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What are you working on (in April 2022)?


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Pirkko - like what you are doing. Thanks, Carole, for describing those tools for us. It is hard to get hair, strands of grass, etc. extracted when you are extracting from a pic.

This is my take on Lab 8 Mod 3. I wasn't going to do a layout for this module, but changed my mind. The tutorials were for making a stretch of thread to sew onto something (I decided to make a banner and thread the pieces together); a circle of elements and to, incidently, make a script (which I did); a word with a large outline. I did all of those and multiple copies of the circle: one with flowers (in several colors), and one with hearts (one in red, and one in pink). I used my gradient for the background and blurred it a couple of times and added noise and a texture and then reduced the opacity. The small papers and the elements are my own.

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Something I have been working on.  My daughter-in -law asked if I could  create an  alphabet tracing book for the girls.  This project isn't related in any shape or form to scrapbooking or photography. But I said yes. I'm coming to the end of the alphabet  now.  Then I will go onto numbers 1-10.  Here is an example.  Using only PSP.  I have created the elements myself for the relevant letters.  The font used is called quicksand. It comes with  7 fonts, including the dash.  For the tracing  pages, I used the  Quicksand bold font, and the  Quicksand dash. Created on A4 paper, for Emma to print off as many sheets of each letter she wants.  Here in Canada we use  letter paper. Once the initial template was created, it was more or less plain sailing, for subsequent letters.
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Again, I wasn't going to do anything for Lab 8, Mod 4 - HOWEVER, once I got started on making the papers and elements, I had a lot of fun. First I will post the layout I came up with. Guess what! Another Route 66. The elements to create were: a new kind of star for a paper; adding a rick rack kind of border to a ribbon; creating a rainbow starburst and twirling it. Well, all are present in the layout. I will post it and then show you some of the fun I had with the star pattern. All the papers and elements are my own.
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I agree with Mary.  Bonnie, the athletics of the pickleball players really interests me.  And I have to say, I LOVE your trail cam and always am eager to see what you've captured.  That last fox was to die for.  I hope you keep those pages coming.


And to everyone in general...there can never be enough cats!  and dogs...and birds, okay, anything animal.  Keep them coming too.

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Today is an anniversary that still haunts the survivors. My mother was in the house, our childhood home when it hit. She was unscathed save a scratch or two.


Years later, a cousin who would randomly drop by when his truck route took him nearby frantically called me. All but two houses in the neighborhood had been destroyed and he was standing in front of an empty lot. He breathed a sigh of relief when I explained that my mother was fine.

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Another month of wonderfully creative pages posted.   So much to be inspired by.  Here is my last project for April. I'm now able to crawl around in the undergrowth in search for early insects.  Some butterflies have been out for almost a week now. Tortoiseshell, Comma, and Mourning Cloaks are always the first.   They  have found the orange slices I've put out, as there isn't as much as a single dandelion flower for them to feed on as yet, although  they can find food from the sap of trees, as the  sap is now rising.  Pirkko, and Ann revisited the basic scrap course, which prompted me  to revisit.  I did that course over 6yrs ago, if I remember the  date correctly. I liked this  particular layout, for my project, so copied it.   The stiped paper, random paper (leaves) and the  pointer tuts, are in the creative scarp.
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