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Rene Marker

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Everything posted by Rene Marker

  1. I also used NoteTab when learning to code webpages but I did get the paid version. I did several websites 25 years ago and did the coding from scratch. I haven't had those websites for years but I am thankful for the classes I took on learning HTML coding and CSS coding. I can actually look at the coding of a page and see where/why they are issues. Sadly I no longer have the program since I've had multiple computers since then. I never thought to move it to the next computer since I wasn't using it... But coding of webpages is so far advanced of what it was in the 90's.
  2. I am a visual person and like having the icons where I can see them either on the taskbar or on my desktop. I also use the stuff when it is readily available. I also dislike the search function in windows and prefer not to use it if I don't have to. But that is just me!
  3. Scatters can be many things including paper or metal. They can be translucent or not. If I use a scatter there are times I don't even use a shadow. But for the most part I use a very small offset (maybe 1, 2 at the most). The opacity is usually 50 or lower with a blur of no more than 10. But there are times the the scatter item is thicker so the settings would need to be adjusted just like adjusting for different types of flowers or frames.
  4. I still resize before using the JPG optimizer. I've been using it so long that I prefer it over using the save as even though it basically does the same thing. I just know what settings that work best for what I'm doing whether it is a 3600x3600 page or the 600x600 pixel size. And, it is one click to get to the settings in the optimizer. If I want to see the same thing in the save as, I have to click on options (so a 2nd click) then click OK then save (I don't like the slider).
  5. Yep. Like you I would forget to use it since I had to go through the start menu to find it.
  6. I'm curious as to what highway this is since I live in Ohio (although the other side of the state).
  7. At first I was copying the text documents from each script into a WordPerfect document but that was a pain when I wanted to look up the info when I ran the script. I also have them on a spreadsheet I keep with info about Scrapbook Campus, again putting the info from the text document on it. But it was also a pain to look up stuff when running a script. So I took the time the other day to set up a tab in my OneNote Scrapping notebook for the scripts. I have a page listing all that I have purchased and another page for my "to be purchased" scripts. I then organized them by type - Tool, Element, Photo with the main page listing all scripts bought from that category. Each category then has a page for each script where I copied the text document. I have thought about putting the preview on this page as well for each script, just haven't done it. When I was playing with some of the scripts the other day, I had OneNote open to my scripts section and would have the info on the script I was using on my 2nd screen. Really helped since with some scripts you need a blank canvas and I can never remember which ones!
  8. I have only ever used it on PSD templates and have had no problems. I'm guessing it was something with the specific template that caused the glitch. I scrapped 4 of my week in review templates yesterday and used the Raster To Mask and Merge Group Rename on all of them. Worked so well, I did bind them to my custom toolbar!
  9. Thanks! No hurry though if you are doing it for me. I don't use the script very much. In fact, today was the first time!
  10. Well, that explains the problem I had earlier with saving the files. I was playing with some of the scripts earlier and like I said when I went to save the template, the compatibility had changed to PSP8. I know I didn't change it. But I just thought I'd go through some of the scripts that I had tried out and check the compatibility after running the script. First script I tried: Open A Copy. Just used it on a photo. Checked the compatibility.... PSP8! My compatibility before running the script was X8-2021. Changed the settings back to X8-2021 and double checked by trying to save a blank image. Correct settings. Did a second test. Ran the Open A Copy script then checked compatibility... PSP8. So is there something in that script that is changing the compatibility in the save as option?
  11. I was saving a template that I have been using all of 2023 that has one vector text layer. Simple text... 2023 in Calibri font size 22 and bold. I was using PSP 2021. I have never had a problem with saving this template since my compatibility is set to X8-2021 Compatibility. But I kept getting the vector error message. I finally thought to look at the compatibility and it was set to PSP8... and I didn't change it!!! So my question is what changed between PSP8 and PSP2021 in how text is handled in the program that would cause the vector issue. I don't think I ever used PSP8 either.
  12. Well, haven't had a chance to play with all of them but the one script I did use I'm kicking myself for not getting it sooner... Merge Group Rename. I always drag and drop my photos into the layer palette of the template I'm using so it keeps the image name but I always lost that when merging the group so would have to rename the merged layer. Now I don't have to ?
  13. It is not online for the most part. The notebooks are saved on your hard drive. I do not use any of the online features of any Microsoft programs aka OneDrive. I have copied notebooks from old computers to new computers on my own. If you choose to sync your notebooks between computers or other devices (iPad, tablet, phone), then yes online is needed. I don't do that. I even have 2 computers (desktop and laptop) and I do not have them sync. I don't need everything on my laptop that I have on my desktop. When I do need something on the laptop I use a thumb drive to transfer the info.
  14. One Note is a free Windows app. Don't have to have any version of Office to have/use it. I've started using it again and have set up a notebook for Scrapbooking. I am working on getting all my notes from various places into it. So far my PSP tab in that notebook has the most information in it.
  15. I have learned over the years to embrace clusters but I really am a clean and simple scrapper. However, a small cluster can help add a pop to the page and sometimes helps to hide an imperfection of a photo. A well done simple cluster can actually be used as a border for a photo, like the sketch in this challenge. I still cannot cluster heavily like some scrappers do but then their reason for scrapping (which they admit to) is for an artistic outlet. Some of them use the same photos over and over. I am a storyteller and my photos tell a story so I do want them to be front and center on a layout. But I have found that small clusters can really add a little extra to the layout but not take away from the story. Here is the layout that my cluster was used on. The template had the paper strip under the 3 photos as a journaling strip. I had a large amount of journaling so instead of making it super small and unreadable, I chose to use it for the cluster. The template used was a freebie at one time by Scrapping With Liz.
  16. I was working on a layout for my cousin with pictures from Hurricane Ian so thought I would use this cluster sketch to add to it. There was a space on the template where it would work since the template had a paper strip. I just used elements from the kit I was using (Stormy Weather available at Sweet Digi Scraps). Background paper is not the paper from the layout though.
  17. Yeah, my email was sent as well.
  18. If you go to Corel.com, Word Perfect is still listed as a product. WordPerfect has been owned by Corel since 1996 having bought it from Novell. However, WP has not been updated in 2 years. I had X7 and purchased 2021 just a month ago since it had some features I could use for a project I'm working on. I've been using WP since version 5.1 for DOS in the early 90's. Hate Word! Interesting bit of information... Corel did not buy PSP until 2004.
  19. Thankfully, it was just rain off and on all day with some wind. I didn't hear of any tornadoes in Ohio from this storm but it had produced tornadoes west of us the day before. A friend an hour south of me did have thunder and lightning and heavy rains in her area. She has an 80+ pound dog that hates the storms. He was on her lap.
  20. Vinegar was used to color eggs when I was a kid. Found this with a quick google: I colored eggs as a child in the late 50's/early 60's but very rarely since. I might have helped cousins once in awhile when their kids were young but those kids are all in the 30's/early 40's now!
  21. The tornado that hit us was actually from the front that came through your area earlier that evening. Raining now with some gusts of wind. Severe thunderstorm warning includes the county just to the west of me, I'm sure it will be here soon. There were 2 tornado warnings in counties west of me in Indiana, possible touchdown in one of them. But looking at the line of storms I'm thinking we won't see the worst of it for another hour or so.
  22. For some reason Mother Nature has decided that west central Ohio is a nice target this year. After an EF-1 tornado hitting my town, 2 other EF-0 in my county and 3 EF-0 in the county north of us (other areas still be investigated), we are under another tornado watch today. Going to be a long day...
  23. Thanks Carole. I do a lot of double layouts but hate doing them as one layout. I prefer using separate templates but I do have them open and work on them at the same time. Put a paper on one, then put it on the other so things flow between them. And, it was always a hassle to split them for printing back when I started. I struggled with that a lot! And, if photos were in the middle, some of it was lost when printing them. That's when I learned to never put anything right on the edge unless it was something you didn't care about getting cut off. Even today with the advances in technology, things will get cut off when printing whether it is individual pages or books.
  24. So are all pages going to be done in 24x12 sizing?
  25. Many years ago I was on ArtGal Style's creative team so I have a lot of her kits. Although she retired all of them when PlainDigital Wrapper closed down and only moved her newer kits to her new shop at GoDigitalScrapbooking. She is a sweet person and still creates really nice kits! Nice layout.
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