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Scrapbook Bootcamp - May 2023


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Lol, I say, “ it’s like herding cats” about twice a month! (I hang out with a lot of headstrong people, I guess.)

I wasn’t going to comment on these LOs, but I have to say you all are just becoming professional LO artists, they are alll so good!  

Gerry, those fonts you’re using with the cutouts are really nice, and the way you offset them with shadow (or shadow & bevel) is exceptional. They really stand out and I want to enlarge to see how each letter differs - I like the other font, stay at Home, too. In addition, the colors of your LO are so pretty, and I remember such a pretty palette from your Miami Build a Kit.  And the way you framed your cats is exceptional too. Those ears are doing their own “out of bounds”, aren’t they? And I agree with Ann on the spelling.


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5 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

So true, Gerry. I'm not sure of your title. I did find this meme, but the spelling is different...


Hearding works for the sentiment he is expressing with this layout.... the cats are laughing because of what they are hearing ("train these cats") and he can't hear because of their laughing. Definitely a play on words.

Love the layout Gerry!

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Rene, you are absolutely right! I was trying to think like that, but all I could think of was Gerry was hearing his cats talk to him….the male version of the proverbial “Cat Lady”. I decided he *must* have meant herding, but I believe you are right.

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Project 5

Again, I used the kits provided (except the one kit that is a 7z file that I cant open) and changed the papers/elments a bit, mostly darkened them.  The frame was actually a polaroil frame that I used the custom selection to select the inner portion to delete to make the frame.  I added a bevel.  The bolt or silver item in the "O" of the title came from one of the kits in the bootcamp as there wasnt anything suitable for the "O".  I followed the same shadow as in the tutorial.  Is it too big? Given what item it is and that it's one a thicker frame it would be pretty far from the background paper.  I was riffing off of the Penguins of Madagascar cartoon and "Kowalski" name in military shows.  I did look up the Royal Canadian Air Force and found that there was 408 (Goose) Squadron formed June 24, 1941 that flew many missions in the war.  It's patch/insignia (whatever it's called) has a flying goose.  I didnt know the etiquette around using military likeness without permission so I turned to hollywood and used the penquins instead.  And I loved that show, especially Kowalski the very capable Frist Lt. who had deep pockets filled of all kinds of things he'd pull out when needed by Skipper (his Captain)...who knew peguins had pockets in the first place. ?  I tried to tilt the photo enough to look tilted but not look like the geese would be sliding off the photo. Just the way the ice is, it still looks like that's happening.  

Fonts are: Off War, Olivetti Typewriter Wide, Old Typewriter (all Creative Fabrica)

Kit used: PSBT Nov 202 Songbird So Thankful

Photo: mine

Thank you for another wonderful Bootcamp.  I have realy enjoy everyone's layouts.  So nice to come home from work and head to computer to be inspired.   

BC Project 5-Lt. Kowalski & the Boys-600.jpg

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7 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

So true, Gerry. I'm not sure of your title. I did find this meme, but the spelling is different...


Although I could make a case for the spelling, I'll 'fess up. I rely way too much on spell check, which does not work inside PSP. And to think I was a spelling bee finalist in grade school. My teachers would be appalled! 

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2 hours ago, Suzy said:

Rene, you are absolutely right! I was trying to think like that, but all I could think of was Gerry was hearing his cats talk to him….the male version of the proverbial “Cat Lady”. I decided he *must* have meant herding, but I believe you are right.

Doesn't everyone hear their cats talk? Mine are constantly reminding me that their ancestors were revered as gods and I should act accordingly. 

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15 minutes ago, Bonnie Ballentine said:

Susan, 7Zip is a free program that will open your 7Z file. It is a decompression utility like WinZip and all the others. Love your layout.

Thank you and Thank you Bonnie.  I wanted to use the wood paper from that kit.  I will look for that program.

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Project 5

<<< Thank you Carole >>>
I knew that I needed to put something together for this upcoming event in June but I have difficulty making decisions on so many things. Well, with the push from Carole, I went in different directions than I would have.  I did (and redid and redid) and have something completely different from what I would have done.  AND I LIKE IT! 

Thank you for this bootcamp and for other things I have been involved in with your teaching.

I was a bit skeptical with this one about adding shadows but after doing it, I was really pleased with the effect.  I am hoping that it will still look good when placed on the facebook site.

I was trying to determine how best to highlight the date and time. 
I decided to use the colour blocks beside each other rather than spaced out as in video.
But I liked the spaced out ones too.
So I have both.
When I put the text with the font chosen over the blocks, it was a close enough fit after some moving with the Pick tool.
I made a mistake for text "PM". I reversed the black and white but actually like the way that turned out. So I kept it.

I did not even know that I needed this but when I got it, I knew it was just right.
It, to me, conveyed the idea of celebration.
When I purchased it earlier this week (May 2023), it was free. I do not know how long that will be the case.
Bokeh Paper - Creative Fabrica - https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/bokeh-sparkle-light-effects-118/
- I stretched the image to get the starburst where I wanted it and to have the full page covered

I used the 3D Effects Buttonize to get the colours on the right and left of the background
height   - 20
Width    - 909
Opacity  - 100
Edge     - Transparent
Color    - #2e99ee
- I stretched this to get the effect that I wanted just the right amount on right and left sides, rather than trying to adjust values within the Buttonize to see if that would give me it.

<<< THE BUTTON >>>
I used the button that I place on announcements for the event and thought, especially after adding the sunburst, that it fit just right.

I could not get papers that I liked for some backgrounds of picture so just selected areas and flood filled them

Film Letters - Creative Fabrica 
- I could not get what I wanted for the TITLE using the method in the video so I just used the font with a background added

<<< DATE and TIME FONT >>>
Baby Blocks - Creative Fabrica
NOTE - I could not get the colon to work correctly so left a blank, then used Arial Black Font to create the colon and moved it into place.

Font - Arial Black

The frame is from one of the kits mentioned with Project 5

To get the gold effect on the frame, I used a script that I created related to a tutorial in Beginners Workshop that I was enrolled in but the site is no longer active. 
https://bw-forums.com which points to bw-forums.net which no longer is Beginners Workshop and has caused problem for anyone trying to access it.
I was disappointed to see it go as I was only part way through the training.

<<< PICTURE >>>
This was taken from the Church's Facebook Page

Because I placed the picture completely behind the frame, when I added shadows, there is no visible shadow for the picture.

<<< NOTE TO SELF (or anyone else) ABOUT SELECTIONS >>>
A number of times, I found that I seemed to be stuck. 
Upon further investigation, I found that I had some selected place and had forgotten to deselect.  
So, whenever I get stuck now, I deselect and then I can proceed.
Yes, even when I don't think I have anything selected.
It would be easier if I could remember to deselect, once I am done with the selected area, but at least I am not "stuck" if I just remember to deselect when things stop working.

<<< Problem encountered >>>
I have "Guides" and "Snap to Guides" selected and have placed guides in my work, but it does not seem to work for me, it does not "snap". I have to be exact in placement.  I am, no doubt, doing something wrong but I am not sure what.

When I placed the blocks beside each other, I did my best to have them fit side by side but I know it was not perfect.
I think of the video software that I use often, Corel Pinnacle Studio Ultimate, in that if I have two video clips and there is a space between them, I can "close the gap" in the software and it moves it directly beside the other clip.
I would like to be able to do that with PaintShop Pro with two items placed directly beside each other.



Edited by Randy
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On 5/25/2023 at 10:35 AM, Cassel said:

@Susan Ewart That is a LOT of birds! That must be quite noisy too as they are usually pretty loud birds.

@Randy Glad you reposted the image! Did you take those pictures? Maybe you were taking pictures of the same geese as Susan!

@Ann Seeber My eyes might be playing a trick on me but is there a shadow (or a bevel) on the left side of the word "Wings"?

@MoniqueN. My brain is happy now! LOL Simple layouts have great advantages: they are faster to complete and can be just as effective in showing off the photos! As for the snap, yes, it should work vertically and horizontally. I am glad to see that you used a different shape for the "pinked" edges. As you can see, any shape can be used. That is actually the basis of my edge punches in the store: just different shapes.

@Gerry Landreth That is such a cool font!! Looking at your layout, it reminds me of the one I used for the Scraplift challenge, where I have pictures of my grandmother, holding 3 generations in her arms. I was just lucky to have the older pic.

@Sharla It is nice to see that although you have the same theme and topic for every page, each of them end up looking different. It would not be boring to browse through your list of books because of that!


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Randy very cool! That will look awesome on Facebook! In my opinion, the shadows look good online, even at reduced sizes. It’s printing them on paper where sometimes they look, you know what they look like? A bad spray tan!  LOL!  But only sometimes. Mine tend to manifest themselves as BANDS of shadows, not smooth shadows like in real life. But that is printing on paper.  On Facebook that will look marvelous!

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@Ann Seeber It does not look that little for a cabin. It looks GREAT!!!

@MoniqueN. You are right: a script font would not be too suitable to replace one letter in a word!

@Anne Lamp You should contact the site that offers those video streamings. They might be interested in what you did with those photos. The result is stunning. Hard to believe it is from videos as the images are so clear!

@Gerry Landreth I love the font you used for the text. It is easy to read, despite being even in height (which is not always the case).   

@Susan Ewart Your story made me smile. My husband LOVES the Madagascar penguins short and when we would watch a movie, he ALWAYS wanted to watch the Madagascar penguins first. EVERY TIME!!! You are just missing Ricco!

@Sharla Great finale to the bootcamp. I bet you can continue and create more pages on the same theme!

@Randy I am glad you enjoyed the bootcamp. To answer your question about snap to guide, did you make sure you didn't "snap to grid" instead of "snap to guide"? If you have the correct ones checked, remember that it acts like a magnet: there is a point where it won't snap anymore if it is too far (you can change that value too if needed). BTW, too bad I might be in Fredericton that weekend! ?

@Anne Burgess Great work. You know, if you are using paint spatters, you don't need to add shadows to them as they would be completely flat on paper.

If you have not posted your projects, maybe you still worked on them on your own. Don't be shy. Share them! You still have time.


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@Cassel I have realized with the text instead of icons on the Layers Palette that I will just work with what I have. It is fine for now as I can always go to Layers in the toolbar at the top and get the options at bottom. Mostly what I use is "New Layer" anyway.

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