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Susan Ewart

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1 minute ago, Rene Marker said:

Dat werkte niet voor mij, zelfs niet nadat ik het programma opnieuw had opgestart. Ik moest het toevoegen via Bekijken/Aanpassen. Zijn er nog andere dingen waar ik op moet letten als nieuw in de update?

had ik ook niet gedaan René maar alles stond redelijk op zijn plek allemaal. Maar er staat wel beschreven wat ze veranderd / verbeterd hebben. Gewoon kijken bij 'wat is er nieuw.' Sommige dingen lukte helemaal niet in de '23 dan nam ik de '20 of '21 maar weer. Maar vanavond ging het reuze goed. IK hoop dat het zo blijft. langzaam komt het plezier in psp weer terug bij mij. 



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16 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

Objects, snap to object, and properties for those (it has all three listed ).  I had to get the bound scripts to their locations (open a layer-rename. open a copy, repeat).  I did not have to rebind them, just get them and move them in place.  

It is looking like a lottery! I only had to move 2 bound scripts to their place. And the Haze removal and snap to object ?

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34 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

Nee daar ben ik maar nooit aan begonnen, dat leek me zo ingewikkeld.  Maar ik kan me vergissen. Ik heb vanavond wat in elkaar gezet gewoon maar gaan proberen om te werken erin en dan zie ik het wel. Dat doe ik meestal met de nieuwste. Wat ik mis is de tool om kleur van ernaast over te nemen. als je iets niet zo netjes gedaan hebt of wil repareren. Ik ben de naam weer eens vergeten. Misschien is het er wel maar onder een andere naam of op een andere plaats. Volgens mij zijn er inderdaad bugs uit want ik werd er voor de update zo snel uit gegooid dat het gewoon vervelend werd. En vanavond is die niet een keer afgesloten. Volgens mij zijn we allemaal proefkonijnen om het uit te proberen. het is time to sleep ?.

You may want the Clone tool on the left menu strip.


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1 hour ago, Susan Ewart said:

Objects, snap to object, and properties for those (it has all three listed ).  I had to get the bound scripts to their locations (open a layer-rename. open a copy, repeat).  I did not have to rebind them, just get them and move them in place.  

Where would I look to find these?

I'm not worried about bound scripts yet because I didn't have any in 2023. I will set them up after I know that I've got everything in the right place from the update.

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I found my fonts...in a random folder not called Set Up.  I think I might be the culprit...I usually am.  Wish I was more techy.  But at least I found them.  I'll have the fonts too.  I too have the zip folder and unzipped it but probably forgot to install them.  Duh!

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So strange that my new PSP Ultra 2023 arrived from Amazon the same day time I got Cassel's note about the 2 upgrades.

I spent today cleaning up my drives, running ever tool I could and opened the box and to my surprise not a CD, just a note telling me how to download.  I finished the download and to my surprise...  All the file locations were switched over to that dang one drive which I followed Microsoft's uninstall instructions two weeks ago.  That means I cannot save anything. 

This is why I bought the new version as my 2020 Ultra did the same thing and Corel could not help because it was past its warranty time of 3 years. I went back to Jasic versions 7, 8. 9 and 10 and it has done the same to all of them too.

I will be spending tomorrow with Corel customer support.

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17 hours ago, Rene Marker said:

Where would I look to find these?

I'm not worried about bound scripts yet because I didn't have any in 2023. I will set them up after I know that I've got everything in the right place from the update.

View>Customize>Commands>View> scroll down and find "Snap to Object" and Grid, Guide Object Snap Properities  I just clicked and hold and move it up to View which will drop down and then I placed it where the other grid stuff was.  trouble is I then had two different properties.  When I didnt use my saved workspace I see that the missing stuff was in place.  

If you use the Repeat Comand then it's under View>Customize>Commands>Edit>  scroll to repeat (it's near the top) and click/hold and move to where you like it.  I have mine next to the lock transparency icon at the top of the Layers palette.  

The bound scripts I found either under View>Customize>Scripts> it shows the bound ones, grab them and put them where you like. another place I found them was View>Customize>Commands>Bound Scripts> way at the bottom.  I'm not sure which is the right place to get them from, it worked whatever I did.  (This is presumming you had bound scripts - if you didnt then you have to bind them and this paragraph can be ignored (except you read it, to find out you didnt need to read it).  

Since you use the JPG/PNG optimizer you know where that is.  

I'm hoping when I do my re-install on the new 'puter that all this will straighten out.  I am sure I did something wrong on my original install.  since something happened and I had to uninstall and then reinstall.  


Edited by Susan Ewart
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@Susan Ewart I was talking about any new stuff to PSP2023. I know about all the old stuff since I have my own toolbar that I use (and set up in each new version).

I just want to make sure that I have everything that came in the update since even doing the steps they recommend, the haze feature did not show up. And, from the list of enhancements, I can't tell what would be new to the various menus. That's what I want to know... is there new stuff in the menus.

This brain fog I've had recently has really messed me up and I need things explained in lots of detail! Hope it goes away after surgery.

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1 hour ago, Rene Marker said:

@Susan Ewart I was talking about any new stuff to PSP2023. I know about all the old stuff since I have my own toolbar that I use (and set up in each new version).

I just want to make sure that I have everything that came in the update since even doing the steps they recommend, the haze feature did not show up. And, from the list of enhancements, I can't tell what would be new to the various menus. That's what I want to know... is there new stuff in the menus.

This brain fog I've had recently has really messed me up and I need things explained in lots of detail! Hope it goes away after surgery.

Aaaah, I get you now.  I hope your surgery clears your brain fog.  I have not excuse for my brain fog..clearly I am in one.  I hope all the new stuff came in with the patch too.  I seem to be in a mental lull at the moment and looking to see if I have everything seems like a daunting task.  Must be the dog-days of summer.  Do you have your surgery date yet?  (sorry, is that too personal - apologies if it is).

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Shoot! It really does work, doesn’t it? Last week, as late as Thursday, I could buy PSP Ultimate for $39.99 USD.  Friday it went to 59.99 and today it is 79.99!

I’m fairly sure this is because of the addition of Particle Shop as a freebie, which I already have from PSP 2022  (but not the 5 free brushes, LOL!) I need to see that video you found because I don’t recall ever opening a particle Shop. I’m not even sure how to access it!  I do want the artistic effects scripts, but once again, like the fonts, I’d like to know what they are!


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27 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

I ran into a hazy photo on the internet so I had to try out the Haze Removal Tool.


hazy deer.jpg


Very cool.  I did try it one a photo (not hazy but looked cool).  I do have a shot that I was looking towards the sun and the lens hood let some stray light by...(not to worry, I gave that lens hood a good talking to) so I will try it on that.  I also reshot the photo after checking the preview.  It will allow us to use more of our photos we thought we'd have to throw out.  

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15 minutes ago, Suzy said:

Shoot! It really does work, doesn’t it? Last week, as late as Thursday, I could buy PSP Ultimate for $39.99 USD.  Friday it went to 59.99 and today it is 79.99!

I’m fairly sure this is because of the addition of Particle Shop as a freebie, which I already have from PSP 2022  (but not the 5 free brushes, LOL!) I need to see that video you found because I don’t recall ever opening a particle Shop. I’m not even sure how to access it!  I do want the artistic effects scripts, but once again, like the fonts, I’d like to know what they are!


When I was watching an ON1 (Raw Editor) tutorial they actually showed how to recover hazy photos, it's not a big secret, but having a one stop button sure makes the workflow faster.  And Particle Shop, it's so cool and another thing I need to add to the long list of learning.  

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14 minutes ago, Suzy said:

Schieten! Het werkt echt, nietwaar? Vorige week, nog op donderdag, kon ik PSP Ultimate kopen voor $ 39,99 USD. Vrijdag ging het naar 59,99 en vandaag is het 79,99!

Ik ben er vrij zeker van dat dit komt door de toevoeging van Particle Shop als freebie, die ik al heb van PSP 2022 (maar niet de 5 gratis penselen, LOL!) Ik moet die video zien die je hebt gevonden, want die kan ik me niet herinneren ooit een deeltjeswinkel openen. Ik weet niet eens hoe ik er toegang toe moet krijgen! Ik wil wel de scripts voor artistieke effecten, maar nogmaals, net als de lettertypen, zou ik graag willen weten wat ze zijn!


It's a bit spooky Suzy, all those presents from Corel. I tried to use the Particle shop but it refused, working and the paint shop closed, unbelievable isn't it. After that, I tried to open Painter a present from Corel too. I had to fill out a form to register Painter. I had done that already but anyway, it opened. So I could try a bit but failed hopelessly. All together with all the trouble with TFT A lost afternoon. ?

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38 minutes ago, Suzy said:

Shoot! It really does work, doesn’t it? Last week, as late as Thursday, I could buy PSP Ultimate for $39.99 USD.  Friday it went to 59.99 and today it is 79.99!

I’m fairly sure this is because of the addition of Particle Shop as a freebie, which I already have from PSP 2022  (but not the 5 free brushes, LOL!) I need to see that video you found because I don’t recall ever opening a particle Shop. I’m not even sure how to access it!  I do want the artistic effects scripts, but once again, like the fonts, I’d like to know what they are!


Suzy, from what I've seen, Particle Shop is mainly specialized brushes. There's a guide to it here.

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Carole: I'd also like to know how to activate Particle Shop's plugin inside my PSP2023 Ultimate. I can't find any instructions though I did see in in the Program Files when I was looking for the Font package, which I never got, either.

Sorry, I just looked in the Program Files and can't find Particle Shop, either. I must have been seeing things yesterday. Can we get it? I think it's supposed to be under Effects/Plugins

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Elf minuten geleden zei Ann Seeber:

Carole: Ik zou ook graag willen weten hoe ik de plug-in van Particle Shop in mijn PSP2023 Ultimate activeer. Ik kan geen instructies vinden, hoewel ik wel in de Program Files zag toen ik op zoek was naar het Font-pakket, wat ik ook nooit heb gekregen.

Je moet het registratie nummer correct invullen net als je nieuwe PSP.  Die zoekt zelf zijn eigen plek op Ann. En dan de Corel ballon nog activeren. 

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22 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

Suzy, from what I've seen, Particle Shop is mainly specialized brushes. There's a guide to it here.

Ann, You are absolutely right. So easy! So Simple. Thank you for briging it up -- I hardly remember even downloading it. The brush (out of 11 as long as we're counting, LOL!)   I chose to work with first was "grunger" I slid the size to way high and went to town messing up a picture of a daffodil with little specs. Another one makes the kind of smoke you guys had on your tea cups in the vector class. Another one is the art brush and it looks like it mixes some colors. There are some settings, but I would probably use it to add texture to some background papers at least at first.

But 5 free extra brushes would be fun, ;)))))

P.S. Broadway engraved is at Dafont

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44 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

When I was watching an ON1 (Raw Editor) tutorial they actually showed how to recover hazy photos, it's not a big secret, but having a one stop button sure makes the workflow faster.  And Particle Shop, it's so cool and another thing I need to add to the long list of learning.  

Susan, the Haze tool is not a one shot deal, there are several sliders to adjust.

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31 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

Susan, the Haze tool is not a one shot deal, there are several sliders to adjust.

I guess I was generalizing it compared with doing it the long way.  turns out maybe editing in a editing program isnt longer after all.  I did use the haze tool and the sliders.  It is nice and I'm sure I'll use it.  I will try and see what it does to that one shot I got with the sun getting past the lens hood.  I'm waiting for the day when I can just "think" what I want and PSP can do it.  but then we'd have to be physically wired in.  That might short out my tin-foil hat.  I dont mean to sound ungrateful about the tool, I'm not at all, I'm stoked to get all the help and options I can get.  Just wanted people to know it can be done without the tool in case they arent going to upgrade to 2023.  

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38 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

Susan, the Haze tool is not a one shot deal, there are several sliders to adjust.

I just downloaded a PDF on clarity, texture and dehaze so I can report back once I actually know something (cause I dont usually know much about anything these days - sucks getting old).  All of those are "contrast" tools that targets different areas (eg, highlights, midtones, shadows etc).  

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1 hour ago, Ann Seeber said:

Carole: I'd also like to know how to activate Particle Shop's plugin inside my PSP2023 Ultimate. I can't find any instructions though I did see in in the Program Files when I was looking for the Font package, which I never got, either.

I will check that. I am currently not on my desktop but will see if I can find some answers. I remember that it is a plugin so once installed, it should appear under Effects > Plugins.

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17 minutes ago, Cassel said:

I will check that. I am currently not on my desktop but will see if I can find some answers. I remember that it is a plugin so once installed, it should appear under Effects > Plugins.

You're right Carole, It is under Effects > Plugins. In my case, it's just that it does not work. When I use PSP closed. Or it's a present for a certain time like the first-month trial of PSP but that is not mentioned. 

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9 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

Je hebt gelijk Carole, het staat onder Effecten > Plug-ins. In mijn geval werkt het gewoon niet. Als ik PSP gesloten gebruik. Of het is een cadeau voor een bepaalde tijd, zoals de eerste maand op proef van PSP, maar dat wordt niet genoemd. 

hip hip. It does work now again. I don't know what was wrong. PSP closed when I tried to get it to work but now I could give a photo an effect. 

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