
Remember when…? – Nickname

  As some of you might know, my first name is Carole. Unlike other names, there isn’t an obvious nickname associated with it. It is not like Robert that becomes Bob, or Stephanie that can be shortened to Steph. My mom always disliked nicknames so she chose my name so

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Remember when…? – Fire

  House fires or forest fires could be devastating for some. I have heard of sad stories of families losing their home, their belonging, or worse, their loved ones. Up until now, I never lost anything or anyone to a fire, but it could have come close. Yet, this story

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Pocket Cards: Outside the Pocket – A Photo Tutorial

Do you have a collection of pocket cards? If you have embraced the pocket card movement I’ll bet you do! You may even have a lot of them! Thankfully digital designers have also embraced the pocket card trend. Digi scrappers and hybrid scrappers can enjoy the versatility of pocket cards

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Remember when…? – Lost tooth

  As we are all adults now (aren’t we?) we all have gone through our first lost tooth. For some, it might be more traumatic than others, while some might have funny stories. I guess I fall in that second category.

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Remember when…? – Crib

  When we are kids, the world looks very different than it does to adults. Our perception is less mature, we don’t yet understand some situations, and even less, the inferences in the grownups’ language.

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5 ways to keep text legible on a photo

  There are times when we want to add text directly on a photo, and although it is easy enough to add some text on a very wide and light sky, sometimes, the photo is busy, and there isn’t any wide space to add a legible text. What to do?

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Remember when…? – Tub

  I started school when i was only 5. That is one year younger than we were allowed. So my mom had me enrolled in a private class. Mrs. Benoit had a grade 1 class in her basement. That was the only class she had. At one point, as a

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Remember when…? – Swimming

  As mentioned in the previous story, when i was 3 and 4, i was going to that center that felt like kindergarten. They had all kinds of activities, crafts, gym, and they also had a big swimming pool, and that is where i learned to swim.

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What is your image resolution?

In the digital scrapbooking world, there is often a question of resolution. You create papers or elements and if you are going through a quality check process, you are asked to have all the elements at 300 pixels per inch (ppi). But why?

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Remember when…? – Falling

When you are a kid, the world is your playground, and you will have explored it in many ordinary and extraordinary ways. That also means cuts and bruises for most of our childhood. Although I had my share of bruises and scratches, I cannot say I was an accident prone

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For Photos That Matter