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Posts posted by Marie-Claire

  1. I haven't made anything with it yet, I've had the script since yesterday and am experimenting, I think this is such a cool script!
    me and Poncho, a photo of a horse that I took on one of our walks, and my daughter, years ago when she still worked as a tour guide




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  2. 23 hours ago, Cassel said:

    Can you believe that this was recorded with PSP9?

    I liked the explanation of the drawing for the layers, but I find the sandwich is more fun as an exercise!

    This video is indeed still very appropriate, and explained as well as we are used to now
    But it is true that the explanation with the sandwich is more fun.
    But, do you mean the video was made with PSP9? or do you mean that what you show, is done on PSP9?

  3. 11 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    Week Three, and my little Tuxie girl, Eve, is dominating my thoughts. She has had what the vet eye specialist calls a corneal ulcer (or possible Feline Herpes Virus-1) since November. My daughter and I have had to drive her an hour away to the vet hospital in Brewster, NY twice now and another time next week. Keeping my fingers crossed that he will see healing when we go on the 23rd. He says she can see all right. 

    P52-WEEK THREE-EVE_600.jpg

    I keep my fingers crossed Ann that you will get good news for Eve on the 23rd 


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  4. Lab 13 - 03
    I used the template : link in the notebook.
    Made the Wooden token and Decorated metal charm tutorial.
    The digit beads were made with the cass-Alpha-beads script.
    The other elements come from pixel-scrapper-blog-trains/feb-2017-blog-train-final-list: themagnoliapatch.blogspot.com WinterFun-addon.
    Own photos, January 2009, Belgium, Waterloo. A walk with my first Scottish Collie Enzo.

    I'm not entirely happy with the metal charms I made, I think it doesn't look that metallic.




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  5. 42 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Oh Marie-Claire, how very scary.  I am so happy to hear Poncho is on the mend.  What a stressful time for you, I hope you are doing well too.  I had a pet pass away on the operating table.  

    Thank you Susan, and so sorry for you! All is well with us now, but it was indeed a stressful few weeks.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    I'm very glad Poncho has recovered from the surgery! He almost has become a member in the scrapbook group. We see so many lovely photos with him.

    Thank you Corrie!

    I forgot to mention that I also used a script from Carole for the frame with text. I've had that script for a while. Here on the forum I now notice that the blue color I chose is too dark. I didn't notice that on my large monitor.


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  7. Week 1.
    Poncho received an orthopedic dog bed for his Christmas 🌲. He never wanted to lie on anything other than the floor, but this bed was adopted from day one.
    At the beginning of last year he had problems with the left biceps tendon (shoulder), and had to undergo surgery for this, he was under anesthesia 4 times. We were very worried because collies are very sensitive to many medications. He has now recovered well, and his coat has grown back nicely, but is not allowed to jump, do stairs, etc



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  8. Now that this has been brought up, I also have a question.
    I scanned old photos at 1200 dpi. so they are large files. I just bring them into my project like this. And then resize them in my project to the size I want.
    Does that make my project large as a pspimage file?
    Is it important that I resize the photos in advance to approximately the size that I will use in my project?

  9. I had already used the cookies for the Christmas challenge, so I used the cookies for a birthday, not intended as a card to print but to use as a digital image to wish a birthday, for example on Facebook or somewhere else.
    I'm not sure the shadows are okay, but I had fun all evening with making this.
    Cookie Monster and his party hat are from PNGwing, the balloons are freebies, but I can't remember where I got them
    The Alphas are from digidelights blogspot com


    mclp_freebie_Chall_23_12_cass-christmass cookies_600.jpg

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  10. On 11/6/2023 at 7:49 PM, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Seeing all the above OOB's I will have to go and search for some mockups that I like and that will go with my photos.

    In the mean time I like to show what I have been up to with the scripting course. I have posted there my result but that is only visible for the members of the course, so I will post it here too. I have been making my first "real" script, not something for practice only. I made a postage stamp script that can use landscape, portrait or square format with a border for which you can choose the color. You can choose to have no text or with a simple text for which you can again select the color. When testing I used some X-mas related images, so I can use them this year. I have used the "ribbon tree", that Sue T has generously shared with us last year, for one of the postage stamps. Thanks again Sue! The Kinderdijk postage stamp was the one I used to code the script so I could adapt it for the other formats, colors and text.

    CK-Postage Stamp-600.jpg

    Great that you can make a script like this yourself, Corrie! And with the possibility to choose different options 👍. I didn't dare start the course, I think it's too difficult for me

  11. Welcome Doska! 
    There is a LOT to learn here, and in a nice, pleasant way. Carole is ??? , and the members also help each other when they can. This is a great place to learn, ask for help, show and share your work with others, and inspire each other.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    It seems we all have to get comfortable with the changes that come with getting older. I always say: "As long as I don't look in the mirror I can still feel my younger self"

    That's true, at a certain point you no longer age in your head, it's only when you see yourself in the mirror, and also when your body can no longer do what your head would like to do.

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