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Rene Marker

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Everything posted by Rene Marker

  1. That link is no longer good. You need to click on the top navigation bar "Gallery" to get to the gallery.
  2. Bonnie, if you have PSP open before selecting the font in the font viewer, it probably won't see it. My experience in the past with various font viewers is that the font viewer needs to be open before opening PSP (or any graphic program).
  3. Susan, the Christmas forecast was saying 5 inches the day before the snow came in with another 5 inches the 2 days following. We got 3 total. But just 2 to 3 hours north of us got more than 10. It just shifted enough in those last 12 hours that we were on the edge.
  4. Weather has been all over the place for me. It was in the 50's(F) yesterday which is practically unheard of in January. And, rain, lots of rain. At least that is better than snow. I did look at the forecast and there is snow forecast Sunday and into next week. The amounts are all over the place right now in the forecast so who knows what we will get. The forecasted 10 inches over Christmas didn't happen. It went north of us. I am helping my cousin with a history project for our church so will be at the church with her tomorrow. Other than that I stay in when it rains since it makes my sinuses drain so much more than normal which leads to lots of coughing.
  5. Not all scanners can save to the tif format. I've had various scanners over the years and none of them saved in that format. So while it is a good idea, it isn't always possible. I don't set any resolutions. Never have. I do set goals for my scrapping. This is the 17th year that I have set a page goal. This year is 200. Should be able to make it. Did 244 last year. I'm 10% of the way there already! I also have several theme projects underway and I'd like to catch them up to the present. And, in the month of challenges that I'm participating in, if an idea comes to me about other things to scrap, I write them down to do at a later time. A whole bunch of ideas for the stories of various heritage items in my house have popped into my brain after the challenge about that. It took me awhile to decide on what to scrap for the challenge!
  6. Yeah, the link on the header to Diamond is missing. It is after "Gallery" on the old one. I ended up getting there in a roundabout way and putting a bookmark in my browser for it.
  7. There are some example screenshots in the main post about the challenge but they are all from PS. They do try to link to tutorials for other software and the one they linked to for PSP was from the Corel How-To Guide on Using Photo Masks. And, that one doesn't really go into what the actual technique challenge is about. I ended up looking at the Mask Masterclass handout to see if that would help but actually found better help in the Mask Workshop (Lesson 3) and a blog post about Using transparent masks from April 2, 2015.
  8. I am participating in a month long challenge at The Lily Pad and today was the first challenge that was a "Technique" challenge. It required blending a photo into a background using layers of paint, gesso, or watercolor (all items had to be from the store on the website). They wanted more than one mask layer and to use blending if possible. I used 7 mask layers (6 paint, 1 gesso). I'm thankful for the Mask workshop earlier this year and this challenge helped to reinforce what I learned.
  9. Rene Marker

    20230108 MOC

    From the album: Rene's Album

    An exercise in using paint masks. All paint items used were from The Lily Pad as required by the challenge.
  10. I just finished another layout using the same process and I used a plaid paper on it. It is also in the gallery over there. I'm also participating in their month of challenges (31 challenges in 31 days). Today's challenge was rough one for me as I don't feel comfortable with the style required. But I did refer to some of Carole's tutorials to do something I wanted on the page ? The kits used on both of the layouts are noted in the gallery over there (required). All from The Lily Pad since they require their products be used.
  11. I just used Algerian on a layout tonight. I used a paper from a kit and did a cutout of the numbers 2023. Then I added an inner bevel. The layout is for a challenge at The Lily Pad called "Finding Me in 2023". A template designer is hosting the year long challenge and provided the template for the "Finding Me". There will be one prompt each month for a layout. This month is hobbies... I've got to really think how I want to do that layout!
  12. Rene Marker

    20221010 FUMC

    From the album: Rene's Album

    Layout done for a challenge at The LilyPad which required use of products from their store.
  13. I know I really wanted to say... keep looking in the blog but look at the REALLY OLD posts! But I just said "on the right track but old". I'm not sure that helped anyone. When it came down to it, there were several blog posts that did answer some of the questions which is what confused so many of us. Especially that material palette one!
  14. Clever Jannette, very clever.
  15. Cindy the keywords for #13 is BEGINNERS and LAYERS. Note the italicized words in Carole's clue Hint for #13: The “sandwich” helps teach beginners about layers. I will admit that I only thought about bootcamp for this clue and never found it. Once I forgot about bootcamp and poked around sections about beginners and learning to use layers I found it.
  16. Julie First off, you are so close don't quit! As for the puzzle pieces you don't have to do anything to them. If you look at the file name of each piece they will go into the puzzle frame nicely with piece #1 being top left corner, #2 next to it, #3 next to #2 etc with the last piece being the bottom right corner. Clue #9 has been mentioned multiple times in this thread. Suzy has even posted screen shots where the answer was given in the blog but no balloons. As I told her... go "older". She was in the right area. And, from Carole's post #82583 "– some pieces will be in the blog, but several will be in other sections available through the menu." For all those struggling... did you know that there are some tips and tricks available outside of classes and Diamond membership? I didn't but I do know that now!
  17. Kathy like I told someone earlier in the thread, for #12 think "spooky" Again without saying too much, some answers may show up more than one time but not necessarily in a "newer" area of the site.
  18. Deana think "spooky" Fiona without giving away too much... go "old" (using what Carole said)
  19. Suzy you are on the right track just need to go "old" to find it.
  20. Jannette try clicking on a certain word at the bottom of the page.
  21. Jannette for #16 just keep scrolling... all the way to the bottom. Doesn't matter what page you are on. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Words are your friend.
  22. Michele that's the one I was having trouble with as well. Carole thank you for the hint. I knew the sandwich had to do with bootcamp so was looking in that direction. Never associated it with layers since I never did bootcamp!
  23. #16 was actually very easy to find! It is one of the others that is elusive for me. There was one that wasn't where I expected it to be but I did eventually find it. I took time out to watch coverage of the death of Queen Elizabeth. I'll keep looking later.
  24. Well, I've found 15 of the 16 but that last one I need is very elusive. Guess I should take a break and try to find it later.
  25. Wapakoneta, Ohio Hometown of Neil Armstrong, First Man to Walk on the Moon (located on I-75 in west central Ohio, 90 minutes from Columbus, 90 minutes from Fort Wayne IN, 60 minutes from Dayton and just under 2 hours from Toledo)
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