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Posts posted by Michele

  1. The game I make pictures for every day has been repeating old themes from 2015 so I've been cheating and basically reusing my old pics. I didn't like what I did for this one back then so I decided to get creative and "scrapbooky." Here's today's daily theme for my gaming group, Apple Picking. I absolutely adore Duane Bryers pinup, Hilda, who gave me the inspiration for this. I used a bunch of elements and papers from PixelScrapper (now known as DigitalScrapbooking) and Cass's Wrapped Ribbon script.
  2. Susan, that's exactly what I was referring to. With me using Kitsune and Bonnie using Leviathan, I couldn't help but think of the Winchesters. In fact, I copied the Kitsune description from a Supernatural fan site. LOL
  3. K = Kitsune ~ Kitsunes look like regular human beings but have the ability to partially shapeshift themselves into animal-like (fox) qualities. A kitsune's primary weapon is their claws; they can extend claws from their fingertips upon demand. And, if they are feeding or attacking, their eyeballs turn yellow and fox-like while the pupils narrow. All in all they take on a very similar appearance a werewolf does.
  4. Ann, I used the original lines from the template provided by Cass and used the pick tool set to scale to widen them. Within PSP and when posted on FB at full size and reduced size, the lines are solid. It was only when I posted the reduced size here that they look like dashes so it's no big deal.


    Oh, Mary, we are OCD sisters. I had to use guides to make sure each page had the elements in the same places. Sometimes OCD comes in handy; other times it can be a pain in the butt! lol

  5. Thanks, Susan. I left the lines Arial, too. My calendar is not a particular theme; I'm just choosing pics for the month's weather.


    Ann, thank you, I found the cardinals when I was making a page for Fab Divas with the April Showers theme years ago. The dashes are only showing on the 600 pixel size, but not on the regular page.


    I hope to get the entire calendar done...last year's only made it to January. LOL

  6. I am so blown away by everybody's calendars.


    I'm way behind (partly due to my ocd), but here's what I have so far. January and February pics are from Unsplash and I probably googled the other two a long time ago when I wasn't adding the source to my file names. I don't think you'll be able to see details at this size unless you click on the pics, but when you do, the lines will look like dashes. So glad I didn't notice that before I posted them or I would still be ocd'ing. LOL

  7. Thanks, Bonnie. I thought it was me. lol


    So I found everything except 13 which is driving me crazy. I have the supplies referenced in the clue, but I can't find them in the Campus. Been searching for hours now and my eyes are starting to cross. Will try again tomorrow.

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