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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Used cass's twisted ropes picture tube and the vector tube script on the text and to make the frames. It's hard to see at this size, but it really made the layout come together. I'll post the full size on the Scrapbooking with PSP page on FB if you want to see the detail.
  2. I love your layout, Sue. Being right-handed I never thought about left-handed people in terms of a mouse. I was curious so I googled it. While they are few and far between, there are mice made for you. Alternately, you can reconfigure a mouse to accommodate you. In Control Panel click on Mouse and in the properties menu you can switch the left and right click buttons.
  3. I'm so glad you found the silver backgrounds I posted to be useful, Brian. I love what you did with them.


    Mary, I don't know why you're  not happy with your botanic garden layout. I think it's lovely and lots of fun. And Curlz MT is a perfect font for your light-hearted page.

  4. Brian. I've been enjoying your projects very much and I love your web page.


    I think these are the two backgrounds I used for the Silver Elegance project; I had them in my Patterns folder. I wish I could give you the source, but I've had them for years and my record-keeping was not as good back then as it is now. I rarely purchase backgrounds so I'm sure they were free. If you do end up using them, I would love to see the results.



  5. With so many using the Block Shape technique, I thought I would give it a shot. The font is Jumpbox and I used the 2nd method in the tutorial. I think I'll be using this more often. Fireworks are one of Corel's picture tubes included in PSP.


    To all my neighbors up north, have a Happy Canada Day!

  6. Just a little something to show any newbies that you don't need anything too complicated to present a page. Pretty much every element on it was done like this: Use the magic wand to select the area outside of the element. Then selection: invert; selection: modify: select selection borders and flood fill the border. I did this several times on each and added drop shadows. Looks harder than it is.


    The font is BOOWIE.

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