
Workspaces in PaintShop Pro (2019 and up)

With PaintShop Pro version 2018, Corel introduced the concept of different workspaces for users. They started with the Essential and the Complete workspaces. Over the years and different versions of PaintShop Pro, the interface has changed and more workspaces have been added. For anyone upgrading from an older version, it can be confusing. Let's have a look at the workspaces you can encounter with PaintShop Pro.

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Theme – Fitness

Do we need to keep our body fit? What are some ways that we can make our bodies healthy and active? Making changes towards a healthier and more active lifestyle takes time and effort.  This is also a commitment to self-care, a practice of self-discovery, and a testament to the incredible potential within. Most people enjoy this and find it attainable when doing it with others. There are so many benefits that you can achieve while undertaking your fitness journey.

No matter what your fitness level or goals, the most important thing is to get moving and find activities that you enjoy. So lace up your sneakers, put on your workout clothes, and get out there! Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, but the important thing is to keep moving forward. Celebrate your successes, learn from your setbacks, and most importantly, have fun!

It's time to celebrate your fitness journey in a way that's as creative as it is motivating! Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a newbie stepping into the gym, crafting digital layouts dedicated to your active lifestyle is a fun and inspiring way to document your progress, share your passion, and even inspire others. Below are several layout inspirations that feature their journey in getting fit and healthy!

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Create a snow globe with PaintShop Pro

Whether you want to create a scrapbook page or a greeting card for the holiday, a snow globe is a traditional decorative element. You can create them as baubles, or maybe place them on a stand. Their versatility is infinite since you can use any kind of element inside the globe.

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Theme – Christmas

Christmas is undoubtedly the most wonderful time of the year. There's something about the holiday season that just fills us with happiness and joy. Maybe it's the twinkling lights and decorations that fill our homes and streets. Maybe it's the festive music that can be heard everywhere you go. Or maybe it's the anticipation of spending time with loved ones and exchanging gifts. Whatever the reason, Christmas is definitely a special time of year.

One of the best things about Christmas is the feeling of giving. Whether it's giving a present to someone special, or giving your time to help others, it just feels good to make someone else's holiday a little brighter. Seeing the look of happiness on someone's face when they receive a gift they've been hoping for is one of the best parts of Christmas.

No matter what your Christmas looks like, it is a time to come together and celebrate. It is a time to be grateful for what we have and to focus on the positive. It is a time to spread love and happiness. And it also is a time to create memories that will last a lifetime. What are you looking forward to this Christmas? Check out below some inspiring and loving ways how they celebrate Christmas and document it to cherish for the years to come.

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6 Ways to add journaling

Whenever you are working on a scrapbook project, it is important to add some information about the page. Including a story will make that page that much more engaging than just looking at pictures. The way you include journaling can be simple and traditional but it can also be unique and creative. Let's have a look at ways you can include your stories.

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Featured Resource – Custom Calendar

If you like the idea of creating a custom calendar for yourself or as a gift, you might want to make something less boring than the traditional format for dates. You can often see ordinary dates on their own, or with simple boxes. Customizing that format and repeating it for every month is very time-consuming. That is where a script will be a great tool for you.

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My text disappeared! What happened?

While working with PaintShop Pro, it is common to use text to add information, title, or other details. After working a lot on a project, it can be disheartening when the text "disappears" on you. So much work might be lost! Let's have a look at common situations when this could happen.

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