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Up-to-Date Challenge 2021


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Jnet...November, December and the cover are really stunning.

Sue...Great spider pic (even though I have been bitten by a brown recluse 40+ years ago, I still love the creep crawlies, especially the crab-like orb weavers) Great work with the text and vectors.

Ann Seeber...Beautiful pages. The pictures are awesome and just adore your fenced in turkeys.

Corrie...You have done a great job one your pages. The pictures, the flowers and the elements make each one special. And your cover is awesome. I really like the inclusion of the little flower pictures from the months.

Liese...What a nice way to gift your family. Your January page is delightful (love the silhouettes).

MoniqueN...Fantastic pages and cover. Like how you changed the gradient so each month is a little different. My sister covers her kids faces too, so don't worry about it.

Bonnie...A beautiful way to treasure those friends who are like family. Your cover is wonderful and the pages are lovely. Do like the wordart you have chosen and the addition of extra pictures on some of the pages. And being an August child too and a lover of cats, I just adore the little string art cat you placed on that month.

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Bonnie: Your calendar is so enjoyable! The friendship and love just flow from your pages. I particularly liked the December color layout. Hadn't seen a calendar page with white type and art before. Well done!


This past 2 weeks have been intense with 13 pages to create that I feel a distinct loss .. a letdown.. with nothing in the pipeline..yet. In hopeful anticipation for the webinar on Sunday and whatever November brings from Carole.. !



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Karon, thank you! Bonnie, what a very nice calendar you made!. I'm in the proces of printing mine and as usual the paper and ink are not sufficient, so tomorrow to the shop to get more.


Ann, I feel the same, for next month I'll have to find new inspiration, but I too am l looking forward to the coming masterclass. And besides that I have to clean up the computer, I always make a mess when I'm working on a big challenge. All the elements and photo's that I use must go back to their original files or must be deleted if I copied them to my workspace. Then I'm ready for something new.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And two more, August and September.


I watched yesterday's Corel Webinar, "Make a Holiday Calendar," hosted by Carole. It has great tips and techniques, creative layouts, and all of this with gorgeous photos from Sue Thomas. It is a must-see if anyone is thinking about creating calendars.

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Hi Carol Anne,  you cannot access this course because it is now being offered for purchase as a standalone course, as shown in the image below.


If you have registered for this Challenge, may I suggest you contact Cassel as she will probably have a solution.



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Carol Ann, if you were registered for the challenge version, it should still be accessible with the link and the password from the email. If you didn't register for the challenge, as Cristina said, it is available as a paid standalone project.
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Hi Carole, :)


I did NOT go through the Projects... I did use the link in the email I received, and that's why I thought it was not available anymore to the participants, only to those that purchase it... So, I answered Carol Ann based on this assumption.


I checked again early today before writing to you and had the same answer.

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