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Annie Tobin

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Posts posted by Annie Tobin

  1. I do so agree Minka. I have had the background change colour when sized down and I think it does all have to do with the type of texture used. Some of the textures look terrific but need a 'lift' to make them of some use in a project. Still playin, LOL! Enjoy the outdoors my friend. It is Autumn here and the weather is truly beautiful, I would like to think it would keep on keeping on but Mother Nature may have different ideas! :D
  2. Well I have been obsessing over textures and in the past couple of days I have created 34 of them but I haven't finished playing with them yet, LOL!  Sometimes a nicely textured solid colour is all you need for a terrific paper.  These are just 6 of the ones I have created ... resized of course!  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  :D
  3. I thought I would WALK ON THE WILD SIDE for this one.  The song by Lou Reed has ever been one of my favourites.  I didn't have to do much.  The photo of Lou was a black and white portrait so I eliminated the black.  The alpha is by Gina Jones from Pixel Scrappers and I did a manual colour correction to get it to fit in with the background which was a freebie psychedelic wallpaper.  I put a very subtle texture on the background paper ... didn't want to overwhelm.  The streamers are from Cassel.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  :D
  4. Fiona, I love the brights you used to colorize the template, well done. :D

    Sue, your Autumn page is gorgeous, beautiful colours displayed brilliantly, well done my friend. :D

    Lynda - what can I say, you have overwhelmed me with all that you have been up to. Bumble Bee is a delight and very clever, Template coloured perfectly, ribbons are divine, tomatillos and spring are beautifully portrayed. And, thank you so much for the links to colour palettes, much appreciated. You Go Girl! :D

    Shirley, I am afraid that I have no answer for your photo. A blurred image to that extent is beyond me. Perhaps Cassel would know how to 'fix' it. Good luck my friend. :D

    Ann - Logan and Sonya are gorgeous babies. Sonya is going to be a killer with those peepers! Terrific work my friend. :D

  5. Thanks for your compliment Mary, always appreciated my friend. Yes, I always create a colour palette from my picture. I like to have a five colour palette and in that way can make sure the colours blend in with and do not overtake the main feature. Sometimes I use more and sometimes less but I start out with the five. :D
  6. Cassel both ways of selecting all work i.e. Ctrl-A or Selection> Select All. Once I have selected all, locked the transparency, and then go to flood fill the tool simply does not work ... the marching ants are there and the active tool is flood fill, but no go. The paint brush works just fine with or without Select All as long as the transparency is locked. I don't want to spend the time filling individual little pieces so I am content to do a sweep or two with the paint brush. I always have PSPx7 open and the steps work fine in it so for me it appears to be a glitch with 2021. Thanks for your consideration. ;)
  7. This is a different form of overlay using the Filter Eliminate Black/White.  I'm including the color palette that I used and the overlay template.  It is interesting to play around and see how each can turn out using a change of blend modes and opacity.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
  8. Well it was a really interesting webinar yesterday.  I loved how Carole showed us a couple of different ways to work with templates.  These are examples using templates from Pixel Scrappers.  No.1 is a layered template which made it really easy to colourize.  I used the same colour palette for each project.  Whilst I would have loved to use the select all process and the flood flood fill tool PSP2021 would not comply so I had to lock transparency and use the brush tool.  No.2 and No.3 were achieved using a template which was not layered and the magic wand came into play.  Promoting each colour to a layer and thereby creating a layered template to use for any project.  This is probably going to come across pretty garbled but for those who attended understanding will surface beyond my cryptic mumblings.  It was a 'you beaut' webinar my friends and I am about to go and play some more!  ;D
  9. Ann, lovely zoo page. The info you provided was cool and it is quite true about the lorries. There are times when the "Drunken Parrot Trees" are in bloom and you can't see the blooms for the lorikeets! And, yes, they do get drunk from the blooms and waddle around the yard in a stupor ... they are then very vulnerable to attacks from cats and dogs.

    Lynda, your zoo pages are a delight to peruse. Dang, but I envy your ability with photography ... unfortunately I am a camera clutz!

    Minka, black, white and red ... truly a very effective colour combination and in this case ... perfect! ;D


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