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Vector Workshop 2024


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Lesson three - leaves

Practice, practice and again but changing to cusp and back to symmetric was driving me mad, avoiding the duplicate nodes is essential.

I have customised my tool bar to create a new one containing Cusp, Symmetric and Convert to Path hopefully that will reduce the mouse clicks, along with the arrow keys to find tune the node positioning.

I also select all nodes to set all to Cusp, not sure that option works that well as we have to select Symmetric before activating Cusp and that upsets the path.

I will try a few more leaves to get used to tweaking these nodes.

Lesson 3.jpg

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41 minutes ago, Michele said:

I've been sick the last few days so I haven't been able to participate. Hopefully, I'll do the workshop when I recover. Darn, I hate being sick.

Oh, Michele, I am so sorry to hear this.

I do hope you get well very soon.  As Dawn always says, Best wishes to you 💟

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48 minutes ago, Michele said:

I've been sick the last few days so I haven't been able to participate. Hopefully, I'll do the workshop when I recover. Darn, I hate being sick.

Take care, Michelle, get well quickly :classic_smile:

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6 hours ago, Cassel said:

@Susan Ewart Yes, sometimes, the arms are very short. That is one situation where changing them to symmetric might make both ends the length of the longest one, which then allows you to grab them correctly. You are moving along quite well!

That's a great tip!   I'll keep that in mind.

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Thank you Julie Magerka, Anne Seeber, Corrie Kinkel, intermediary, Cristine for your encouragement for my passwords. I'm going with the most used ones, so I can make a few each day. Anne Seeber & Carol,  I'm happy to be here with you.

Here is my lesson 2

Leçon 2 - Label.jpg

Leçon 2 - Label1.jpg

Leçon 2 - Label2.jpg

Leçon 2 - Label3.jpg

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Here is Day 4. I chose a simple mug as I don't have much time today to deal with the "so-called"  &%$nodes§%&. 😄

It was good to review this lesson, as I didn't remember the "c-r-a-c paste" tip.

As I am traveling tomorrow morning, I will catch up with the lessons once I'm back.   The workshop will be over by then, but I want to finish it. 🙂 



Mug-blue Day4.jpg

Preset Shape - Mug-01.jpg

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15 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

Just gotta keep working on these. Not for any lesson design, just for fun. My initials and then a snowgirl to remind me of nice crisp cold weather which I am craving right now!

fun with vectors.jpg

These are so  cool.  You could make a whole alphabet.  LOVE the snowgirl!  I cant imagine the temperatures you are having.  Is your A/C fixed?  We have had so much rain and two nights ago almost 0 degrees.  Should be in the high 20's or low 30's (Celsius) by now.  Weird weather everywhere.

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13 hours ago, middie said:

I believe that the adjective that you are looking for is  "mephistophelian"  derived from an evil spirit to whom Faust sold his soul. 


oooh, I love that word "mephisitophelian".  I also think Titivillus, the patron saint of mistakes (Actually of scribes: that's who we blamed for calligraphy mistakes when I was learning calligraphy) is another culprit to our taming of the modes.. Here's the google interpretation of the dastardly demon:   Titivillus is a demon said to introduce errors into the work of scribes. 

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7 hours ago, Michele said:

I've been sick the last few days so I haven't been able to participate. Hopefully, I'll do the workshop when I recover. Darn, I hate being sick.

I hope you feel better quickly.  Miss you in the workshop.

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7 hours ago, Cristina said:

Jnet, you sure have a lot of work ahead of you; moving to a new home and sorting out the things you have accumulated over the years. 

Oh, no. Losing all your saved passwords hurts. ☹️ I always keep mine the old way, in a notebook, in case technology fails.


This is me as well.  Then every once in a while I redo the whole notebook.  I dont want my passwords stored on my PC so I keep it the old fashioned way.  And besides, we hardly "write" anymore.  I still do, I'm a neurotic note-taker.  

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1 hour ago, Cristina said:

Here is Day 4. I chose a simple mug as I don't have much time today to deal with the "so-called"  &%$nodes§%&. 😄

It was good to review this lesson, as I didn't remember the "c-r-a-c paste" tip.

As I am traveling tomorrow morning, I will catch up with the lessons once I'm back.   The workshop will be over by then, but I want to finish it. 🙂 



Mug-blue Day4.jpg

Preset Shape - Mug-01.jpg

Have a good trip, "see" you when you are back!

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20 hours ago, Jnet Allard said:

Text translated with Google

Hello to all participants.

I arrive late, because I am in the boxes full to bursting from our 52 years of life together for my husband and me. I think I will have enough to sort through, throw away, keep and give away everything we have accumulated over these 52 years.

In addition to the move, I was surprised when I turned on my computer that all my saved passwords had disappeared. I think I'll have to change them all because the ones I have in note don't go through, as if I needed that!


Jnet: I wish you the best on the move. The stress can take a toll on you, so take care. 

For the passwords, yuk and double yuk! When you can, check into password managers. There are several free versions of the more popular ones. Also, current browsers have built-in managers. I use one that can store information in the cloud and access it from anywhere and on any device.

Good luck!

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finally completed lesson one. I had to go back a few times to really get the node types. I think this is what was frustrating me the other times I have tried to use them. It seems easy when Carol does it.


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9 hours ago, Michele said:

I've been sick the last few days so I haven't been able to participate. Hopefully, I'll do the workshop when I recover. Darn, I hate being sick.

Michele get well 💐 soon and those vectors will be waiting for you.

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3 hours ago, Cristina said:

Here is Day 4. I chose a simple mug as I don't have much time today to deal with the "so-called"  &%$nodes§%&. 😄

It was good to review this lesson, as I didn't remember the "c-r-a-c paste" tip.

As I am traveling tomorrow morning, I will catch up with the lessons once I'm back.   The workshop will be over by then, but I want to finish it. 🙂 



Mug-blue Day4.jpg

Preset Shape - Mug-01.jpg

Save travels and see you when you are back!

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2 hours ago, Cindy Sheets said:

finally completed lesson one. I had to go back a few times to really get the node types. I think this is what was frustrating me the other times I have tried to use them. It seems easy when Carol does it.


You stuck it out and got it! That's what I have to do every time I tackle vectors.

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17 hours ago, middie said:

Lesson 3 went more smoothly as long as I zoomed in to add nodes, otherwise they end up all over the place. I do have a question. At the end of the classes, how do we delete all our admittedly poor first attempts at saving the shapes so that they do not clutter up our shapes library? I am sure that I will get better at these over time & I doubt that I will want to reuse my pathetic initial assignments. Can I just delete the pspimage file in my documents or do I have to also delecte them somehow from the shapes library?

vector3 sharon.jpg

I feel the same way. Don't want all my wonky distorted vector shapes taking up space!!!!

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