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Posts posted by Cristina

  1. On 11/16/2023 at 11:48 PM, Rene Marker said:

    I had my surgery follow-up this week and the replacement valve has not settled in place like it should have so I haven't been feeling too great lately. I'm having a test on the 27th to see what can be done...

    Rene, I am sending you my best wishes. 🙏

  2. I purchased the Custom Calendar script, and I can see it will speed up their creation... I think it is genius, and I am curious to see how it is coded. 😉 😄 

    This morning, I was happy to see that the YouTube video was uploaded:   Custom Calendar

    I know it takes time (there are hundreds of scripts!), but having a video explaining how it works is very helpful.


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  3. Here is May.

    Wordart by Scrapping with Liz:   SwL_HappyMothersDay

    This time, it was about trying new ways of doing this, as the first one I participated in was in 2017... A long time ago.

    And seeing the pages posted here inspired me for next year's calendar 🙂

    05May 2024-Calendar.jpg

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  4. 3 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Here is my revised September and my remaining month; December.  The original photo I was going to use was too wide so this one became the stand in for December. the 3rd photo is the one I couldn't fit.  I had wanted a festive vintage movie camera shot for December.  I was painting with light.  20-25 second exposures in pitch black and using a very small flashlight to highlight areas.  Best with no background but this was on my wall unit so I left it as it and my flashlight is that horrible blue color, but it was fun to to experiment with the technique.  I made 4 shots, and used lighten blend mode in the layers.  

    Tomorrow I'll get to the cover.  I still have lots to go back and polish in the previous months and text to add and research to do about the camera.  (I collect them cause they look cool, not because I want to know about them.  Now, I'm getting more interested in getting some knowledge about them....yup, a sign I'm getting old 😔) .



    3350-53 edit merged-600.jpg

    Great pages, Susan!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    Working on the cover gave me the opportunity to showcase this elephant photo which is one of my favorites. The title font is still Wakanda and the font for the year is Witch Mystery because I thought it looked rather African. I do love African art. 


    Ann, I also love to see your Wild Life calendar pages. You showcased so well those beautiful animals. 

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  6. 17 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    I don't know why, but unlike many I  can only ever post one image at a time. Even  when keeping within the parameters of the file and page size. 

    Month information.jpg

    Sue, I haven't yet had a problem with that, but the maximum number of pages I post in a comment is 2.

    What I do is after clicking "choose files," I choose one page, and after this is uploaded, I choose the other.

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  7. 13 hours ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

    😡 sorry. I stil had the string in mind. Hopefully I'am forgiven.  I'm no that well at the moment. I'v got the NORO-virus. But that is not the reason, I did not read well apparently. 

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, Jannette... Sending my best wishes to you.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    The wind chill was -50c, with wind blowing at 75km.

    Sue, the coldest I experimented with was minus 20°C  without wind ... This was a long time ago, as winters are not what they used to be.

    But the wind chill of -50c... OMG 😲 

  9. I really like those Challenges and Workshops even when I don't participate actively.

    It's really a joy to browse all the pages and be inspired by all the different pages and styles.

    Well done, Everyone!

    Carole mentioned that around 125 have registered... I am sure we all would profit by seeing the pages of those who have not yet posted. 🙂 


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  10. 4 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Lesson 6 November 

    I like the feathering technique in this lesson.  I added a small photo of the camera closed.  It looks rather like a brick, hard to imagine that this is a camera.  I will be adding text above it, to fill in the space.  Oh boy, not being able to right click and move the selection is a real bummer.  I'm just not that precise and I rely on that.  I hope that gets sorted out soon.  November's template is really nice.  


    Susan, I like your calendars very much, showcasing all the different models of cameras... They have changed over the years, haven't they? 🙂 Do you collect them?

    I agree; the blue background is not everybody's cup of tea. 😊

    Not that I am a Fontaholic 😬, but could you disclose the font's name? 😇

  11. March and April calendars... I made some changes, as usually happens after I have posted...

    Sometimes, seeing the pages here calls my attention to a detail I didn't see before, even after working with it for a long time.


    crdh-03Mar_2024 Calendar600.jpg


    DiHiller (DigitalScrapbook.com): HAPPY EASTER - DiHiller_April2020_HappyEaster

    Corel freebies: Easter chick clipart

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  12. 3 hours ago, Cassel said:

    I apologize for giving you more work since my calendar dates started on Sundays and yours start on Mondays.

    Is it possible to have this option in the script? I haven't the script yet, so I don't know how it is coded... Have to correct this soon 😄 

  13. 11 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Lesson 4 - July & August

    Not exactly a vintage camera in these shots but accessories to the cameras are important too.  Okay, maybe not cases.  Who uses them?  I remember starting out and always used the case (on the SLR) and it would flop around and get in the way when I was taking pictures.  They don't even give you those types of cases anymore, heck Canon doesnt even give you lens hoods unless you buy the "L" series lenses - after you mortgage your house to buy them that is!.  The big case in the back is a polaroid 800 Land camera I forgot had.  I might photograph it and switch it out with the other Land camera in month 4.  I'm on a roll and having fun.  Just got a text to head to work 2 hours earlier so my fun is over.  Never enough time for PSP.  

    Carole, as my teacher can you write me a note saying "Susan can't work today, she has important assignments to finish.

    Oh, and a question:  In PSP 2022 if I open the calendar template and activate the Month vector it showed the size in points (32 points), and when I changed it to pixels is showed the correct pixel of 133. But, when I use PSP 2023 (which is what I'm using for the workshop) and activate the month vector is shows its in pixels and yet still says 32.  Clearly it's not that size.  Is it supposed to know and show the size in pixels once you double click on object ("T") layer inside the vector layer?  




    Susan, I am enjoying very much seeing your calendar with the different cameras... And I agree, a vintage or grungy background would fit perfectly.

  14. Only after I'd finished the March calendar did I realize that Easter is in March this year... So, later, I will change it to an appropriate photo.

    This photo will be in April then.

    I still used the same overlay with blend mode.

    Credits: (Although this is a calendar, I cannot help using some techniques I've learned here on the Campus! 😄)

    MarisaLerin: (marisaL-PSFeb14 Be Mine / marisaL-scatter1)

    ShabbyPrincess: ShabbyPrincessDesign_Promise Collection / SP_Promise_Butterfly


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  15. Here are the updated versions of the January and February calendars.

    After seeing Sue Thomas's rounded date box, I changed the one I created years ago... I am very much interested in the script Carole mentioned above.




    Bella Gypsy Happy Winter / bellagypsy_happywinter_wordart1

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  16. 15 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    I have Carole's Custom Calendar script for 2 years now and it works great and is a timesaver too. The script gives the opportunity to choose a different format for the boxes and you can design them too

    I have to get this script! ... I created a simple date box years ago, but if I want to do something different, this script will be handy.

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  17. 17 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    Thank you so much Cristina! It appears, I have my stamp written  all over my work, making it   unmistakably mine. 🙂  I have  also created other different shaped boxes. Including  cut box effect.  A certain person will know, I won't mention any names, but you know who you are.   I love the theme you have used for your  calendar, quite ingenious.   Like Michele's theme, it goes to show that you don't have to use photos.  

    calendar  boxes corners inward.jpg

    calendar boxs  rounded inwards square.jpg

    I remember those as well! 🙂 ... They are gorgeous.  Your calendars are unique, as are your work excellence, an eye for details, photos, etc.  It's always a joy to see them.

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  18. So far, I have only updated the month of January.   Just to be different this year, I added Cassel's Alpha Beads. The basic is a freebie, and I changed the font/color following the Alpha Beads tutorial.


    Overlay:  ps_melo-vrijhof_162544_textures-painted-paper2-paint-paper-09_cu

    Font: FoglihtenNo07


    Edited: I mentioned it before, but I'll mention it again. All photos are/will be from Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pexels. I downloaded them years ago and use them whenever necessary.


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  19. On 11/14/2023 at 1:50 PM, Ann Seeber said:

    Here are my preliminary Jan and Feb pages. Waiting for the next lesson to proceed further. The topic is Wildlife of Botswana, where, in previous years, I had documented a fantasy vacation to Africa for a Travel Workshop, based on my admiration for the book series, The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith.




    Thanks to you, Ann, I bought the book. 🙂 

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