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Posts posted by Cristina

  1. On 5/14/2024 at 4:44 PM, Sue Thomas said:

    I  don't see many using Carole's corner and paper punches.  I love them and use them a lot.  I used one of them on the  strip.  They are ever so versitle, quick and easy to use to add that extra  touch to any layout. 

    You are right, Sue.  I also don't use them as much as I could (I keep forgetting).  So far, I've only used the Corner Punches in a "boring way" 😄, only at the corners of papers.

    Another thing I could use more is the Edge Fonts, which you also use beautifully. 

     I think I'll create a folder with some of your layouts to be reminded and inspired by all the different ways to add them to a page. 🙂 

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  2. On 5/12/2024 at 10:11 PM, Susan Ewart said:

    I finally got some PSP time in.  Busy week and finally some down time.  And just in time for the Q&A.  I was driving home from grocery shopping this morning and a local Lube shop always has a funny quote on their sign and this was the one I saw today.  I had to keep repeating it over and over because I couldn't pull over on that road to write it down... and my pen was in my shopping bags way in the back. 

    4 fonts used:

    Mandala Vintage (for the womb and board)

    Mansdefia (Mom)

    Magestica (Thanks)

    Marcgravia (Happy Mother's Day 2024)

    Papers are by Gina Jones (Digital Scrapbook) Kumbaya papers

    See you at the Q&A!  All the cool kids go there....I hear.

    Thanks Mom 2024-600.jpg

    Wow, what a beautiful layout, Susan


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  3. On 5/11/2024 at 5:24 PM, Sue Thomas said:

    Oh my oh my!  Everyone has been busy creating fabulous pages, each and every one, positively unique, and inspiring. 

    Last night's project. I'm getting later and later now as the days are getting longer, to settle down, sort through photos to document them.  Over the years I have come across many banded birds, the majority of them being  birds of prey.  This male Tree swallow is the first seasonal visitor Swallow I've had which is banded. 

    I played with textures, overlays and blend modes. Chalk texture technique.  The ribbon and bow is bow 3 script using the grosgrain pattern technique, found in the creative scrap. 

    Spring migratory bird season.jpg

    Sue, this is simply beautiful. The way you used the bow is SO creative, and  I love it! The same goes for how you use the corner punches. You are sure an inspiration for us.


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  4. On 5/11/2024 at 11:02 PM, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Week 16 and I have arrived safely in California and of course it was fantastic to see them all standing at the airport to welcome me! At home there were 2 exited dogs to greet me as well. In the first weekend we got to see some of the flowers in bloom on the meadows. It wasn't quite the superbloom of last year, but nevertheless still pretty impressive to me. I took a lot of photos and I have no doubt that those will come to good use in the months to come. 


    Corrie, I am sure that after this looooong flight, it was a great feeling to see the family at the airport to welcome you.

    Beautiful photo and layout.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 5/11/2024 at 10:37 PM, Julie Magerka said:

    There's a black & white kitty she has drawn that I always assumed she based on Boo. That kitty turns up sometimes in a kit. He's adorable.

    di hiller kitty.jpg

    I'll check and see if I have this kit.

    He really is adorable.   If I'm not mistaken,  she found him in the stable.   He was just a tiny, cute little thing. 🙂 

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Julie Magerka said:

    When I first started to learn PSP a few years ago it was to improve old photos for my history articles. Then, with Carole and this group, I got hooked on learning more and just playing as a different kind of creative outlet, something removed from words which I deal with all the time in research.

    This type of layout takes minutes to create and serves a purpose when I just want a more personal kind of message to send to someone. This time it was made for a friend whose husband of 54 years died. I sent a "proper" card (in the mail), but followed up with this. I just like that I can do that.

    simple card_600.jpg

    What a loss for your friend. 😞 

    But the card is beautifully made, Julie. Simple and full of sentiment.

    I like your work very much.


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  7. I finished another page... It feels good to be creating layouts again.


    • I used a template from Yin Designs with the necessary changes to fit my needs.  I met this designer through Carole on Day 4 of the Double Take Workshop.
    • Border Stitching by KAagard (KAagard_July17CCM_BorderStitches_5).  I applied a gradient to it, which I had created some time ago.
    • Cassel: Rivet - DateStamp#8 - Sticker Effect applied to the title
    • Title: Font GrilledCheese BTN Wide Blk

    Edit: As it happens often, it was only after I had posted here that I noticed that the gradient was not applied to the whole stitching... I already corrected it.


    Yin Designs template 200.jpg

    Family Reunion 2023.jpg

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  8. On 5/10/2024 at 2:59 AM, Bonnie Ballentine said:


    Template 295 by Chantahliadesign. Recent walks in the woods have yielded encounters with deer. I'm never too close to them. I use a 200mm lens. Word art from Creative Fabricia.

    Bonnie, great layout displaying those beautiful animals... It must be a sight to see them "so close"... Look at those eyes!

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  9. On 5/7/2024 at 7:39 PM, Ann Seeber said:

    I had a couple of new bird sightings according to my Merlin app so I used the photos for a layout based on a template by Marisa Larin. It seems to use the "table" concept that Carole mentioned since I rotated the entire template 90 degrees. It was a treat to see this bright yellow warbler!

    yellow warbler and song sparrow_600.jpg

    Ann, this is such a lovely layout. What a blessing it is to be able to see all these beautiful species in their natural habitat.

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  10. On 5/6/2024 at 8:11 PM, Julie Magerka said:

    I wanted to try something different (for me at any rate). Used all elements but 2 from Di Hiller kits which tend to be in vibrant colours. This is my take on the "table" layout that Carole highlighted. Just silly, whimsical, and colourful for the month of May when colour comes back.

    2024 May garden di hiller.jpg

    I love that, Julie! I also like DiHiller's kits very much and her monthly updates about Boo, her cat.

    • Thanks 1
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  11. On 5/7/2024 at 3:35 AM, Rene Marker said:

    Don't mind me but I have to brag on myself... The designer of the kit I used (Forever Joy at The LilyPad), has added this layout to her Pinterest board where she highlights layouts done with her products! This is a first for me with her products!

    Forever Joy

    Rene, it's sure a good feeling, isn't it? Congrats!

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  12. 5 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    I started this layout in April, but I just couldn't make it work. I don't think it does now, but I wanted to use the Split Photo effect that Sue T. took the time to draw my attention to after seeing her examples. So here it is. Picture is from a friend whose son is the groom.

    split photo frame layout.jpg

    Julie, this is lovely!

    • Thanks 1
  13. 11 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Ann, Christina, I love both your pages. At the moment I am still in California and I just checked in to see what the new month brings. I am pretty much occupied here with all kind of things. Made a lot of flower photos, visited interesting places, enjoyed family time and helped with book interviews in the class of my youngest granddaughter! Coming weekend we will be going to Yosemite National Park and on Tuesday I will be flying home. So end of next week after my jet lag I am back in the Campus, albeit a bit sad after saying farewell to my dearests. See you all soon!

    Thank you, Corrie. I am sure you will bring back great memories and photos from your time in California... Saying goodbye to the family is never easy. 😞 

    Have a safe trip home! 🙏

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  14. I started creating this as just one page, and it ended up being a double page. Most of the time, the final layout is completely different from the one I began—different papers, colors... That's why it takes so long for me, but I am happy that at least I'm doing something.


    • Template by Scrapping with Liz (SwL_LotsofBlocksTemplate5). -- To suit my needs, I usually rotate the template, change the size of the photos, etc.
    • Background paper: #ps_janet-scott_43698_paper-texture-template-068_cu plus a Photo Effects>Sepia Toning  ---- I also added a lined paper I created for the Build-A-Kit Workshop, plus a photo of the internet with a Black Pencil filter.
    • From Cassel: Tutorials>Fasteners>Back Brad --  Photo Prongs -- Cross Stitch
    •  cass-DateStamp#4 script, which I purchased on the 22nd just for this layout.

    The arrows are created with a font suggested in the Lab7-Module 08 (KGArrows).






    500-Dresden, wir kommen DP.jpg

    Lab7-Module08 KG Arrows.jpg

    300-ps_janet-scott paper-texture.jpg

    300-DresdenSehenswuerdigkeiten BlacPencil.jpg



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  15. 12 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    My last page for April 2024.  I read the  latest post in the blog. Using a table in digital scrapbooking.  Something I have never considered doing, so I thought I would give it a try.  Folded ribbon  and ribbon are Carole's scripts, the lace is a brush. Created a grungy overlay for the  papers, the  leaves is a paper template used as an overlay.   Everything else is my own.  Oh yes, I mustn't forget Carole's  heart corner  punch.  


    Hare in summer attire (1).jpg

    Sue, as always, beautifully done.

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  16. On 4/27/2024 at 5:16 PM, Sharla said:

    Week 17 We have a small patch of wild garlic in the garden. The photo is of wild garlic flowers. I really like how bright the white came out on the photo.


    week 17 600.jpg

    Sharla, this is a simple and lovely layout. The flowers are so delicate and beautiful.

    I remember the first time I saw wild garlic (Bärlauch) here. We were riding our bicycles in the forest, and after a turn, we came to huge patches of it... Back then, we had no idea what plant it was ... Over the years, it became more known, and now people make pesto, spreads, mix with butter, etc.



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  17. 24 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

    I printed off all the previews when I first joined.  In latter years  I would use my owns work in each preview. Since the Lab, I add which  lab the tutorial can be located. When I have filled a sheet, I print it off. I can thumb through those pages at leisure anywhere.  I do the same  with the fonts I have accumilated over the years.  Not a vast amount, as I'm not a fontaholic.  I do like a paper trail.

    Sue, I started something similar but not as organized as you did... I have the preview images/ location on the laptop and it's very handy when I want to choose a tutorial to follow or to add to a layout. But having it on a printed sheet is even better! Good tip!

  18. Thank you so much, Mary, Susan, and Sue, for the kind words; they are immensely appreciated. ❤️ 

    I have to say that I got the idea of adding greenery to the background paper from a Lilypad artist-designer (lgrieveson) who often adds them to her pages/kit, but in her case, more in an artsy way.

    Here are the paper and some of the stickers I used (here in jpeg):








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  19. After many moons, I have something to post here... It's one layout from the folder I called Unfinished Layouts... There are still many in it!

    I finished it a few weeks ago, but I only remember to post it today.


    • Template from Scrapping with Liz (SwL_LotsofBlocksTemplate3)
    • Background paper: DiHiller_PSJul2021_Paper5 plus Greenery and berries stickers from mommyish_AAM. I played with the blend mode.
    • Alpha (Hotel): APennington_TLP Treasured
    • Font: Astorica Display Black
    • Cassel: I followed different Frame Tutorials from the Creative Scrap tutorials.


    Hotel Daniela 2018.jpg

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  20. On 4/18/2024 at 5:09 PM, Sue Thomas said:

    Although the Masterclasses are great, and I love them. I  have always and still do prefer the tutorials in what was the creative scrap, and now   called the Lab.  Even though  a greal deal of the tutorials are available as scripts.  I enjoy creating my own elements.

    Sue, I feel the same way. 🙂  I really like creating my own stuff, although I certainly use things from the kits I've collected over the years.

    I have many of Carole's great scripts, which come in handy to speed up the process... Some work like magic!

    Like you, I love the Masterclasses. There is always something new or a deep explanation of something we saw before, but my go-to is the Preview page of the Creative Scrap tutorials... I like looking at the photos to decide which tutorial to follow.

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     It's your birthday, but we are the ones getting the presents.   I have already gone shopping! ☺️




    Caroles birthday card.jpg

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