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Everything posted by MoniqueN.

  1. Day 7 I don't think I will use this feature much, or only with specific photo's. ? Gill sans ultra bold is the font I used ? The kit was miz-London town Odd that with resizing the shadow on the red mat looks very black but with the original size it looked ok, well I think it was ok?
  2. Bonnie, your text at the bottom is far to the left, did you do that on purpose? I love the way you did the text at the top, it suits the ladies well!?
  3. Normally I do that also, but this time, adding the shadows, I forgot to look if the checkbox was checked ,so I don't know if they are on a seperate layer this time. Susan mentioned in her reaction that she put the shadows on a seperate layer on and off and that's a great idea, because I always change settings many times. Michele said she ends up with several shadows and that's a great idea too ?
  4. Day 4 part 2? Text is better now in a wave, all the characters you can read instead of pressed into each other?
  5. I think I forgot to put them on a separate layer, will have a llok, but great idea!?
  6. That's so nice from this forum, now I see I do have to add a shadow to all the papers, just like others did,not only around the paper around our dog. Still have the question about the shadow around the rope though ?
  7. I wanted to post my project for day 6 and saw Corrie mentioning she forgot to add a shadow to the rope , I haven't done that either, but do you think it needs a shadow in my project? I did a shadow on the paper behind my dog, that's all.?
  8. I love the romantic feel!?
  9. What a daring (?) combination of colours, but I love it!??
  10. This photo was taken at a flower parade last year. ? Font color tube, the elements are from a design bundle called Funny snails?‍♂️?
  11. The text translated : Waves you don't only see by the sea, grasses also move along with the wind. In Dutch the text rhymes? Font Beyond Wonderland with a bevel Papers Janet Scott ( I think) I thik I set the nodes to tight, so some of my characters are a bit "lost".
  12. I have the same problem. Yesterday I put a piece of paper on my windowsill and looked how the sahdow was and later on with thicker paper. If you see it "real" it looks like you understand the shadows better. I even saved some shadows from workshops as a preset but with some projects it's still not looks ok, too much, too little, to dark etc ?
  13. Font is Beauty night butterfly The bird came out of a scrapkit called Romantic Tea time set from Creative fabrica Link The text is in Dutch (duh) and says : Sometimes you find a picture and don't remember where it is taken. We now think it's from the castle gardens in Arcen (Dutch village)
  14. @Carole I used picture tubes inside of the baby title, could they also have shadows? I never tried that ?
  15. I was looking for some inspiration for day 3 of the Text workshop. I have all the projects for all the workshops I participated in, in one folder. What fun it was too see how many workshops I attended and what I've learned over the years ( a lot!), but it was also a trip down memory lane with all those nice projects! ????
  16. I found an unfinished lay out? in ine of my folders and used it for day 2 ? I really don't remember where I got the papers and the lady in costume came from ?
  17. Nice and rustique lay out!?
  18. A very simple lay out, but it doesn't need more I think ? Tried a mat and other things , but didn't like them much ? When I added the gradient, I thought, this looks familiar, it looks a bit like the one I used on my granddaughters birth announcement I had the honour to make for sending to family and friends ?
  19. Oh, I just found it too, Ann!?
  20. I often rename my layers to keep track, otherwise I get lost too ?
  21. Had to Google that, I never heard it!??
  22. Watched the first video just now and I often think when I see what can be made with PSP it's almost magic! ? Now hopefully remember all the new things we will learn!?
  23. osteoporosis.........me too........found out after I broke my upperarm and Tibia Plateau (scheenbeen plateau) within 4 months. ?
  24. Is there a difference between craft and hobby's/hobbies? When I translated it, it came out more as an "oldfashioned" occupation like furniture making or goldsmith ? Hobbies? Too many! Since my childhood years I always made things with paper, fabric (dressing my barbie doll) , made dolls with cast and dress them in oldfashioned costumes etc etc. Embroidery, card making, jigsaw puzzles and later, when the computer came in our lives, I made video's about our holidays, building websites etc etc. And since a year I have a Cricut cutting machine, very addictive!! And of course PSP ? Sometimes I wish there were more hours in a day! ?
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