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  1. Today
  2. I’ve got quite a collection of photos from the garden and local walks and have started to use some of them in layouts. My first one is ‘Wild Garlic Flowers’. I used the grid technique from the Masterclass ‘Scrap in Grid’ and a simple white background.
  3. Week 18 We have bluebells everywhere. Spring has definitely sprung! I didn’t plan on photographing the insect – I was happily snapping away at bluebells but the little fella was so charming I had to choose this photo.
  4. What an absolutely delightful little bird! It really is quite lovely that we get to see them when they visit garden feeders.
  5. My Week Eighteen - the Chipping Sparrow. They are tiny little birds and I love their rufous caps. They are all over the ground under my feeders. The photo is from Merlin which ID'd it for me.
  6. L = lounging by the poolside
  7. Yesterday
  8. The idea was planted, and I was watching some lessons on extracting. It's not something I've become proficient at. You're always so kind and that is appreciated.
  9. me too. Time to clear stuff out and keep what I will use...not what I "think" I will photograph, then never do. too many hobbies and I have managed to cut out two of them (silversmithing and glass beadmaking/fusing). It's hard to balance time to do each of the hobbies, I am failing at that.
  10. I was planting an idea for you, as I couldn't replicate your appealing unique style, should you run with the idea, you will create it with your own style, making it your own. I'm certain that it will be fabulous what ever you do.
  11. I used to be a thrift store junkie at one time. Had to give it up because I kept buying doodads and other things I didn't need to bring into my already cluttered home. The bargains are too good to pass up. I should be donating, not buying.
  12. G = Getting in. Either all in one big splash or first one toe, then a foot then-splash when someone pushes you in and stands back laughing their head off.
  13. Thrift stores are dangerous for me. So many cool trinkets begging to be photographed. All my t-cups/sugar&cream containers and t-pots have come from them. the flower vessels (for lack of better word) are usually candle holder and ashtrays....for a non smoker I sure have a lot of ashtrays! 🤪
  14. You have so many interests! PSP layouts, photography, and now gardening. Keeps you busy and happy, no doubt. Doing what we love is so life-affirming.
  15. I did wonder where you found/got all the lovely vessels for your flowers. Good old thrift stores!
  16. I agree with Michelle about your skills. Good for you getting back to a former passion that had lapsed. My ex years ago was a pro photog and he expected me to be one too, but it wasn't in the cards. I enjoy taking pix but all I use now is my phone, but I do have a lovely Nikon digital camera that I never pull out to use. When I'm out and about, I usually leave the phone in the car and therefore miss some possibly good shots. Oh well.....
  17. I always appreciate your suggestions Sue. Love the idea of putting the bouquet outside the frame. And this frame layout is wonderful!
  18. Oh Thank you Michele. That makes we feel so happy that you liked what I did. I had a long absence from photography and had restarted in earnest when my ex-brother-in-law gave me his very nice camera (and we re-connected after years of not being in touch). When Covid happened I started watching online photo tutorials for stress relief and that's where a new passion emerged. I've got a long way to go, and I'm really enjoying the process this time around. i do have many more UNskilled shots that okay shots, its all a learning experience. I'm lucky to see so many inspiring photographers in the campus, it keeps me excited to keep learning.
  19. They are simply incredible. You have wonderful photography skills.
  20. thank you Jeni. I did have fun with them and finding interesting vessels (at thrift stores) to put them in.
  21. Thank you, Corrie. I am sure you will bring back great memories and photos from your time in California... Saying goodbye to the family is never easy. 😞 Have a safe trip home! 🙏
  22. They are really beautiful flowers, Susan. I love the way you have showcased each one.
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