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June ALL ABOUT ME Challenge (2024) - Books


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Let's continue this new challenge. We might often be the ones taking pictures but we are not the feature of our layouts, so let's change that since we ARE important and we have lots to say.

Every month or so, the layout will be about YOU, and a prompt will be given. If you have taken the Story Week Challenge, you will find some similarities but it won't be the same.

For the June layout, tell us something about books. Do you have books that you like/dislike? or books that have been a big part of your life when you were young. 

Remember that if you want to create pages for previous prompts, those threads will stay open for you. There is no right or wrong order to share about you.

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Posted (edited)

I love this topic. At last count, my Amazon Kindle has over 900 books in my cloud. I do like that I can accumulate books without taking up space here in my small condo.  I might even have some old layouts to display while I come up with something new. Here's one from the topic Hobbies back in 2021.


Edited by Ann Seeber
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16 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

I love this topic. At last count, my Amazon Kindle has over 90 books in my cloud. I do like that I can accumulate books without taking up space here in my small condo.  I might even have some old layouts to display while I come up with something new. Here's one from the topic Hobbies back in 2021.


I love this layout.  The quote and the images backing it up are so fitting.  90 books would take up a lot of room if they were physical.  My hubby watches techy shows on Youtube and I happen to be in the same room one day while he was watch one.  I  had always wondered about "The Cloud".  what is it?  Is it floating around in the cyber sky, on a fluffy white cyber-cloud? Then the host of the show he was watching says:  :There is no cloud, only your files on the someone else's computer."  hahahaha, I never thought of it that way.  I liked the mystery of my info happily floating along on a fluffy cloud (the cloud is smiling of course).  

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51 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

I love this layout.  The quote and the images backing it up are so fitting.  90 books would take up a lot of room if they were physical.  My hubby watches techy shows on Youtube and I happen to be in the same room one day while he was watch one.  I  had always wondered about "The Cloud".  what is it?  Is it floating around in the cyber sky, on a fluffy white cyber-cloud? Then the host of the show he was watching says:  :There is no cloud, only your files on the someone else's computer."  hahahaha, I never thought of it that way.  I liked the mystery of my info happily floating along on a fluffy cloud (the cloud is smiling of course).  

Hate to tell you but I forgot a zero on that number of books. It should have been 900. I've corrected it now. Thank goodness the "cloud" is roomy! 😉

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1 hour ago, Ann Seeber said:

I love this topic. At last count, my Amazon Kindle has over 90 books in my cloud. I do like that I can accumulate books without taking up space here in my small condo.  I might even have some old layouts to display while I come up with something new. Here's one from the topic Hobbies back in 2021.


For years I bought my books; then I used the library b/c it got expensive to own them. Then, during the lockdowns, I downloaded them to my device (iPad or Kindle) from the library cloud service. I found that so convenient and easy, that I continue to do that now. The only downside is that they sometimes will have some books from a series and not others.

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1 minute ago, Julie Magerka said:

For years I bought my books; then I used the library b/c it got expensive to own them. Then, during the lockdowns, I downloaded them to my device (iPad or Kindle) from the library cloud service. I found that so convenient and easy, that I continue to do that now. The only downside is that they sometimes will have some books from a series and not others.

I have used the library in the past. Right now, I've put a hold on buying or adding any more, at least until I've read them all! 

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1 hour ago, Ann Seeber said:

I love this topic. At last count, my Amazon Kindle has over 90 books in my cloud. I do like that I can accumulate books without taking up space here in my small condo.  I might even have some old layouts to display while I come up with something new. Here's one from the topic Hobbies back in 2021.


This is just perfect! Love the image of the girl.

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I've got several old layouts about books.

The first one shows all the hard back books I had at one time. I had joined The Literary Guild in my 20's so collected books that way. Also have books that my mom had collected over the years. I have donated quite a few of them to a local organization that sells used books to raise money for scholarships for girls (AAUW). But there are some that I will not give up. These bookcases look different since I've gotten rid of books but the larger one is still full of books! The smaller one no longer has books on the top shelf and the books in it are not as tightly packed in.



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In 2012 I got my first Kindle, so I now collect books on it. My reading tastes have changed as well. I'm more into cozy mysteries and biographies. I find a lot of new authors to me through a copy of daily email lists with books offered at extremely low prices or even free. I have also gotten the Kindle version of my favorite series shown in the above layout by John Jakes. I got a new, smaller Kindle before my surgery last fall and took it with me in case I felt like reading post surgery. I did use it before my 3rd surgery when I got a blood transfusion the day before. It took about 4 hours so my cousin and I sat there and read... me with my Kindle, her with a hard back book from her library! She still likes the feel of a book in her hands.

I do have a wish list on the Ohio E-book website through my local library so every so often I will get books through there instead of buying them. A couple books were so popular that it took over 6 months to get them even with the depository having 6 to 8 copies! One of them was so good, I couldn't put it down and finished it in one day. I highly recommend the book "Saved: A War Reporter's Mission to Make it Home" by Benjamin Hall.

Several years ago, some of the scrapbooking readers on another forum chose to do layouts from their Goodreads list. (I do track what I read on there and a spreadsheet so I know what books I still need in a series since I read a lot of series). I was still working in 2017 so not as much time for reading (although I haven't been reading lately, I go in spurts). Here is mine:

2017 Goodreads.jpg

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I just found an alphabet series that I started using book covers back in February of 2022. I only did A, B & C, by the looks of it as the rest of the series isn't books. These are all books I owned at the time.




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3 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

I just found an alphabet series that I started using book covers back in February of 2022. I only did A, B & C, by the looks of it as the rest of the series isn't books. These are all books I owned at the time.




Nice layouts and I see quite a lot books that I have read as well!

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I didn't have layouts of this topic, so I made one and used a photo of a library and one of a bookshop, which I both found on the internet. I used cass-letterpress freebie for the title and the rest of the text is Arial rounded. The books are from antiques library clipart and the open book is by Sheila Reed and the bookbanner is from Marissa Lerin. I have been reading from the moment I could read and I put that all in the text.


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14 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

Hate to tell you but I forgot a zero on that number of books. It should have been 900. I've corrected it now. Thank goodness the "cloud" is roomy! 😉

Wowzers Ann!  Good thing the cloud is roomy like you say.  I still want to visit this "cloud" someday.  My hubby is a voracious Sci-Fi/Fantasy reader, he has about that much, but it's physical books.  

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I thought about a layout and finally decided to try black & white (like text on a page, or like life without small joys). To me, books are my gateway - to learning, to pleasure, to emotions, to so many things. They have been a very large part of my life since childhood. I can't even fall asleep without reading at least a few pages.

The background stamp is from Katie Pertiet, and the flower stamp is from ET Designs. The cluster frame is Jessica Dunn.

June all about me books 600.jpg

Edited by Julie Magerka
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21 minutes ago, Julie Magerka said:

I thought about a layout and finally decided to try black & white (like text on a page, or like life without small joys). To me, books are my gateway - to learning, to pleasure, to emotions, to so many things. They have been a very large part of my life since childhood. I can't even fall asleep without reading at least a few pages.

The background stamp is from Katie Pertiet, and the flower stamp is from ET Designs. The cluster frame is Jessica Dunn.

June all about me books 600.jpg

Beautiful, Julie

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3 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

I thought about a layout and finally decided to try black & white (like text on a page, or like life without small joys). To me, books are my gateway - to learning, to pleasure, to emotions, to so many things. They have been a very large part of my life since childhood. I can't even fall asleep without reading at least a few pages.

The background stamp is from Katie Pertiet, and the flower stamp is from ET Designs. The cluster frame is Jessica Dunn.

June all about me books 600.jpg

Simply beautiful Julie.  

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18 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

I thought about a layout and finally decided to try black & white (like text on a page, or like life without small joys). To me, books are my gateway - to learning, to pleasure, to emotions, to so many things. They have been a very large part of my life since childhood. I can't even fall asleep without reading at least a few pages.

The background stamp is from Katie Pertiet, and the flower stamp is from ET Designs. The cluster frame is Jessica Dunn.

June all about me books 600.jpg

Lovely and true as well, at least for me too!

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I have been an avid reader since grade school.  The background is from Creative Fabrica that I downloaded who knows when.  The Black Beauty book picture is one I copied from the internet.

My reading jurney 6.jpg

Edited by Anne Lamp
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2 hours ago, Anne Lamp said:

I have been an avid reader since grade school.  The background is from Creative Fabrica that I downloaded who knows when.  The Black Beauty book picture is one I copied from the internet.

My reading jurney 6.jpg

Bless Mrs. Tate! I had a teacher like that too in grade school, grades 5 & 6. She read to us every day after lunch. I can remember King Solomon's Mines as one of the books. I was so hooked!

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11 hours ago, Anne Lamp said:

I have been an avid reader since grade school.  The background is from Creative Fabrica that I downloaded who knows when.  The Black Beauty book picture is one I copied from the internet.

My reading jurney 6.jpg

Oh, me, too, Anne. I also, was horse crazy, though Black Beauty upset me. I was a big fan of The Black Stallion series. I wish I still had the books. I can still recite the first line as I must have read it 20 times... "The tramp steamer Drake ploughed through the heavy seas..."


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9 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

Oh, me, too, Anne. I also, was horse crazy, though Black Beauty upset me. I was a big fan of The Black Stallion series. I wish I still had the books. I can still recite the first line as I must have read it 20 times... "The tramp steamer Drake ploughed through the heavy seas..."


Actually the Black Stallion series was my favorite too (there were quite a few of them).  I know what you mean by Black Beauty being upsetting, but that was the one she showed me that got me started.

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I haven't got a layout to show, but I'll enter the forum and tell my story too.  I have always wanted books and loved reading.  When I was in grade school and would get little Christmas gifts for my friends, I just assumed that they liked to read too.  I would buy the cheapy ones from the dime store and read them before I wrapped them. (I still do when I buy books for relatives). In high school, my favorites were many - I think I remember the ones that I was most fond of: fairy stories (will always love them - Tolkein and Lewis agree that they are important), and romance stories: Jane Eyre, Scaramouch were my favorites.  I saw the movie Scaramouch (loved Stewart Granger) and just had to find the book - Wow - greater than the movie. In high school when I was 16 I got a job and the first thing I wanted was to join the Catholic Book Club - great choice - got my first cook book (Meta Givens Encyclopedia of Cooking - my bible for cooking and baking), my first bible, the 1st book in a series on Canada - the White and the Gold, books on different aspects of the history of our country, the USA.  Later in life, when I could afford it, I joined the Readers Digest Book of the month club which started me on another path.  I have purchased books until I had a library (made a database on the collection since I seemed to be buying duplicates) of about 2,000 books and was running out of room and bookcases.  I have since given away about 1,000 to friends, prayer groups, and the local library. My favorite authors are many,  for spiritual books, novels, history, historical novels, biographies, autobiographies, nature.  I can show you a sample of a screenshot I took of my Kindle books (yes, even though I like to hold a book in my hands (the smell, the touch)).


Edited by Mary Solaas
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