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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Is it possible you are getting the texture "because" it's a jpg. Which is a lossy file as opposed to a png which is lossless file ( bigger and retains more pixel information). Make two file at the largest size, 1 - jpg and 1- png and compare them, there is a difference, look especially at the shadows, you'll see more detail in the png than in the jpg.
  2. Masks Workshop Day 2 Diamon Extra Plaid tutorial; plaid size 250, 45 Degree angle. I changed the small mask sizes and moved them around.
  3. Mary, WOW! love your layout and your Kaleidescope images are so cool.
  4. Love this one Anne. So sweet.
  5. Masks Workshop 2023 Day 2 loved the plaid paper tutorial, quick and easy to do. Also quite addictive.
  6. Day 2 Winter theme. Monochromatic with a little button (Janet Scott, Brown Button 2, Digital Scrapbook) to warm it up a bit. I'd forgotten how fun making plaids can be. I changed big mask for quite some time to fit what I wanted. And I had to (on the mask layer) take a brush and blot out (using black) some of the mask that extended beyond the photo edges. I duplicated the image of the bottom square and put it in the upper mask to fit the top of the tree in. Font is Adinda Sayang (Creative Fabrica). Slowly, I'm getting through. Time seems to be elusive right now, and there is no reason for it (except maybe my bad management of it).
  7. What an interesting story. I loved the part about "veteran plant specimens uncovered". Does that mean they were still living? Unreal. I have always loved historical places that have been preserved, along with train/transportation museums. When my friend went to Scotland last year and send back photo's at various castles it humbled me to think 300+ yrs ago people were right there in the same spot she was standing. What were they doing, how busy was it, who lived there, who worked there. So interesting, all of it.
  8. Oustanding Sue! The label with the curl and the shadows are really awesome. What a neat place to go.
  9. Tonimarie, did you change those layers to black first. If you made it a mask while still grey you will get that haze. Cassel will probably explain it better to you.
  10. Day 1 - Diamond Extra. This one is for Ann Seeber. You wanted a photo of me...here is me and my whole family (sibs and parents). ? My parents (Bob and Audrey - represented here by Western Salsify), are lovingly embraced while looking down towards us 4 kids. What? you say, how can that be, surely we kids, with those stunning hair-do's cant be from Western Salsify. You are quite right; we siblings are represented by Clematis Terniflora, which is another way to say, we are all Adopted! In the bigger of the small masks is my oldest brother and my older sister and in the lower smaller mask is my other older brother and lastly me (with the crazy hair). Incidently my older sister and the oldest brother are actually full blood brother and sister, but 2 years apart. Ann, I will try and get a picture up soon, even if it's not a great one, I'm on a mission for you. The important stuff: Font is NS Blackbooks Victorian (Creative Fabrica, I think), and back ground is Brook Gazarek - Crisp Fall Air (Digital Scrapbook) that I darkened and desaturated. Photo's are mine, photographed separately and composited using a blend mode (lighten).
  11. I had wondered about that. I was going to ask it in the Q&A. Is it still a better practice to Defloat, then Deselect.
  12. It took me a long time too. I had to write the instructions down and follow them every time...still do. But I noticed this time it's feeling more familiar. Sue Thomas is right, only LOTS of practice will make this something I can do without refering to instructions. Keep going.
  13. Late getting started. Hopefully more from Day 1 tomorrow. I enlarged the mask quite a bit because I wanted the little star and bell from the fence to show. Fonts are Moma Love and Mama from Creative Fabrica. I textured the background but likely doesnt show here, it's a frosty sort of look. Photo's are mind from a quick drive around the neighbourhood Dec 23, 2022. I am really loving everyones mask layouts. I'm finding myself thinking, that's awesome, why didnt I think of that. Where did all the extras come from? Oops, I'm a dumby, I just found it, helps to scrool ALL the way to the bottom. yeesh.
  14. I would love that. And everyone can watch the master class which will reach a wider audience for this technique. Your samples were outstanding. I wouldnt have gotten there on my own, especially the shadow part.
  15. This is very cool Rene. The Q&A was fabulous. It's cool to know there is different routes to the same destination.
  16. I will be there will bells on...and nothing else.? Good thing we arent doing this in person, eh?. I havent picked any photo's yet so I will wing it and choose randomly.
  17. Nicely done Mary. What an accomplishment with the Labs. Is that an inner bevel on the title. I like the look of it.
  18. That is very beautiful Louyse. And thank you for the links.
  19. We are unseasonable warm. It is above zero celcius (32 F) for most of this week. We had a couple inches of snow overnight and now sunny and blue sky with pretty white clouds. We are lucky. Your wavy snow was very intersting. I wonder what makes that happen. I looked at our snow (before the snowfall from overnight) and it was flat and flat looking from weeks of no snow. It's like a crust of snow. It looked like fondant on a cake. Now with the new snow it's sparkly and pretty.
  20. As a person who can't sew I'd love to see any creation you make. If you have Christmas fabric I'd love to see a Christmas doll. And my all time favorite thing to have would be a Rainbow-Butterfly-Unicorn-Kitten. Not as garish as this guy, but sometimes, you just need one.
  21. How precious Julie. I love the look of all the brushes and the mask, it gives the layout such depth. We had a dog that looks similar your wee one. She was a chihuahua-boston bull terrier cross and had the courage of a wolf.
  22. OMG! Cuteness overload! Beautiful layout and I like that ribbon. That's going to be a handy tutorial for the Kit workshop.
  23. He sure does. He's got nerves of steel! The one where the city is below (camera is above) really shows just how freaky it is. The write-up is really interesting.
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