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What are you working on (July 2022)?


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Basic Scrap Course - Module 7. I still struggle to find the right tools in the gradient materials palette. The kit I used had a large collection of Alphas, so I used the gradient part of the lesson to create a surrounding frame for the whole page. The scallops were new for me. I'm also enthusiastic about selecting an area and promoting it to a layer. This is saving me a lot of measuring headaches! This gal is my granddaughter, the zookeeper. The zoo has a flock of Lorikeets so the children can enjoy a hands-on experience.
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Carole, I see that the July WORD challenge  HOT page, has a message saying ' this page is closed to new replies'.  I'm unable to post in it.


My HOT page.  I used one of Carole's border punches for the frame.  Created punched  confetti to scatter from the photo.


Sand writing text,  word art.





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I created this for the July word challenge. We have all heard about being in the “Hot Seat” ( a highly uncomfortable or embarrassing situation) The photo with the burning chair is one of mine and is what started me on this project. The font is “hot like hell” The lady and the sign was adapted from other saved files.
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Anne, your hot seat is funny.  I'm sure I've sat there many times.


Here is my layout for Module 6 Basic Scrap Course.  Ann, is correct "promoting selection to new layer" makes for a much faster work flow.  I loved doing the title.  The warp brush has a mind of its own or maybe that's just my hand.  It's hard to see on this size layout.  It was fun to create, thanks to your really thorough instruction Carole.  The photo is mine. the title is Hobo that I found at fontgeek I think.  I used it for the journaling too.  The papers and elements are from Digital Scrapbook - Jessica D Copperspice kit - plus elements from other artists.  The little green sticker (I put a frame on it so it would show against the background) says, " into nature we go".  I quite enjoyed this module and learning some new shortcuts for a faster workflow.

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