
Scrapbooking layouts for men

A lot of scrapbook layouts in galleries tend to have a more "feminine" vibe, with flowers, ribbons, jewelry, etc. If you look at available supplies, you will also find a lot of flowers, ribbons, pearls, and stitchings, which might seem a little out of place for more "masculine" projects. How can you approach your project from a different angle? How can you showcase photos of your husband if he does not associate with flowers and such? Let's look at ways you can build your page with that "man" in mind.

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How to sort your fonts

If you have been collecting a lot of fonts or purchasing bundles, you are likely to have hundreds if not thousands of fonts. Going through that many fonts when you are looking only for one or two is far from efficient. In a previous article, we looked at the suggested organization for your fonts, but in the end, HOW will you do that?

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