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Annie Tobin

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Posts posted by Annie Tobin

  1. Cristina, Lynda, Mary and Sue ... you have blown me away with your comments. Thank you very much my friends. As you can see from the image above it really was a lovely christmas doodle alpha and I would have loved to purchase it. But ... that old pen tool came to the rescue. Because I created it as an outline I am able to fill with whatever ... kinda like a colouring in page, lol! I am including with this post a copy of the full alpha outline. In the top left corner is the curl which I created separately so was able to position it here and there with the pick tool. The rest was easy peasy really ... just time consuming! ;D
  2. Thanks Michele!  The original alpha was "christmas doodle alphabet" clip art from ORIGINS digital curio and I searched everywhere to purchase it but came up with nothing.  That's when I decided to play with the pen tool and create my own outline which could then be filled with whatever paper I wanted to match the project I was working on.  By clicking inside the area to be filled I expanded by 10 and then promoted to a layer.  In doing that I was able to move the papers around to capture all the nice designs.  I used 4 different papers to create a full alpha but you could use as many or as few as you want. Ann Seber advised me to post on Facebook which I have done.  Really happy you liked my friend.  ;D
  3. Hello Campus Friends.  Lovely work Ann and Anne.  Ann you sure went for a hot number! Anne a delightful page and you have gone the distance my friend.  ;)


    I decided to go with number one.  Tattoo is something I had designed many years ago for another group that I was learning from.  I was born in 1952 on the 10th June.  This gave me the inspiration for the tattoo ...  year of the dragon, gemini and my favourite flowers, poppies ...  so, the dragon is for the year of the dragon, the masks represent the sign of gemini and the flowers ... well that speaks for itself.  For the page layout I tossed in the moon ... as there is only one, and the number one.  The rest were elements I have had for a long time.  The title was done using the font 'Typewriter - A602'.  The feather and buds are by Miggins and used only for decorative purposes.  The scroll is also by Miggins.  Background paper was created using a solid colour, overlaid with a pattern I had created many years ago plus a paint splash tube and a texture.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)

  4. You are always welcome Sue ... your work deserves high praise indeed.


    This is something I have been playing around with for a couple of days and finally got the bones of it completed this morning.  It is simply an alpha outline that can be filled with whatever to suit your project.  I made a festive one for this display.  It took a deal of work with the pen tool but I finally got there.  I had seen a similar one whilst google searching for something else but the original was a Christmas doodle font and was no longer available online ... so, made it myself.  Probably a bit more rustic than the original but I kinda like it that way ... yep, I'm the grunge lover of the team.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

  5. Dear Sue, another delightful page. I know you would have preferred him to be on a fence but you know how I love grunge and his background is perfect for me. Love the frame, you are really doing well with those. I must pay attention and visit the facebook page more often ... I am a haphazard facebook user at best hence I miss a lot! Enjoyed perusing my friend, thank you. ;D
  6. Michele, Cristina, Sue and Corrie ... you truly are sweeties.  Your comments are always inspiring.  I guess when we make 'mistakes' we are really learning.  Thank you my friends, very much appreciated.  ;D


    P.S.  Very glad your nasty tooth is out and you are on the road to recovery Michele ... toothache is a most unpleasant ailment.  :-(

  7. Hello Campus Friends.  I have been playing with masks.  Each protea flower surrounding the main image has been extracted via a mask.  Adjusting the blend mode and opacity of these layers has resulted in a loss of the mask but that is the result I wanted.  The main image was masked and I allowed a slight drop shadow as the usual paper shadow was too 'obvious'.  Wordart top right is my own although the poem is not as with the one on the left.  Many layer overlays, blend modes and opacity changes to achieve the background paper.  Alpha is from Designer Digitals by CZ and called Messy Slabs.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
  8. You are most welcome Sue. This is a lovely Easter greeting card, such pretty flowers and frame ... and, again your wordart is to die for. Yep, will be stepping into some winter clothes soon ... for all of about 8 to 12 weeks. It starts and ends abruptly here in Australia, almost as if nature has set a clock, :) I will be playing around with wordart and masks ... just because you have inspired me ... thank you my friend. ;D
  9. Beautiful work on both of these pages Karon (lab 6 modules 1 & 2). You are marching along beautifully with the Labs and it is very entertaining to watch. Love them both my friend. ;D
  10. Dear Corrie, thank you so much for your kind and lovely compliment. The style I have created with Victorian Elegance is one I have been aiming towards for many, many years. I would not have gotten there without Cassel's wonderful tutorials and a bit of plagiarism. I don't think I am really there yet but perhaps I'm on my way. There are many styles that I admire and I wouldn't want to get stuck in a groove ... Cassel wouldn't approve of that ... 'dare to move out of your comfort zone' I can hear her say, lol! Your work is always lovely Corrie and I get as much enjoyment perusing it as I do all the others ... you, my friend, are well on your way! ;D

    Here is the amended version of Victorian Elegance. Thanks for takin a peek my friends. ;)

  11. Sue this is really a delightfully lovely page. To me, you are the queen of simplicity, masks and wordart. The frame is simply gorgeous and the whole effect is perfect. Like yourself I am a huge fan of Sir David Attenborough ... he has made his mark on the world and opened our eyes to the glory of nature. I never tire of perusing your work my friend and , to me, your photography is truly amazing.

    As for my work no masks were used (as I said you are the queen of masks). It was all overlays, blend modes, opacity, colour change ups and that delightful eraser tool. You have inspired me to give wordart another go as I do so admire it but somehow I always manage to make a booboo and it just looks ugly plonked on my work, lol! I'll keep trying my friend. ;D

  12. Thank you so much Cristina. Now that you have given me that wonderful compliment I must add that on reviewing my page I discovered three mistakes ... no butterfly, the scribble on the right is overlapping the ladies hat and the funky squares are also overlapping the lady ... duh! Well I can tell you that it did take a little while to complete and it was all done with brushes, overlays, blending, pen tool and most importantly, the eraser tool. Honestly, that is one of my ever favourite tutorials by Cassel ... such a simple tut but the effects can be amazing. When I first started on creating the page it just looked ugly but as each layer was applied and blended it started to come together. I was pleased with the result and may, or may not, add a butterfly and pull the scribble and square under the Victorian lady's image. All in a creative day's work, lol! Always appreciate your comments dear friend, thank you. ;D
  13. Hello Fellow Campers.  This is a copy-cat of a layout that I very much admired.  I came across it via this campus but now I cannot find it to give credit ... a beautiful piece of art that I very much wanted to replicate.  I will display the original as well as the page I created.  It was not easy to copy and I made good use of the eraser tool to achieve the desired effects.  The artwork is by Sue Halstenberg and it is a tube that I have had for a very long time.  I hope I have done it justice because I really love this victorian lady.  The font used for the title is Perry Gothic.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
  14. Another one for the sketch challenge.  These little insects are considered to be the top six best garden companions.  So if you love your flower, herb and/or vegetable garden do not be tempted to "murder" these.  Font used is 'Only By Request'.  The honeycomb effect was achieved through Cassel's tutorial for such.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
  15. This page has been inspired by Cristina's layout of Olivia.  A direct steal or plagiarism whatever you may want to call it ... for me, it is a true admiration of the beautiful work that inspired me ... thanks so much Cristina, I do hope I have not offended you.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)
  16. I'm with you Cristina ... hot air balloons will be in a next life for me, lol! I love visiting The Lily Pad, lots of wonderful stuff there and a good source of inspiration. And, you are most welcome to my words of encouragement, your work is also an inspiration to me, thank you my friend. Hugs......Annie T
  17. One more for the scavenger hunt challenge.  Again I had fun creating for this challenge.  Font used for the title is Moteefe.  I really enjoy overlaying images that fit in with the theme.  I followed the mangrove ecosystem food web to locate appropriate images and then reduced the saturation to grayscale and eliminated white.  I had to do this in PSP17 because the plugin will not work in 2021.  The photos are from an Australian tourism site and are pictures of mangroves in Queensland - left is sunrise and right is sunset.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)
  18. Dear Sue, you are very welcome my friend. You are into Spring and we are into Autumn and a very wet one it is. I am grateful that I live in the South Burnett region of Queensland as the areas to the south of us are trying to cope with unprecedented floods. Our planet is really giving voice to her lack of appreciation for our abuse of her. That is the way of it. History repeats itself over and over ... when will we ever learn. The best we can do is give her love and appreciation for the beauty that she readily showers upon us! ;D
  19. Again, thanks so much Karon. Not my photo ... sourced from Australian Geographic. I am a dreadful photographer ... always had shaky hands so cameras are not ma thang! I overlay the images and blend mostly to represent digital scrapbooking but also because I am lazy ... so much easier than creating elements! There you have it ... caught out! ;D
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