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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Here's my try at it. I did find myself on the wrong layer and erasing, but thankfully I could just undo and switch to the right one. I found some elements from Jessica Dunn and I used the Vector Tube script (had to resort to notes, forgot I had to convert the text vector to a path first). The font is called Arima and I suspect it is a google font that came with my font viewer. All but two of these long bead crochet pieces are unfinished. I sold all my silversmithing tools and supplies so I can no longer fabricate the end caps and clasps. Now they are just shiny things taking up space that I dont know what to do with. Oh, and I used one of the cass crochet tubes.
  2. You had me on the floor laughing. I only read what my car said on the dashboard. My house is in Fahrenheit and my thermometers too! I should jump to using Celsius, only because it's easier to spell.
  3. That is a good idea Rene. We can always use them later in layouts. Wouldnt it be cool if you could spell a word and all the letters/photos went with what the words was. I had planned on doing some layouts with just playing card portion of the P52 challenge.
  4. There is such beautiful feelings in this layout. Julie you are really good at putting a story together and conveying the emotions. So delicate and pretty.
  5. Thank you Mary. I was rather desperate to come up with a B word. I'm sure now that I've done B, I'll see lots of items in the house that start with B.
  6. Beads, beads, shiny beads. These are leftovers from my lampwork (making beads on a mandrel in a torch) days. I tried lots of different shadows and outer glow (layer style) to have the word stand out on a very busy background. Time to pick the best and donate the rest.
  7. I love that background Donna. A question about PSE. Have you used it for many years? I'm wondering because I have Elements 12 (2013 I think), is it very different than the new one (other than the AI advances) for scrapbooking. I found it when I was getting books together for donation. Wondered if it's worth loading and trying.
  8. Looking forward to your layouts soon to come. You are quite right about the cold. It's -28 C in Alberta today. At least it's a sunny, blue sky day.
  9. I can hear you now, when the apocalypse happens, "Quick! Get my slide rule, I can fix this!"
  10. Another beautiful shot and the story blows me away. Living in North America I just cant imagine what you went through. My hubby's parents (both gone now) were from Denmark and have memories like that. I really like the embellished B and the gold frame around the photo. Really nice photo by the way.
  11. I also was horse-crazy. Me and my friend (12 yrs old) would set up a lawn chair jumping course and jumps the jumps. The funny thing was, she ACTUALLY had a horse that she jumped! This layout is really graphic and I love it! My husband and I lived and worked on several horse breeding farms. My hubby was a stallion handler for breeding; they are magnificent animals. Did you ever see War Horse? That movie almost destroyed us. Yes, it was an incredible movie, but even as I write this I am tearing up. Neither of us would be able to watch it ever again. I do not like seeing scenes in movies/shows of animals being abused (I know, it's not real, but my eyes and heart can't tell the difference).
  12. What a cool building. A lot of thought went into the details. The inside (the few shots I saw) was really nice with beautiful woodwork. the stairs and entrance and a piece cabinetry I saw in an office is really incredible. I hope someone buys the building and keeps some of the originality. I read talks of it becoming a boutique hotel. Did you ever get to go inside it?
  13. Sadly I cant. But I was reading some instructions (the little one has a wooden box in came in with instructions). I did read the upper beads are 5's and lower ones are 1's. As to how you calculate is beyond me. And I think they go from right to left as well. I never had to learn how to use a slide rule, but I'm sure my brain would have imploded if I had to.
  14. I'm in the same boat....wait a minute, which one of us is supposed to be rowing? No wonder we arent getting anywhere.😁
  15. You are doing such good work with what you've learned from aA. I love this. perfect coloring for the background.
  16. Well done Mary. I don't even know how I'd start to figure that one out. I enjoy your papers, thanks for sharing.
  17. Alphabet Photo Challenge A Yay, I'm finally on the board. It's been awhile since I used PSP and my camera. Not happy with the results from my camera but went with it anyway. I am using a playing card I made as a preset shape. the middle is cut out for a 4x5 aspect ratio image, added an outline and kept the inner white part of the card untextured, and textured the part past the black outline. Having a horizontal card presents a bit of a challenge in adding text. Some weeks might be a vertical card, some horizontal and even some with a different size shape (like square) for the photo. I'm following everyone else by keeping a list going. Some letters I can find lots of items for and some are going to be more of a challenge. I didnt know if the texture would show up (and most playing cards are crazily textured like this), so I made it a bit more textured than usual. Forgot to mention. My brother and I made the wooden Abacus. He did the wood part, I did the finishing and I made the beads (glass, in a torch, around a mandrel, into the kiln to anneal). the little one on jade came from my uncle, it's quite old. the trinkets would be what is being purchased and about to be tallied up. I learned this is a Chinese style Abacus.
  18. I got a good reply from Affinity regarding which installer (.exe) to use. Here is the link. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F204800-what-is-the-difference-between-windows-installer-types-and-which-one-should-i-use%2F&fbclid=IwY2xjawH2CSFleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHQy2_looI7-1OBqqAzWaWKoBucnKoWm4OdB3JzeJGBG5gM28kGsmZPz88A_aem_Rb1m97SnX-3ueMNiCbXQtg
  19. My niece had calendars printed this year. When she picked them up she didn't look at them. When she got home the date part below the photos was just glossy black and nothing else. So she took them back and the clerk said to her, you just wanted lots of photos. the top part of the calendar was lots of photos like a collage on each month printed edge to edge. My niece said, I ordered a calendar, shouldn't I GET the calendar part (months/days). They are being reprinted for free. I guess Calendar-less Calendars are a thing 🤣.
  20. I'm testing to see if I can post from a "Quote". Check in the other forum to see what people want to do. Like I mentioned, I'm likely to have to do the bootcamp after-the-fact as work continues to be grueling when it should be really slow.
  21. testing testing 123 testing. Yay! You are rock star with the patience of a Saint. I'd be a puddle of goo on the floor crying if I had to go through what you went through. Hope it all stays as the normal well-greased forum and the gremlins are vanquished to another dimension!
  22. See at the Q & A where we get to focus on the something different.
  23. Not to worry, I think we will all get there in the end. And like you say, they might find a more seamless way, especially since you will be doing bootcamps for their product. I'll be looking forward to your findings
  24. I'm having the exact same problems as you are Corrie. I was trying after midnight (and after building 65 wedding cards - part one of the build and 1.5 days of work on it) so perhaps my patience level was not at it's highest. I thought (of course after I went to bed and woke up in the night) and that I was supposed to do a trail version to get an account, then go through the links in the emails to set up the 90 day one hopefully. it's getting too confusing to think about right now.
  25. Yes and it was most confusing. First email said to reset my password. Well, I never had an account and never had a password to reset. 2nd email gave me an activation code. 3rd email was my order confirmation. I tried the order number as a password the activation key as a password. Everything says it's incorrect. I read through the help and account section and didnt find away to make an account. These emails sound like they've made an account for me already but didnt give me the password to it. It's after midnight so I'll try again tomorrow. I did try and fool it by "forgetting" my password, it didnt work either.
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