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What are you working on (in November 2020)?


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I decided to try Sue's technique with multiple copies of the same photo but I couldn't get the image to rotate! What's the trick, Sue or Carole?


It wasn't too difficult to align the three photos by hand, though. This is a photo of a young buck who arrived in my yard on Saturday and Sunday to clean out my bird feeders! LOL He's a beauty and just posed ever so nicely. I'll put up a copy of the original photo which I edited to transform him into Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer. ;D

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Corrie, best wishes for your husband's speedy recovery. That's the problem with hospitals, things don't always go to plan. I hope he gets home soon and your life can get back to normal ... even if it is a 2020 normal! ;)

Cristina, thank you very much for your lovely compliments on my work, very much appreciated my friend.

Karon, your comments on my work are truly appreciated, thank you very much.

Ann, delightful Christmas card and lovely photo of the buck ... almost as if he simply posed for you!

Lynda, I'm with Karon, when can we get together ... however, I'm a bit like your Margarita after I've had a few, lol!

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Annie, Thanks and he is back home, but it will take him quit some time to recover! But it is giving me at least more time to do the things I like. When I'm scrapping or just looking here at all those lovely LO, I'm nearby if he needs me to help him with something and it gives me some distraction from the whole situation. But it will be okay in the end!
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Thank you Karon, for you very kind words.  The subway art started out as a  Xmas card.  It took a new direction, and once I got started the words slotted into place.  Carole suggested that it would make a fun front cover for a  greeting card.   I agree it would look lovely cross stitched.  I have several framed in glass cross stitch quotes, that I did with  my children when they  were much younger.
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I am posting this even though I am not happy with the way it turned out.  I guess more than anything I am posting it because of the amount of time I spent in creating it ... as you do!  The kit is Africa by Alicia Mujica and the tube's name is Spring (Alicia created her back in 2012).  I selected her from my vast collection of Alicia's tubes because she was the only one that kinda looked outdoorsy and fitted with the theme of the page.  The flower side border was made using a template I had created from one of Carole's tuts.  The 'banner' was the result of playing around with the selection tool which is a tool I loooove.  I created the alpha for this kit as there was not one included so I used the available papers and went to work with the font Cooper Black, Vector tube script, Carole's natural rope picture tube, monogram bevel and small shadow on the natural rope.   I was then able to create the SAFARI title.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)
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I know I haven't posted anything in a while, but I check in all the time and really love what everyone has been up to.


Stealing Sue Thomas's idea for my gaming group's daily theme today. (Original pic is from Harper's Bazaar; photographer Paolo Kudacki; model Lily Donaldson.) I used a snippet from her dress to make the background, the Chopin Script font, and a silver pattern from Pixabay to frame the individual pics. I'm not thrilled with how the pattern came out on the frames, but I'm out of time and have to post it now.

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Thanks Annie, I'll try but scrapping is also taking my mind of the problems at home and do something I like! Your Safari page is great and so much work to in making. Michele what a lovely silver LO. It is amazing to see what everybody is doing with Sue Thomas's idea!


I gave the Subway Art a try with a Christmas theme.

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