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Posts posted by Cristina

  1. On 4/14/2024 at 5:44 PM, Sue Thomas said:

    When I hear them I get out the seed, many will come and take food from my hand. They have become accustomed to me. I can only take photos of them feeding using my mobile photo, which pretty much basic, and takes crappy pics.  My camera is to cumbersome to use one handed.

    Oh, Sue, seeing how they trust you is so sweet! Those photos are a gem! ❣️

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  2. 13 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    I'm a bit early too but the "highlight" of my week was my birthday. I have no photos of the occasion that I can use here. Just some of family and friends that I will have to blur and I don't like that at all. It are all people that matter to me but for here not very interesting. So I made myself a birthday cake with sprinkles on top (tubes made by me and Carole). The 75 is cream piping, freebie by Carole; just as the doily and greenery with extra roses. The candles are from Marissa Lerin and the rest comes from my stock.

    The rest of the weeks in April and the first week in May will come as I'm back from California after I have recovered from the jetlag; I don't take my laptop with me. I will leave here coming Tuesday, so bye for now and see you in May. I will check in on the Campus when I have some moments when everybody is at work/school and it is just me and the dogs. In the weekends we will take trips.


    Belated Happy Birthday, Corrie! 💟

    Enjoy the time with your family!


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  3. 2 minutes ago, Jnet Allard said:

    Hi Cristina, thanks for the start of the clue but I still can't find it. I tried all the words, mixed them up, put two by two or three and I found nothing. Is there a word with more than 3 letters?

    What about just this:  How can I take someone

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Jnet Allard said:

    Hello everyone, I'm missing rabbit number 10. I can't find it despite the clue given by Susan.  Someone give me another clue please

    Hi Jnet,

    As time is running out, I'll be more explicit...what about asking the Search box? 😉 ... "How can I..."

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  5. On 3/31/2024 at 3:09 PM, Julie Magerka said:

    I did it and found some good stuff I'd forgotten or never knew. The piece about layered fonts was news to me. Thanks Carole for the fun.


    22 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Yesterday I found them all too and send them in. It is always such fun and offering an opportunity to read blogs that I have forgotten about, although I have some of them printed for easy reference. Thank you Carole and happy easter!


    21 hours ago, Cassel said:

    Although let's be honest, the Easter Hunt (just like the Treasure Hunt) is a promotional activity (hoping to attract new people to the site), it is also meant as a way for people to find useful information at the same time. With so many blog posts (633), it is easy to miss some, forget a few, or even not know about others.

    I am happy that it makes anyone discover something useful!!

    Happy Easter!

    Same here. I took the opportunity to go over the posts again—some I totally forgot. They are very interesting and useful.

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  6. 10 hours ago, Rene Marker said:

    I use grouping a lot when I have a bunch of layers that I want to resize proportionately. But it only works when they are all together in the layers palette since all layers in a group have to be next to each other.

    When I have layers that are separated in the layers palette that I want to move together on the layout (like a cluster that might have layers above and below a paper mat/photo layer) then I use the linking layers options. That works well for that. Another way I use to show what layers are "connected" to each other is to use the color coding in the layers properties.

    I started using more grouping layers last year, and if I remember correctly, it was because of one of your comments. Before, it was only with masks (Clip to It).

    9 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    I've been color coding lately too, makes it easier to find stuff, especially if I have a lot of layers or copies of a layer and I want to know which one is the original.   I link for moving and use grouping for resizing, even if I have to temporarily move a layer into the group and resize and then ungroup and move it back to where it goes.  

    a question for you.  when you rename layers, do you leave the word "raster" or "vector" then add the name you want or just add the name and get rid of the word raster or vector because you can can tell what the layer is by the icon. 

    I also color code the layers, and I have a color for when it's something I created, something from Carole's, or something from kits... The vectors are always white...

    I don't remember when I started doing this, but the colors were chosen over the years... My old layouts have all sorts of colors!

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  7. 19 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    I had to send a couple of Estercards through the post and I have made this one in the 3 languages I needed. I used a card idea from the Card Workshop and made the background with a Quatrefoil overlay that I had done sometime ago. The eggs and bunnies come from different easter themed sets I have in my stash for quite a long time and I think they were a freebie from CF.

    I wish you all a happy Easter weekend if you celebrate it and otherwise have a nice weekend too.


    What a cute card! Happy Easter, Corrie.

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  8. On 3/27/2024 at 9:00 PM, bina greene said:

    Cooper on title, Hollywood Starfire on body.  

    I'm a big fan of these simplistic, minimal layouts and I don't mind uniformity in albums, so I often use the same 3 or four layouts for one album. Mostly grids 😉

    edit: I was a whole decade off and had to change this... 


    Very nice layout, Bina!

  9. 15 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    A combination of another photo from the Heemtuin with the split frame technique that Carole demonstrated in the Q&A from las Sunday. This is my first try of it and although it isn't perfect yet I wanted to show what I'm doing. I will practice a bit more, it is a bit different from the masks I normally do, at least I had fun making this.

    Split Frame-600.jpg

    Beautiful, Corrie!

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 3/17/2024 at 3:00 AM, Sue Thomas said:

    I decided to do a follow up page to the one I did for the mating hares. Once again I have used Carole's punches, simillar colours too.  Now that the snow, and snow banks are slowly disappearing as the sun warms up,  it's lovely to see one of my resident hares out feeding during daylight hours.  Rather than use borders I used the selection tool,  select selection borders, delete Instead of round I went with  oval for thw photos. Although I use  square  layouts, I much prefer to use rectangles. 

    We now live in a digital world, a far cry from when I was a child, when we didn't even have calculators. It doesn't matter whether you area a pro, amateur, use  a pro camera or a phone.  For me photography is far more than  pressing a button, but in the ability to weave a narrative through pixels. Immortalizing the fleeting beauty of a moment no matter what it may be.   Using the powerful impact of PSP to tell the photos story, by  showcaseing them. 


    Hare 16 March.jpg

    Sue, that's a beautiful layout! Just by looking at it, we can feel all the attention you give to details and techniques. Great work, as always.

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  11. On 3/17/2024 at 2:09 AM, Julie Magerka said:

    I'm in need of real colours around me these days. Saw this image online and it touched me b/c I love those primary, primitive colours in art or photos. Not much of that around here for a while. I used the spill (or split) frame technique (again). Background paper with sparkles added, and simple text. Glad to get a layout done!

    I have been to Newfoundland and it is absolutely breathtaking to see. We did the trip on motorcycles many years ago.

    NFLD layout with spill mask.jpg

    Julie, what a lovely work!


    • Thanks 1
  12. On 2/3/2024 at 2:13 PM, Sue Thomas said:

    I am back!  My first PSP pages in almost 8 weeks.  I'm currently upside down and inside out, so much do in order to get back on track to settle back into my routine.  The first two weeks are older photos.  ( Local landscape, Sharp Tailed Grouse).  This monring's sunrise. 

    Week one.jpg

    @Sue Thomas Welcome back! Hopefully, you had a great time with your family. 🙂❤️ 



  13. The template of this 2021 Year in Review layout was a cass-freebie from 2022 Jan... I decided to do a double page, but I will still choose the last three spots on the right side... It takes longer to decide on which photos I want to use than anything else... The square was not big, and I still managed to fit 4 photos inside! ... I am late, but I don't give up. lol




    2021 Year In Review_left600.jpg

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  14. On 2/1/2024 at 6:58 PM, Rene Marker said:

    I spent the month of January participating in the Month of Challenges at The Lily Pad. 31 challenges in 31 days. Even with 4 days away from the computer I was able to get them all done. One of the designers graciously provides a free template to showcase all of the layouts. I finished that today using a kit by Bella Gypsy. Also, all layouts must have only product currently on sale at the store or retired products by the current designers.

    Some challenges were a real challenge! Some challenges were easy because of things I've learned here at Scrapbook Campus (hello Mask Workshop). And some were full of ideas to use in future layouts.


    2024 MOC Collage.jpg

    Wow, Rene, this was really a challenge, and what an accomplishment to create all those layouts.

  15. On 1/29/2024 at 12:36 AM, Mary Solaas said:

    Almost  the end of January.  This is Lab 11 Mod 11.  Requirements: cross pattern - the background paper; cutout edge - I made a strip which I am not showing in this layout, but I made the shape as a paint brush and used the Vector Shape script around a round colored paper in white; paper clip 3 - one of those thick ones that is hard to open - I used the Change to Target tool to make it a copper color. The font is Arial Black.

    I see that we are going to have the Built-A-Kit Workshop again.  YAY!!

    Lab 11 Mod 11_600.jpg

    I'll try it again, as my first post disappeared.

    Mary, I love how you use the Cross Pattern in the layout... Sometimes, I find it difficult to use  "busy" papers, but in this case, it's subtle but still very recognizable.

    For the Build A Kit Workshop- Pattern Papers,  I intend to create more papers like this following Carole's tutorials... You gave me a great idea.


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  16. 7 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    Lately, I've had so many small problems pop up when trying to "react" to a post, or in creating a post. I just tried to reply to Rene in my question about printer paper. I've typed it twice and clicked submit, and it disappears. It did the same recently when I tried to reply to someone else. It seems hit and miss. I so often have to refresh the page or logout and then log in again in order to do any commenting or reacting. Is it just me?

    It just happened to me right now. I quoted Mary's comment, commented on how I liked the layout and pressed ENTER, and it disappeared. 😞

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  17. On 1/21/2024 at 4:37 AM, Julie Magerka said:

    Regular Template #5. Took a few liberties with this one and changed some elements. All pix from Unsplash, as usual.

    I'm having a hard time trying to keep up with all the layouts in this workshop. So many and so much variety and creativity. Carole must be up all night looking at them and commenting. Applause to y'all!

    2024 Jan Templ 5 SBC meerkat_600.jpg

    Love the layout, Julie!

    I haven't been here for many days, so I am also trying to keep up with the layouts... Everyone has been so busy and has created great pages!

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