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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Here's another of Corel's templates I used, "card-frame-frame-03." I ran across the pic of the girls several years ago and absolutely fell in love with it, but couldn't track down the original in order to give credit. I adjusted the size to fit FB's format and changed the colors by picking them from the photo. Using the Mosaic Glass effect gave the frame a little more interest without "overpowering" the subjects. The text font is Childwood Normal (free from CF) and the little decorative dingbats are Gumi Font Symbols (free from Dafont).
  2. One of Cassel's quick pages inspired my Life of the Party theme. With FB's new format I tend to work on pages that conform so they are displayed properly. 3000 x 2000 pixels or thereabouts seems to work. If you don't use that ratio, FB adds borders that don't necessarily look good as those of you who post on FB already know.
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