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Susan Ewart

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13 minutes ago, Cassel said:

I did hear back from someone, and apparently, this patch might require you to reset the workspace to default to see whatever new feature/command is added.

I didn't know that in the first place.

Yes, you are quite right.  I opened the "complete" workspace and it had those missing items.  I think I'll re-save the workspace again from the complete one.  Good excuse to clean up the workspaces I had saved and never use anymore.

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I was looking at the upgrade -- what does this mean? 

"Brush Variance: Settings in the Brush Variance palette (Palettes > Brush Variance) perform as they did in Corel PaintShop Pro X6 and earlier versions. "

I was kind of loving the 2022 F11 Brush variance...why would they go back to X6 and earlier?

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34 minutes ago, Suzy said:

I was looking at the upgrade -- what does this mean? 

"Brush Variance: Settings in the Brush Variance palette (Palettes > Brush Variance) perform as they did in Corel PaintShop Pro X6 and earlier versions. "

I was kind of loving the 2022 F11 Brush variance...why would they go back to X6 and earlier?

OOOOMMMMMGGGGGG!!!! they did it!!!!!!!

I am flipping here, because it was NOT in the testing version we had, and I had been asking for that "fix" for years! (since verson X6!) 

Here is it. 

In earlier versions of PSP, you could use the Brush Variance palette and have a Jitter of 1-2 for the Size and it would create a small jitter, as expected (check the tutorial on creating Creases in the Creative scrap). However, when version X6 came, a Jitter of 1-2 meant HUGE variations, so it was no longer possible to create "small" size variations. Try it with another version of PSP. Set the Brush to a Size of 5 (and a small step of 10 or less). In the Brush variance palette, set the Size jitter to 2. Now draw a line on a canvas. Try that with 2023. You should see an obvious difference.

OMG, I am so happy!!!!!!! I should look even more closely at those release notes!!!!!

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  • Scripting: Scripts containing text-creation commands now generate text with the correct font size and font-size unit.

I will have to test that but for those who will be doing the scripting course, that will be HUGE when you will be using the Text tool.

I have been asking for this since I joined as a beta tester in version X4. This ability was "lost" when Points were added as a unit, in version X!!!

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4 hours ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

Ik heb de nieuwste update gisteren pas gedownload en nu eens goed bekeken. Er staan veel nieuwe functies bij die ik  nog niet allemaal begrijp.

Een workshop zou welkom zijn. Er staan veel meer mogelijkheden bij 'user interface' Wat ik mis is bij view de mogelijkheid om de meetlatten vast te zetten. Of zie ik dat verkeerd?

Can you point to which ones you see? In the User interface, I don't see anything new with this patch than we had before.

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3 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

So, is it definite I should invoke the default workspace now? Then can I pull up my saved one or do I have to start over with all my bound shortcuts?

My suggestion is to first save your custom workspace, then reset it. I am not sure but you might be able to then reload your workspace. As long as it is from the same version (2023), I don't see any reason for not being able to load it afterward.

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58 minutes ago, Cassel said:

My suggestion is to first save your custom workspace, then reset it. I am not sure but you might be able to then reload your workspace. As long as it is from the same version (2023), I don't see any reason for not being able to load it afterward.

Thanks; I'll give it a shot.

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1 hour ago, Cassel said:

My suggestion is to first save your custom workspace, then reset it. I am not sure but you might be able to then reload your workspace. As long as it is from the same version (2023), I don't see any reason for not being able to load it afterward.

I did that and my saved script icons were gone and in their place was a text label. They were easy to place again; waiting for me in the scripts category but how do I get rid of the text descriptors?

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5 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

So, is it definite I should invoke the default workspace now? Then can I pull up my saved one or do I have to start over with all my bound shortcuts?

When I went to the default workspace it was weird because it was just like my workspace without the two bound ones I have.  I only had to close the Learning Centre and the script output was floating so i docked it and then I went to bind the two scripts they were already bound, just had to move them to their places.  My png and jpg optimizers were already ontop of the tool bar.  I think it's weird how it wasnt like the original default workspace but a 1/2 and 1/2 version.  I'm not going to question it, just work with it as long as it's working.  

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19 hours ago, Cassel said:

For those who don't see the Haze removal...

  • did you restart your PSP?
  • did you reload a workspace? now or previously?
  • do you have the pro or ultimate? I don't think it matters but I can ask.

did the patch - restart my PSP - reload my workspace - have PRO 
No Haze Removel
add it from the Customize menu
saved my workspace 
it works !

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2 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

I did that and my saved script icons were gone and in their place was a text label. They were easy to place again; waiting for me in the scripts category but how do I get rid of the text descriptors?

Go to View > Customize and while the dialog window is open, right-click on that descriptor and you should get the option to choose the icon only.

If that does not work, all the bound scripts SHOULD be still in the Scripts tab. Move them where you wanted them, and pull the descriptor into the main part of the workspace to make it disappear.

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17 minutes ago, Cassel said:

Go to View > Customize and while the dialog window is open, right-click on that descriptor and you should get the option to choose the icon only.

If that does not work, all the bound scripts SHOULD be still in the Scripts tab. Move them where you wanted them, and pull the descriptor into the main part of the workspace to make it disappear.

I did finally get them to pull off the taskbar but now I see a strange little bug in the Tabbed Documents command. It is ALWAYS showing a checkmark, whether it is active or not. I had to fiddle with it and also open the Customize dialog window to get the descriptors to move to the workspace and disappear.

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1 hour ago, Ann Seeber said:

I did finally get them to pull off the taskbar but now I see a strange little bug in the Tabbed Documents command. It is ALWAYS showing a checkmark, whether it is active or not. I had to fiddle with it and also open the Customize dialog window to get the descriptors to move to the workspace and disappear.

Mine stopped working when I was doing the photo grid from lab 7-1 Twice).  I was moving some of the photos from one spot on the grid to the other and PSP didnt like it.  It greyed out (like a 20 opacity) the offending layer it didnt like. So i tried turning off the layer, didnt turn off the greyed image.  then I tried deleting both the photos layers, they deleted but the greyed image remained...when it's layer was deleted and on it's way to layer heaven.  I should have taken a screen print.  I will next time.  Otherwise, everything is working okay.  It could very well be something I did (twice ??) when clicking or moving or something.  Might even be my system.  It's being acting weird lately...a new one is being built but it's months away from completion.  Everything being loaded from scratch again.  I told my hubby to give me a few months to clean up all the junk, who wants to move all that baggage? 

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2 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

De mijne stopte met werken toen ik het fotoraster van lab 7-1 Twice aan het maken was). Ik verplaatste een aantal foto's van de ene plek op het raster naar de andere en PSP vond het niet leuk. Het vervaagde (zoals een dekking van 20) de aanstootgevende laag die het niet leuk vond. Dus ik probeerde de laag uit te schakelen, de grijze afbeelding niet uit te schakelen. toen probeerde ik beide fotolagen te verwijderen, ze verwijderden maar de grijze afbeelding bleef ... toen de laag werd verwijderd en op weg was naar de lagenhemel. Ik had een schermafdruk moeten maken. Ik zal de volgende keer. Anders werkt alles goed. Het zou heel goed iets kunnen zijn dat ik (twee keer? ?) heb gedaan) bij klikken of verplaatsen of zoiets. Het zou zelfs mijn systeem kunnen zijn. Het doet de laatste tijd raar... er wordt een nieuwe gebouwd, maar het is maanden verwijderd van voltooiing. Alles wordt weer vanaf nul geladen. Ik zei tegen manlief dat hij me een paar maanden de tijd moest geven om alle rotzooi op te ruimen, wie wil al die bagage verplaatsen? 

?IK niet!!! Ik moet zelf hoognodig aan de slag om mijn pc te ordenen. 

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18 hours ago, Cassel said:

I did hear back from someone, and apparently, this patch might require you to reset the workspace to default to see whatever new feature/command is added.

I didn't know that in the first place.

That didn't work for me even after restarting the program. I had to add it through the View/Customize. Are there any other things that I should be looking for as being new in the update?

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5 hours ago, Cassel said:

Die waren er vroeger. Heeft u ooit een werkruimte uit een eerdere versie geladen?

Nee daar ben ik maar nooit aan begonnen, dat leek me zo ingewikkeld.  Maar ik kan me vergissen. Ik heb vanavond wat in elkaar gezet gewoon maar gaan proberen om te werken erin en dan zie ik het wel. Dat doe ik meestal met de nieuwste. Wat ik mis is de tool om kleur van ernaast over te nemen. als je iets niet zo netjes gedaan hebt of wil repareren. Ik ben de naam weer eens vergeten. Misschien is het er wel maar onder een andere naam of op een andere plaats. Volgens mij zijn er inderdaad bugs uit want ik werd er voor de update zo snel uit gegooid dat het gewoon vervelend werd. En vanavond is die niet een keer afgesloten. Volgens mij zijn we allemaal proefkonijnen om het uit te proberen. het is time to sleep ?.



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3 minutes ago, Rene Marker said:

That didn't work for me even after restarting the program. I had to add it through the View/Customize. Are there any other things that I should be looking for as being new in the update?

Objects, snap to object, and properties for those (it has all three listed ).  I had to get the bound scripts to their locations (open a layer-rename. open a copy, repeat).  I did not have to rebind them, just get them and move them in place.  

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