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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. Better odds than buying a lottery ticket!?
  2. Glad I asked. I adjusted the Leading to -1 and it was all over the place! I also wondered if perhaps the font type might affect it. So you've clarified. Thanks.
  3. I've been trying to adjust the line spacing between lines of text that I've typed. They're showing up as what looks like triple-spaced. I tried adjusting the Leading but then it went really weird. Any suggestions? I'm trying to do a journal-type layout and it looks odd with the wide spacing between lines.
  4. It has taken me a LONG time to figure that out!
  5. I'm not sure I know what you mean by "precision cursor"? I wasn't aware the nodes could be made bigger! You have clearly worked with vectors more than I have!
  6. That's a great tube you made!
  7. Being in any of the three pool areas is great b/c of those windows and skylight. It's almost like being outdoors.
  8. T = iced TEA, as in a big pitcher of it
  9. Lately, I have tried (and failed) to work on a layout, any layout. I'd spend time on one, look at it again later, and then move on to another. Just no mojo happening. Then, I was thinking of Bonnie's pickleball projects and got to thinking about my aquafit classes which I began in January. For a small rural area, we have an amazing sports complex cum library that has beautiful pools on offer. I planned to start then the lockdown came along.I've never been a water person, but I am loving the classes. I started with a Cassel template (from Lab 12-11) and tweaked and played with it. All the ingredients come from somewhere online. Two pix are of the aquatic area here, and the two with people in the pool are just grabs from elsewhere. I'm not sure we would be able to take pix while using the pools. Now, about those water droplets (splashes)...I was trying to make my own using Lab Mod 12-8, but they ended up looking like amoebas b/c I had so much trouble with the nodes! So these come from Janet Kemp at DS. Bring on the Vector Workshop so I can beat those nodes into submission! P.S. I don't do Lab Modules in order as others do. I skip around and try what catches my fancy.
  10. When I saw you posted about spiders I thought I might try to scroll right past your layout. But it's adorable and funny. I wouldn't be online searching for pix of those critters! You're much braver than I am!
  11. When I was a kid, the local Rotary Club held a huge pit barbecue every year for many years on the farm of a large local cattle rancher. The meat was amazing and people came from miles around to get in line! I enjoyed it then, but don't eat it now.
  12. No, Carole seems to have no problem with those darn nodes!
  13. I just played around with it and got some nodes another way. Don't ask me how! Boy, do I need the Vector Workshop!!!!!
  14. I did that as Step 2 in the instructions after creating the vector circle, followed by right-clicking again to apply. Then selected the Pen Tool and no nodes.
  15. A different Lab Module, this time 12-8, the Splash Shape. No matter how many times I create the circle using the Vector Shape filled with black, then follow each step after that, I DO NOT get the NODES to appear so I can stretch the shape using the Pen Tool. I click on Edit Mode and no nodes! Why?
  16. I registered. Been waiting for this one. Those darn nodes.....! Practice will help.
  17. I really like any layouts with yellow, yet I don't ever seem to be able to work it in. This is pretty.
  18. Sad fact about the threat to their existence.
  19. Looks like a place where "everyone knows your name"!!!! Nice that people from away are supporting the city.
  20. I wanted to have a go at this. I decided to go with the flow and use purple! Images all from online and only papers I made with some torn edges. Font is Bombshell Pro. I'm not that big a Coco Chanel fan, but I do adore some of the fragrances and have a few in my collection. I just couldn't think of another subject for the layout.
  21. I live near Windsor, and one of the best things about it is the skyline view of Detroit. Both cities were once quite beautiful and bustling and then declined badly. They are coming back, bit by bit.
  22. That would be a great photo project. We have only one of these where I live and, when I first saw it, I thought it was such a wonderful idea. Here, the idea is "take one" or "leave one".
  23. Nice touch for a card with your logo on the back.
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