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Double Page Workshop 2023


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Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?

What do you plan to feature in your double pages project?

The challenge will start on April 17th, so there is plenty of time for you to find your photos and invite friends to join. And this challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.

Here is the link again: https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/double-page-workshop/

Let us know when you are registered, and in order to help and inspire others, tell us what you plan on showcasing. Don't worry, you can always change your mind, but I am sure other participants will love to get ideas.

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I'm signed up. In the past I've created travel pages (real and fantasy). It was really fun to do a set of pages for a trip to Botswana, Africa, which I'll never do IRL but admire from reading about the country in the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency book series by Alexander McCall Smith. I'll show you a sample.

The very first project I did when I joined the Campus was double page layouts illustrating our family vacation to Acapulco, Mexico.  Not sure what I will do this time around. We'll see...


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Thanks Carole. I do a lot of double layouts but hate doing them as one layout. I prefer using separate templates but I do have them open and work on them at the same time. Put a paper on one, then put it on the other so things flow between them.

And, it was always a hassle to split them for printing back when I started. I struggled with that a lot! And, if photos were in the middle, some of it was lost when printing them. That's when I learned to never put anything right on the edge unless it was something you didn't care about getting cut off. Even today with the advances in technology, things will get cut off when printing whether it is individual pages or books.

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11 minutes ago, Rene Marker said:

And, it was always a hassle to split them for printing back when I started. I struggled with that a lot! And, if photos were in the middle, some of it was lost when printing them. That's when I learned to never put anything right on the edge unless it was something you didn't care about getting cut off. Even today with the advances in technology, things will get cut off when printing whether it is individual pages or books.

Yes, photos or journaling should be avoided in the center for that reason. It also depends on the type of printing you get. Some printers offer a lay-flat book in which case, very little is lost, but that is not the case of most printers.


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4 minutes ago, Marie-Claire said:

I'm also participating, at least I'm going to try because I'm not sure about what and with which photos. It's always been so rainy and gray here lately, so we haven't been out much, and I haven't taken any pictures. We shall see.

You can always use old pictures. Did you use every old picture you have?

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Carole, I haven't used all the older photos yet, but the older digital photos are too small in size, I still have a lot of photos in photo albums, I have to scan them, but it's a delicate job to separate them from the album , although I hadn't thought of that yet...I'm going to check that out ?

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4 minutes ago, Marie-Claire said:

I have to scan them, but it's a delicate job to separate them from the album

Can you just pull the pages out of the album without removing the photos? That is what we have done lately. And you can always use PSP to separate them from the others on a full-page scan. And if you scan the photos at 600 pixels per inch in resolution, you will end up with "larger" photos to use. Just a thought.

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On 4/2/2023 at 9:03 PM, Marie-Claire said:

I'm also participating, at least I'm going to try because I'm not sure about what and with which photos. It's always been so rainy and gray here lately, so we haven't been out much, and I haven't taken any pictures. We shall see..

Marie-Claire I live not very far from the border with Belgium and we have had the same miserable weather! I have very few new photos as well and I have already participated in this Double Challenge as it was called then  and I don't want to repeat myself. I absolutely don't want to destroy my photo albums by "ripping"  a page from it, so I have to search what to use.

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24 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Marie-Claire I live not very far from the border with Belgium and we have had the same miserable weather! I have very few new photos as well and I have already participated in this Double Challenge as it was called then  and I don't want to repeat myself. I absolutely don't want to destroy my photo albums by "ripping"  a page from it, so I have to search what to use.

Corrie, I also don't want to damage my photo albums. For some photos I could scan the entire page with 600dpi by placing the album on the scanner (i can always try), and then separating the photos with psp, as Carole explains
Because of the weather I have hardly taken any pictures since December, because it is not nice to go for walks, and it is not nice to take pictures either. I hope that everything will turn green again soon and that we will see flowers and butterfly's...  everywhere again, I'm a bit tired of the gray and wet. AND I need photo material to play with PSP ?


Edited by Marie-Claire
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  • Cassel pinned this topic
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have been away from scrapbooking for quite awhile, but I am anxious to get back into it. I have not decided what my project is going to be but I will keep it simple, at least to start. I look forward to see some great project, perhaps, I will get some inspiration.

I am an old man (88) but I like to keep busy with something I enjoy. I like working with pictures and short stories. I am hoping I can learn to use this course with both.


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11 minutes ago, Henry Schellenberg said:

I am an old man (88) but I like to keep busy with something I enjoy. I like working with pictures and short stories. I am hoping I can learn to use this course with both.

Double pages are perfect to add more stories and pictures than typical "single pages".

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7 hours ago, Henry Schellenberg said:

Hello, I have been away from scrapbooking for quite awhile, but I am anxious to get back into it. I have not decided what my project is going to be but I will keep it simple, at least to start. I look forward to see some great project, perhaps, I will get some inspiration.

I am an old man (88) but I like to keep busy with something I enjoy. I like working with pictures and short stories. I am hoping I can learn to use this course with both.


Hello, Henry. Nice to have another in my age group here. These classes are my lifesaver, tweaking my "little grey cells" daily and making life interesting. Looking forward to your stories! 

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11 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

Hello, Henry. Nice to have another in my age group here. These classes are my lifesaver, tweaking my "little grey cells" daily and making life interesting. Looking forward to your stories! 

 I Love Ann,   Hi Henry thats so cool  I am trying hard to keep tweaking my grey cells,  I have parkinsons and on meds so many IDK why I didnt smoke or drink or do drugs my whole life my sisters have partied    Do you know the anwser to why me?    IDK  but hi me to have to try and try to do it to lots of challenge but trying. ?

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  Hi Stuck allready

    DO I  d/l all 7 files in her link ?  Lady Souvenir template or only what names?   sorry

To get you started with the double pages, let's use a layered template. Why? Simply because it will give you a head start. Since double-page templates are less numerous than single-page templates, I found one that would be perfect to start with (and it is free):

Scrapbook Lady Souvenir Template

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