, which would not be realistic (or you can move the tag too).


Wanda, when photos are "lower quality", it is a great opportunity to use masks especially if they are not completely black/white. That way, the photo is not expected to be as "sharp". Or also, using them in smaller format is another way to get around the issue.


Jennifer, old photos are always a favorite when using "artsy" masks like that.


Laurie, welcome to the Campus. If you are new to using PaintShop Pro, you are doing a fantastic job. Somehow, I suspect you might be getting some coaching on the side ;) Looking forward to your other pages. Remember, if you are ever stuck, just post in the forum. I read every single post. And someone else might even be faster than me to reply if needed.


Linda, glad that you are discovering a new tool altogether. On the larger photo, is it possible that you might have resized it sideways? It might be an optical illusion, but that is the impression I get.

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And here is my day 3. Again a mountain scene. This one is about the mountain cabin, called Maiensaess, that the inlaws of my daughter own. You can only get there by foot with all your belongings and lots of fresh food in a backpack! Minka that must appeal to you. Over the years I have been there a lot of times; it's a lovely place and so quite with very dark skies, no lightpollution. The only way to get bigger supplies up is by helicopter.
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Thank you so much, Carole and Annie. : )


Here is Day 2.




lady-DCS-template November 2019,  and I tweaked it a bit.


KAagard (Kristin Aagard) Great Outdoors kit - paper pattern 1 --- Border Stitch Jul17CCM


Fonts: The Quiet Nite and Typewriter


Cassel: I used the Alpha-Maker sample again but added the plaid pattern. I liked this Alpha script so much that I will have to visit Cassel's Store.

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Many new pages have appeared since my posting yesterday especially since I was still thinking of myself in the first page when I posted. I won't post for all new pages but I want to say that you all did a great job! The subjects are varied and some remind me of things that I have had or that I have experienced.


Thank you Carole for your word, I liked redoing the kaleidoscope paper tutorial. It is very well explained and made me understand how to adjust the corners


Here is my day 3 always with my grandson Nathan

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This is my third time participating in the Love Story Challenge which means I've been doing digital scrapbooking for two years now--time has passed so quickly.  And my skills have improved.  I remember the first year was so hard for me because everything was so new.  I've gotten more comfortable with my PSP so I can do more now.


The overall idea behind my pages for this year is "it's all about the dress" and it has to do with my mother's wedding dress.  I'm uploading a title page and the day 1 challenge.

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Here is my day 3.  I did use  the mask provided , but edited it to my liking by using a heart brush.  I added Tess's name to the frame, used  the lifted corner script, the  word art,  hearts and  the apple are all fonts, I used the  selection tool in the font tool bar to delete a heart shape from the apple.


Far to many to congratulate on awesome pages created, it's always a pleasure to scroll through.



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Yes Sue, I checked my spam folder.


There has been a problem in the past--I had registered for one challenge, didn't get the confirmation email, then forgot about it, and missed the challenge. This time I registered but didn't get confirmation, registered again but didn't get confirmation again. I contacted Carole and she had to add me manually. I got Day 1 and Day 2. Not sure if they get lost in cyberland, or there is a hiccup somewhere, or maybe I am just a problem child! I don't really know. I don't know if posting them here in the forum would help--not really sure if this is a public or private page.


I'm probably over thinking this. I know Carole will look at it when she can, but it just adds to her workload.

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Day 3 - Corinne


Corinne has two older brothers who understand their place in the sibling hierarchy, also known as Corinne's World. She turns six in April.


The kaleidoscope colors came from the bridge of her sunglasses.


Frame/Mask - Melo Vrijhof's Mixed Media 3 Spill Frames from Pixelscrapper. Font - Spicy Rice (appropriate!)

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Corrie ... you are absolutely right! I would love it there, but now-a-days, unfortunately, I am not so great on the hiking long distances. I bet the sky there at night is fantastic with no city lights to dim it. You're lucky to get to share in such a wonderful spot. Everyone is making such awesome pages and it's exciting to see what everyone comes up with. I have NO BABIES to share with any of you. My only grandson is mid twenties and I know he would not appreciate me plastering his face on something. LOL I am sticking to other things I love ... which are easier to come up with pictures. I didn't have a really BIG picture for this one so used smaller ones and AI to resize. I used the same mask on each one but rotated the mask so they would look a bit different. The mask was a Melo one from Pixel Scrapper. Honestly I would tell you her last name, too, but I couldn't pronounce it if I tried never mind spell it! All three of these lighthouses are a popular bike ride at home. The background was fun to make, although I thought it looked a little bit too much like a snowflake. Seeing as they are buried in snowflakes right now, I guess it's okay. Love seeing what comes up next! So far, a fun challenge, right? :o)
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