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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. OMG, YIKES! Ha hahahaha, thanks for the laugh just before I'm off to work. ? Hilarious! had to watch the whole video to read all the words.
  2. It's wonderful to see how good everything looks together. I had wondered how, after all our work, how they would perform. You have done beautifully.
  3. I know what you mean. It's hard to focus on one given idea and follow through. This Build A Kit workshop will help you to focus on the topic. I look forward to seeing your creations.
  4. Those are wonderful. I agree, the textures add that finishing touch that elevates it above the others. What a great card this will make.
  5. Fabulous! That shadow box has awesome depth. Is there anything cuter than bunnies? They are so sweet. I like how you colorized the lace.
  6. Is it too early to put my birthday order in...hahahah, just kidding. This is fabulous.
  7. I was surprised to not see your name for Build a Kit. It really got me out of my fear box and got me to try new things. Especially supplies I dont use, like alphas, ribbons/bows, fasteners etc. Under the guise of making these supplies I'm learning to be more comfortable with the tools in PSP, and what can go wrong and how to troubleshoot the setting - which is usually something I've done wrong or in the wrong order, or a box is or isnt checked in the settings etc. Also I've learned about using tools I've never used and what setting to use. I hope my memory can keep it all in past the workshop. It really helps direct you to the right tutorials (all availalbe in the Diamond membership-tutorials, master classes, notebook labs etc) and having it around building a kit really helps you focus on creating a cohesive body of work one step at a time. Hoepfully it will be a yearly workshop.
  8. This is a fabulous site. thank you. I love that she has catagories and you can pick and choose what you need or get the whole kit bundle. Very interesting resource.
  9. There is a person that walks her two Irish Wolfhounds by our house. the person is short (like me) so they look even taller than normal. It was definitely one of those stop what you are doing and just we wowed by the size of them.
  10. Happy Birthday Julie. Hope you had a super fantabulous Birthday!
  11. He has some really nice work. The website has a lot of interesting artists too. thanks Ann. The next time I misplace something I'll know who to call.
  12. I am registered too. I have never taken this workshop. Looking forward to the texting adventure ahead.
  13. That was neat to watch.
  14. Nice layout. And a cool theme to do, "Foto Focus", I can imagine this is a magazine. "This months Foto Focus" featuring (insert featured photographer). Great idea.
  15. Thank you for the tips. I was wondering how to make the layers look farther apart. I did work on 4000 x4000 image for the 12 "spokes" of the wheel. Is doubling the shadow just doing Control-Y? I never thought of gaussian blur. I'm going to try that. I had envisioned it looking deep, but it didnt turn out that way. I tried white shadows but it looked weird and too much opacity in the shadow made the tints start to look like tones (adding grey). I was going to ask how to make it look really far apart, so I can try these ideas. I had an idea of of layout with random sized holes, some offset, some not and only a few layers but really far apart (looking) with only one color ring and the rest of the rings white. I guess I could have just said an abstract image. I'll gvie it a try.
  16. Thank you Ann. It was a mental challenge to figure out and keep it all straight in my head. there was a lot of layers. I probably did some of it the long way but I got some practice with using groups when I needed them. Even though you cant see the dimension in layout, I should do a layout for the Shades and Tones as well. Good practice.
  17. I was playing with the Shadow box Master class. And I had this color wheel in mind (although I don't actually subscribe to the "color wheel" model?). As it turns out, those little circle layers are too small to be effective at showing the depth. it was a good learning experience, and I've included a larger version so you can get the idea of the depth. It's good for big layouts. I look forward to trying the ones from the masterclass.
  18. Good to know, this is my problem. I have a very large assortment of brushes (mostly abr, some of which I've had to use ABRmate to convert them to PS7 files) that I have to scroll through. I wish it was like my Font Viewer and the brushes in the folders stay turned off until you need them and you can turn one the ones you need and not have to wait till ALL the brushes load. I'd like to see a check box iin the drop down of the folders you could turn them on and off as you please, there could be options for ALL on or only selected on and what it does when you open PSP, ie. leave it at the last setting or turn all on or off. A girl can dream.
  19. Only if you have time in the Q&A. I can wait (and look forward) to the blog post too. Thank you for the answers.
  20. I need some clarification on how to organize my brushes. I use a separate folder (as instructed by you) called "MY PSP RESOURCES" on a separate drive than the default PSP folders. File locations are pointed to this location. I would like to make sub-folders within the Brushes folder(ie. watercolor, light rays, coffee cup stains etc). Do I just make the folders file in windows and move both brush files into the sub-folders? Do I have to tell PSP just where the brushes folder is (which is already knows) or do i have to point PSP to each and every sub-folder within the Brushes folder? then will I see the catagory name in the brushes drop down menu when I'm using a brush? In File Locations there is had an option "Create Sub Folder". Do I have to use that? I do have "Use Subfolders" checked as well as "Enable". New: I tried a test with Create Sub Folder but it put the folder in the default Brushes folder, even though it said save to My PSP Resources.
  21. I hope you are coming out of the life-storm and on new path to wellness. That photo is beautiful. Nature never disappoints and is a wonderful therapist.
  22. The crosses are really nice!
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