
Remember when…? – Diapers

Babies in diapers when you travel means a lot of stuff to bring, and potential surprises along the way. When the kids were young (age 3, 2, and 10 months), we decided to go visit relatives in Toronto. That meant a really long drive, with a stop in Montreal, to

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Remember when…? – In bed

The bed is a place we go every day, at least once a day (sometimes more). We spend hours and hours there, in fact, we spend between a quarter and a third of our life in a bed! It is no wonder that we can have stories surrounding that place.

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Remember when…? – Surgery

When i was a child, i was pretty healthy in general. I caught the measles when i was in grade 1, then chicken pox when i was a teen (yeah, not fun when you are that old!). However, i was told that i had sore throat often when i was

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Remember when…? – That name

Everyone has a name, whether we like it or not. And most of us share that name with other people, some famous, some unknown. Names appear in waves, becoming popular for a few years, then be unheard of, until someone revives it and we think “that is an old name”,

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Remember when…? – Listening in school

School is a big part of most people as we probably spent a few years there. For some, school was fun, for others, not so much. But either way, there are surely a few things you remember from school. When i was in grade 4, there was a new school

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Remember when…? – In the field

Nowadays, kids tend to stay indoor and play with their techno games and toys, but 50 years ago, those didn’t exist and kids were actually playing outside. I guess it helped that i lived in an urban area since there were many kids around too. Playing outside didn’t require much

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Remember when…? – Bad neighbours

I spent the first 10 years that i remember, in the same apartment, on the same street, in Montreal. I had friends all around: in the house on the left, the house on the right, the houses behind, the houses across the street, and more. Most neighbours on that street

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Remember when…? – Sugar or not sugar

Sometimes, we have fairly vivid memories of events when we were very young and this is one of them. As a preschooler (i told you i was very young) one of my favorite “snack” was a slice of bread, with butter and sugar on it. Even before i could clearly

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Remember when…? – Curly hair

I was born with thin straight hair, but i always envied those with nice curls. When going at the hairdresser with my mom (you read last week’s story, didn’t you?), i was dreaming of having long curly hair. Until i started school, at four an a half, i always had

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Remember when…? – Locked in

When we are kids, we often get in various situations because of our curiosity, or lack of experience. Some of those situations can be funny, sad, scary or just strange, but they always stick in our memory. I was not a child that got into too much trouble, but I

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